U.S. Capitol Police to Be Sued for $10 Million for Killing Unarmed Rioter

Got busy day ahead getting ready for planting, so will hafta google the reference that I got that number from later.

But before I spend any more time on such.....I did find some really interesting stuff about the Jackass Patriots and the Duped&Snookered who participated in the invasion and the assaults. (ps....poor dead Babbitt, is in the Duped & Snookered contingent, in my humble opinion.
'Stupidity is not bulletproof.' From a bumper sticker seen at WalMart. I think.)

Here' a taster:

"The evidence showed that the assailants launched a large and coordinated attack; for example, "Security camera footage near the House chamber shows the rioters waving in reinforcements to come around the corner. Another video shows more than 150 rioters charging through a breached entrance in just a minute-and-a-half."[238] (Wicki)

1 phone, 12,000 pages of evidence
The documents highlight just how much digital evidence an ordinary person sheds in everyday life: In one case, prosecutors said they gathered more than 12,000 pages of data from a suspect’s phone using Cellebrite, a tool popular with law enforcement for its ability to penetrate locked phones and copy their contents. The search also recovered 2,600 pages of Facebook records and 800 cellphone photos and videos.

"The FBI also has been aided by the online army of self-proclaimed “sedition hunters,” like the one who helped identify Caldwell. They scoured the Web for clues to track down rioters and often tweeted their findings publicly in what amounted to a crowdsourced investigation of the Capitol attack. The citizen sleuths organized their pursuits with hashtags: One man, Clayton Mullins, a Kentucky car dealer whose alleged assault of a police officer was captured on YouTube video, was given the viral hashtag “#slickback” for the way he wore his hair.

From that video, a tipster pointed the FBI to Mullins’s Kentucky driver’s license photo, which allowed FBI investigators to figure out where he had a bank account, according to a criminal complaint. In February, an agent talked to a bank employee, who not only told them Mullins had been there a day before but queued up surveillance video of him talking to a teller, wearing no mask and with his dark hair pushed back in that signature slick.

Mullins, whose attorney declined to comment, was released from federal custody last month on the condition that he not leave his home in western Kentucky, court filings show. His detention will be enforced by a location-tracking GPS monitor.


"The Justice Department said at least 165 defendants have been charged with assaulting, resisting, or impeding officers or employees, including more than 50 who were charged with using a deadly or dangerous weapon or causing serious bodily injury to an officer. (emphasis by my avatar)

In total, CBS News has found that more than 150 officers were injured in the attack, according to sources on Capitol Hill and the Capitol Police union, as well as testimony from Metropolitan Police Chief Robert Contee.

Nearly 235 defendants were charged with corruptly obstructing, influencing, or impeding an official proceeding or attempting to do so, and approximately 40 defendants have been charged with conspiracy, a charge that alleges defendants coordinated with others to commit an offense. They include four alleged Three Percenters, 16 Oath Keepers who were indicted together in a single conspiracy case and 15 members or affiliates of the Proud Boys, who were charged in four separate conspiracy cases."

(from CBS on July 29th, 2021)
So you don't have time to back up your claim...but you have plenty of time to spam some other claims? Noted...
First of all "Business Insider" is a liberally bias publication so I'm going to take whatever they say with a very large grain of salt! So now it's up to 200 officers injured...up from 140? Boy they just keep dropping like flies and it's been six months since the riot! Must be a slow developing injury...
(eye roll)
So what has Trump said in gratitude for their efforts at keeping Congress safe that day?
Gee, do you think it might have been a more prudent step to use pepper spray on someone trying to force their way through a window or a door? Or to hit them with a baton? Why do you think this particular Police Officer felt the need to aim his weapon at an unarmed woman's head and pull the trigger?
Still waiting for you to show that cop was armed with either pepper spray or a baton....
a few dozen white supremacists march with their silly torches and you on the left wet your panties...liberals loot and torch entire cities and you yawn. Who's the child here?
"a few dozen"..... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:
all your fellow trump cultists.
Something terrible? It was a mob of a couple hundred people who broke into the Capital Building! There is no way on earth that small number of protesters should have been able to do what they did unless one of two things took place. Either the Capital Police leadership grossly mishandled the information they had prior to the protest...or leadership somewhere up the chain of command WANTED something "terrible' to happen!
I see you're back to lying again to defend your defenseless positions. No, liar, it wasn’t a "couple of hundred" who stormed the Capitol. It was about 800. Almost 600 have been arrested and some 200 are still being sought. Plus there were thousands more on the steps and balconies.
People have been arrested that never stepped foot inside of the Capital. Show me where you got the number of 900 people who illegally entered the Capital?

I find it disturbing that anyone praises Jesus that an unarmed protester was shot in the neck. Who does that?
599 as of yesterday, with hundreds more still being sought...

I see you're back to lying again to defend your defenseless positions. No, liar, it wasn’t a "couple of hundred" who stormed the Capitol. It was about 800. Almost 600 have been arrested and some 200 are still being sought. Plus there were thousands more on the steps and balconies.
Show me where you arrived at the number 800Faun...
Of the 600 who have been arrested...how many never stepped foot inside of the Capital?
Why wouldn't a cop be armed with pepper spray and a baton? Only an idiot wouldn't be! What is your progression of force? Using your fists to using your weapon?
Thanks for admitting you don't know he was armed with either weapon you idiotically claim he should have used.
Show me where you arrived at the number 800Faun...
Of the 600 who have been arrested...how many never stepped foot inside of the Capital?
2 posts before yours...

All 600 hundred were arrested for either entering the Capitol (which you don't even know how to spell) and/or assaulting police.
So YOU know what he was armed with? How exactly?
No, I don't. But then I'm not the one suggesting he used another weapon I don't know he was armed with. That moronic claim appeared in a post made by you.
No, I don't. But then I'm not the one suggesting he used another weapon I don't know he was armed with. That moronic claim appeared in a post made by you.
I'm "suggesting" that he should have had the option of using another weapon before he shot an unarmed female in the neck at point blank range for breaking a window! If you'd read the NY Times article about the findings of the investigation into the Capital Police you'd know that they dropped the ball on preparedness over and over again. So did he shoot Ashli because it was the right thing to do or did he panic and over react?

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