U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase...

Well yeah you do.

no it does not need to be changed

Congress can simply pass a bill and the prezbo sign it

authorizing private industry to take over

Swallow thinks he has you in a bind.

Postal Clause - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Article I, Section 8, Clause 7 of the United States Constitution, known as the Postal Clause or the Postal Power, empowers Congress "To establish Post Offices and post Roads".

Seems that Congress can effectively end the postal service by reducing it to such a small locale that it basically only delivers mail to a small rural county and nothing more.

Careful Jim Suckalot..your fag side is showing again.

And yeah..that's possible.

If you got the votes.
Dun Dun DUN!

Appointment With Danger

This is a branch office of the biggest business in the world, the United States Post Office. The citizens of this country own it, work in it and use it, all day, every day, all year. U

se if for business, for pleasure. Sometimes for an all important message to that busy man at the North Pole. We’re proud of our Post Office because we have confidence in its efficiency. Because we know our letters, and parcels and money orders will be delivered promptly and with safety. It’s a big confidence. Every year the Post Office is entrusted with 45 billion pieces of mail and enough money to pay off the personal debts of everyone in the world.


Your mailman, you know. He calls at your home or office a dozen times a week. But behind him is a great army of men and women equally dedicated to fulfilling Uncle Sam’s guarantee of delivery, whether it involves sending junior’s old sweater to summer camp or shipping a million dollars of currency to San Francisco.

But behind this army is a special corps of trained men, seldom seen, almost never publicized. The nation’s oldest police force, the Postal Inspectors, always on guard . . .


National Postal Museum


Fighting crime is often dangerous and violent.

Postal inspectors are trained in a variety of investigative techniques and procedures, including the use of weapons. The Postal Inspection Service became the first law enforcement agency to purchase the Thompson submachine gun, commonly known as the “Tommy Gun,” to fight crime.

A wide variety of duties and crimes have come across the desks of America’s postal inspectors. They have been assigned to help protect or escort valuable or significant mail items.

They have worked alone, or on specially-created task forces to protect not only the mail, but also the nation’s trust in the postal system."
2 billion rounds? They know someone needs to fire them out of a weapon first right? Can't just grab a handful and throw them at someone. :)
Can you tell me what the "ridiculous amount" the postal service ordered was?

any amount is ridiculous for the agency which does not need any ammo.

I dont like the way they hide the amount of the intended purchase behind a login.

If they are spending tax payer money to buy the ammo, the public has a right to know how much they are buying.

It's hilarious to think of all the ape-shit craziness the libtards would be going through if this had been Nixon, Reagan or Bush doing this stuff, lol.

That is true and the responses of our leftards here just prove it.
Yes, you read that right. The U.S. Postal Service. You'll see more surprises as you read ahead. I think this pretty much explains the National Ammo Shortage.

Post Office joins other federal agencies stockpiling over two billion rounds of ammo.

The U.S. Postal Service is currently seeking companies that can provide “assorted small arms ammunition” in the near future.

On Jan. 31, the USPS Supplies and Services Purchasing Office posted a notice on the Federal Business Opportunities website asking contractors to register with USPS as potential ammunition suppliers for a variety of cartridges.

“The United States Postal Service intends to solicit proposals for assorted small arms ammunition,” the notice reads, which also mentioned a deadline of Feb. 10.

The Post Office published the notice just two days after Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) announced his proposal to remove a federal gun ban that prevents lawful concealed carry holders from carrying handguns inside post offices across the country.

Ironically the Postal Service isn’t the first non-law enforcement agency seeking firearms and ammunition.

Since 2001, the U.S. Dept. of Education has been building a massive arsenal through purchases orchestrated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.

The Education Dept. has spent over $80,000 so far on Glock pistols and over $17,000 on Remington shotguns.

Back in July, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration also purchased 72,000 rounds of .40 Smith & Wesson, following a 2012 purchase for 46,000 rounds of .40 S&W jacketed hollow point by the National Weather Service.

NOAA spokesperson Scott Smullen responded to concerns over the weather service purchase by stating that it was meant for the NOAA Fisheries Office of Law Enforcement for its bi-annual “target qualifications and training.”

That seems excessive considering that JHP ammunition is typically several times more expensive than practice rounds, which can usually be found in equivalent power loadings and thus offer similar recoil characteristics as duty rounds.

Including mass purchases by the Dept. of Homeland Security, non-military federal agencies combined have purchased an estimated amount of over two billion rounds of ammunition in the past two years.

Additionally, the U.S. Army bought almost 600,000 Soviet AK-47 magazines last fall, enough to hold nearly 18,000,000 rounds of 7.62x39mm ammo which is not standard-issue for either the U.S. military or even NATO.

