U.S. considering 200% tariff on "russian" aluminum, official says


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
one for sure, Biden knows the drill, trumpists and hordsmen are gonna hate so what ? you are without chances losers !

bomb to the dust Moscow horde , with sanctions !
Good. Lets destroy them and their entire effin economy for being dicks,
Sad Deripaska and sad Moscow empire ...

Why are we buying Russian aluminum at any price?
This is not the first time Washington has targeted Russian aluminum. Back in April, US President Joe Biden signed a bill to increase duties on Russian metal imports, resulting in an 18.5% duty rate on unwrought alloys and non-alloy aluminum, and an 11% duty on high-purity aluminum.

Shares of US aluminum maker Alcoa Corp (NYSE: AA) were down 1.23% Monday morning.

The US is preparing to slap a 200% tariff on Russian-made aluminum as soon as this week to keep pressure on Moscow. While the country has traditionally accounted for 10% of total US aluminum imports, the amount has dropped to just more than 3%.
US and Ukey Nazi defence line smashed .
No more Ukeys left to fight .
US desperate to negotiate .
The casualties of Ukraine, which was in the field with 734 thousand soldiers (plus 100 thousand reservists) and NATO officers, soldiers and mercenaries, are as follows:
302 Aircraft
212 Helicopter
2.750 (S)UAV
6,320 Tanks and armored vehicles
7.360 Howitzer (Artillery systems)
497 Air defense system
157,000 Dead
234,000 injured

17,230 Captive
234 Dead – NATO military trainers (US and UK) 2,458 Dead – NATO soldiers (Germany, Poland, Lithuania, ...) 5,360 Dead – Mercenaries

Posted by: b | Feb 5 2023 15
Good. Lets destroy them and their entire effin economy for being dicks,
Know your history.

Japan 1937...

"Japan's 1937 attack on China was condemned by the U.S. and by several members of the League of Nations, including the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and the Netherlands. Japanese atrocities during the conflict, such as the notorious Nanking Massacre that December, further complicated relations with the rest of the world. The U.S.,https://en.wikipedia.org//wiki/Events_leading_to_the_attack_on_Pearl_Harbor#cite_note-8 the United Kingdom,[c] France[d] and the Netherlands[e] all possessed colonies in East and Southeast Asia. Japan's new military power and willingness to use it threatened the Western economic and territorial interests in Asia.

In 1938, the U.S. began to adopt a succession of increasingly-restrictive trade restrictions with Japan, including terminating its 1911 commercial treaty with Japan in 1939, which was further tightened by the Export Control Act of 1940. Those efforts failed to deter Japan from continuing its war in China or from signing the Tripartite Pact in 1940 with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, which officially formed the Axis Powers."


"[The Roosevelt Administration] committed to help the British and the Chinese through loans of money and materiel and pledged sufficient continuing aid to ensure their survival. Thus, the United States slowly moved from being a neutral power to one preparing for war.[7]"


"The complete U.S. oil embargo reduced the Japanese options to two: seize Southeast Asia before its existing stocks of strategic materials were depleted or submission to American demands."


"In its final proposal on November 20, Japan offered to withdraw its forces from southern Indochina and not to launch any attacks in Southeast Asia if the U.S., Britain, and the Netherlands ceased aiding China and lifted their sanctions against Japan.[14] The American counterproposal of November 26, the Hull note, required Japan to evacuate all of China unconditionally and to conclude non-aggression pacts with Pacific powers."


On December 7th Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.


Just a little history lesson on how quickly sanctions on Japan led directly to American deaths.

So when are you going to enlist? Before or after active hostilities break out?
Titloose in panic mode as Russia begins to slaughter the Ukey remnants supported by US Nazis and mercenaries .

300000 Russians ready to sweep across the south and Puppets Z and Titloose running scared.

Will Titloose be suicided from the net when Zaluzhnyi tales over from the US puppet in Kyiv ?
It is the money.
That is one reason Putin invaded Ukraine. In the past, they have done things, been sanctioned by the west, and, after it starts to hurt financially, sanctions are removed by the west. Putin figured he could take a short term hit for invading Ukraine and then all would be forgiven when sanctions by the west started making life difficult for the west.
Know your history.

Japan 1937...

"Japan's 1937 attack on China was condemned by the U.S. and by several members of the League of Nations, including the United Kingdom, France, Australia, and the Netherlands. Japanese atrocities during the conflict, such as the notorious Nanking Massacre that December, further complicated relations with the rest of the world. The U.S.,Events leading to the attack on Pearl Harbor - Wikipedia the United Kingdom,[c] France[d] and the Netherlands[e] all possessed colonies in East and Southeast Asia. Japan's new military power and willingness to use it threatened the Western economic and territorial interests in Asia.

In 1938, the U.S. began to adopt a succession of increasingly-restrictive trade restrictions with Japan, including terminating its 1911 commercial treaty with Japan in 1939, which was further tightened by the Export Control Act of 1940. Those efforts failed to deter Japan from continuing its war in China or from signing the Tripartite Pact in 1940 with Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, which officially formed the Axis Powers."


"[The Roosevelt Administration] committed to help the British and the Chinese through loans of money and materiel and pledged sufficient continuing aid to ensure their survival. Thus, the United States slowly moved from being a neutral power to one preparing for war.[7]"


"The complete U.S. oil embargo reduced the Japanese options to two: seize Southeast Asia before its existing stocks of strategic materials were depleted or submission to American demands."


"In its final proposal on November 20, Japan offered to withdraw its forces from southern Indochina and not to launch any attacks in Southeast Asia if the U.S., Britain, and the Netherlands ceased aiding China and lifted their sanctions against Japan.[14] The American counterproposal of November 26, the Hull note, required Japan to evacuate all of China unconditionally and to conclude non-aggression pacts with Pacific powers."


On December 7th Japan launched a surprise attack on Pearl Harbor.


Just a little history lesson on how quickly sanctions on Japan led directly to American deaths.

So when are you going to enlist? Before or after active hostilities break out?

I am with you 100%. We are way to reliant on imports.

I cannot fucking believe how much we rely on Chinese products.

Why are we importing things from Russia at all?
Rotenberg's son has Finnish citizenship and they live there, Lavrov's daughter in New York, Peskov's daughter in Paris - Lisa lives and studies in France, son Nikolai was tried in the UK and spent more than a year in an English prison, his wife owns an apartment in the USA with an area of 126 m 2. Zolotov's grandson in England, At the nightingale (telepropagandist) - a villa on Lake Como (near Milan), Italy, and a residence permit there ... at Malysheva in the USA. Vladimir Zhirinovsky has Spanish citizenship, Igor Lebedev (son of Zhirinovsky) has a US green card, Spanish citizenship and Swiss permanent residence, Mikhail Berulava has a residence permit of the Czech Republic, Irina Rodnina has US citizenship. Gennady Timchenko is a friend of Putin, (one of the “kings of the state order” and the largest exporter of Moscow Horde oil) is a citizen of Finland, his wife and daughter are also. Since 2014, under sanctions, forced to live in the Moscow Horde. This list can be continued indefinitely... Do not be too lazy to look on the Internet for a list of officials with foreign citizenship. Hair stand on end!! all patriots of the Moscow Horde? Or foreign agents?

OP, your posts are incredibly difficult to follow. Did you play in the NFL and suffer from CTE? If so, I am really sorry.

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