Uh-Oh...Bernie Surges PAST Hillary in New Hampshire


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
...Fox News is reporting.

In 2008 it was Obama who spoiled Hillary's 'It's my turn' party. With her FBI criminal indictment potentially pending and her rep as the least trustworthy candidate in this entire election growing, Bernie could be Hillary's 2016 'spoiler'.

Hillary's last view, from the paddy wagon window on the way to the 'pokey' could be Betnie Sanders accepting the DNC nomination... :p
It only means that the maniacal Left thirsts for more of the bullshit that was offered by Obama, and disregards sex over substance.

We are in for the shitstorm of our lives, folks.
I should switch my registration to Dem. I'd vote for Bernie in the primaries, just to piss off that fucking old hag.

Many states have open primaries. Why not just cast a vote for anyone but Hillary. That should water down her support.
You fruitcakes all do realize that Bernie would stomp ANY of the republican field....more so than Hillary would. His biggest hurdle to getting to the White House is Hillary. After that it would be a lock.

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