» U.S. Postal Service Announces Giant Ammo Purchase Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

they cant afford to run the service

yet they are going hog wild buying ammo


use any service other then the USPS

They were one of the only government agencies showing a profit. Until conservatives in congress larded on an unusual requirement.

Last fiscal year, the USPS lost $5 billion. This bill handcuffs the USPS for another year, at least.

The marching orders from Congress wouldn't be so bad if lawmakers "had decided to appropriate money to keep rural post offices open" or offset the costs of Saturday delivery, says Slate's Matthew Yglesias. "But Congress in its wisdom has not delivered any money."

And that pretty much encapsulates the troubled relationship between Congress and the USPS. Lawmakers want the Postal Service to run itself like a for-profit business, but they retain the right of final say over all its major business decisions. The USPS is legally obligated to serve every address in the U.S. and its territories, but it can't set its own prices, decide where to expand or cut its operations, or make other basic business decisions.

Members of Congress representing rural areas are especially adamant that the USPS serve their constituents. This involves maintaining money-losing post offices in places where other types of service would be more cost-effective. The push to end Saturday delivery is fine with most Americans — 71 percent, according to a CBS News poll last February; 80 percent (including 76 percent of rural respondents), according to an Ipsos poll commissioned by the USPS. But greeting card and direct mail companies strongly oppose the move, and their lobbyists have made sure Congress knows it.

The biggest slap Congress has delivered to the USPS, though, is a 2006 decision to make the agency pre-fund its pensions for 75 years, an onerous burden not required of any other government agency, let alone adopted by any private company. Most of the USPS's losses are caused by this requirement. The other factor is the steady decline in First Class mail, as more people use the internet for routine correspondence.
Why does Congress insist on destroying the Postal Service? - The Week

They were one of the only government agencies showing a profit. Until conservatives in congress larded on an unusual requirement.

like i have said 3-4 times in these Postal threads.....of the 4 Congress people who sponsored that bill....TWO of them were Democrats....try again Sallow....your shitty Party is no better than the Republicans when it comes to fucking the PO.....
I am in love with the idea. I hope it catches on. All government agencies should prefund their pension for an average lifetime. Pure genius.
any amount is ridiculous for the agency which does not need any ammo.

I dont like the way they hide the amount of the intended purchase behind a login.

If they are spending tax payer money to buy the ammo, the public has a right to know how much they are buying.

It's hilarious to think of all the ape-shit craziness the libtards would be going through if this had been Nixon, Reagan or Bush doing this stuff, lol.

That is true and the responses of our leftards here just prove it.

Its not too late to protect yourself against FACTS!


The nutter rw's are getting nutterer and nutterer ...

It's a devious lowdown move, but it looks like it is working. Just have every Government Agency purchase large amounts of ammunition. Ultimately, it leads to less ammunition on the shelves for Citizens to purchase. If you can't take the guns, go after the ammo. Like i said, it's very devious. But it is working.
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It's a devious lowdown move, but it looks like it is working. Just have every Government Agency purchase large amounts of ammunition. Ultimately, it leads to less ammunition on the shelves for Citizens to purchase. If you can't take the guns, go after the ammo. Like i said, it's very devious. But it is working.

Read Post #75.

You might also want to read the posts that explain, in words of one syllable, why the USPS needs and buys ammo.

Or, alternatively, you could just stay ignorant and hide under your bed from your mail carrier.
I dont like the way they hide the amount of the intended purchase behind a login.

If they are spending tax payer money to buy the ammo, the public has a right to know how much they are buying.

It's hilarious to think of all the ape-shit craziness the libtards would be going through if this had been Nixon, Reagan or Bush doing this stuff, lol.

That is true and the responses of our leftards here just prove it.

The nutter rw's are getting nutterer and nutterer ...


Luddly, are you an attention whore?

that's an additional feature to you being a bigot and a liar.

On top of being an idiot, but that's a default, since you are a leftard.
It's a devious lowdown move, but it looks like it is working. Just have every Government Agency purchase large amounts of ammunition. Ultimately, it leads to less ammunition on the shelves for Citizens to purchase. If you can't take the guns, go after the ammo. Like i said, it's very devious. But it is working.

That's the goal.
However, knowing that gubmint always screws everything up, this will backfire.
It's a devious lowdown move, but it looks like it is working. Just have every Government Agency purchase large amounts of ammunition. Ultimately, it leads to less ammunition on the shelves for Citizens to purchase. If you can't take the guns, go after the ammo. Like i said, it's very devious. But it is working.
Or...you know, get ammo companies to troll tin foil nutters and the bunker /birther crowds so they can artificially drive prices up and ...$ca-ching$

Once you recognize how derpishly gullible that crowd is, there are endless ways to fleece them.

Proven system. Time and again.

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