U.N. rights investigator accuses Israel of 'ethnic cleansing'

Obviously he is racist against Palestinians. He is just like the external supporters of white-ruled South Africa. They propagated disinformation to deligetimize the non-white's aspirations. They claimed that the whites were there (in south aftrica) before the non-whites, that the non-whites were terrorists, that they were communists (to get western support), that the non-whites were citizens of the Bantustans etc., etc.
That's what Muslims did to non Muslims. They called them dhimmies and treated them like second class citizens. Get your history right right.
Obviously he is racist against Palestinians. He is just like the external supporters of white-ruled South Africa. They propagated disinformation to deligetimize the non-white's aspirations. They claimed that the whites were there (in south aftrica) before the non-whites, that the non-whites were terrorists, that they were communists (to get western support), that the non-whites were citizens of the Bantustans etc., etc.
That's what Muslims did to non Muslims. They called them dhimmies and treated them like second class citizens. Get your history right right.

Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.
Obviously he is racist against Palestinians. He is just like the external supporters of white-ruled South Africa. They propagated disinformation to deligetimize the non-white's aspirations. They claimed that the whites were there (in south aftrica) before the non-whites, that the non-whites were terrorists, that they were communists (to get western support), that the non-whites were citizens of the Bantustans etc., etc.
That's what Muslims did to non Muslims. They called them dhimmies and treated them like second class citizens. Get your history right right.

Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.
No, I'm saying that it's pretty hilarious that Muslims whine about racism and ethnic cleansing when they are the worst at it. Keep up, dipstick.
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I think Mohommod-latici needs to reread the IslamoNazi Manifest aka Hamas Charter and get back to us.
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That's what Muslims did to non Muslims. They called them dhimmies and treated them like second class citizens. Get your history right right.

Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.
No, I'm saying that it's pretty hilarious that Muslims whine about racism and ethnic cleansing when they are the worst at it. Keep up, dipstick.

By saying that "they are the worst at it" do you mean that their "racism and "ethnic cleansing" is not effective?

And, by the way, do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are wrong to complain about being oppressed by Jews just because those doing the oppressing are Jews? Would you feel differently if the people oppressing the Christians and Muslims of Palestine were Shiites from Hezbollah?
Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.
No, I'm saying that it's pretty hilarious that Muslims whine about racism and ethnic cleansing when they are the worst at it. Keep up, dipstick.

By saying that "they are the worst at it" do you mean that their "racism and "ethnic cleansing" is not effective?

wow are you thick or what. I meant they are the worst violators of human rights and committing ethnic cleansing. True story. :cool:

And, by the way, do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are wrong to complain about being oppressed by Jews just because those doing the oppressing are Jews? Would you feel differently if the people oppressing the Christians and Muslims of Palestine were Shiites from Hezbollah?

Bullshit, Currently there are about 1.8 million Muslim Arabs and plenty of Christians that live as Israeli citizens with full rights, and prefer Israel over any Arab country. It's not Israel's fault Arab animals attacked it and told their brethren to leave and get out of the way so they can drive the Jews to the sea. The ones that decided to join the Arabs in the destruction of Israel are paying a price for it, those that didn't became Israelis and are living a good life now. Actions have consequences.
Obviously he is racist against Palestinians. He is just like the external supporters of white-ruled South Africa. They propagated disinformation to deligetimize the non-white's aspirations. They claimed that the whites were there (in south aftrica) before the non-whites, that the non-whites were terrorists, that they were communists (to get western support), that the non-whites were citizens of the Bantustans etc., etc.
That's what Muslims did to non Muslims. They called them dhimmies and treated them like second class citizens. Get your history right right.

Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.

Yes the muslims of the M.E, not just Palestine, are treating the Christians as slaves and enemies and enforcing dhimma laws on them. They are practising ethnic cleansing and genocide as shown by the dramatic drop in Christian Numbers throughout the Holy land. Yet the numbers in Israel are rising, care to explain why this is after your allegations of murder and deportation by Israel ?
Hmmm, are you saying that the White South Africans were Muslims? Are you trying to say that the Muslims of Palestine are treating the non-Muslims (Jews and Christians) as dhimmies? I'm not sure what your point is or if it is relevant to this thread.
No, I'm saying that it's pretty hilarious that Muslims whine about racism and ethnic cleansing when they are the worst at it. Keep up, dipstick.

By saying that "they are the worst at it" do you mean that their "racism and "ethnic cleansing" is not effective?

And, by the way, do you think the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are wrong to complain about being oppressed by Jews just because those doing the oppressing are Jews? Would you feel differently if the people oppressing the Christians and Muslims of Palestine were Shiites from Hezbollah?

But the Christians of Israel are not complaining about their treatment are they, in fact they are joining the IDF in their droves to fight for "THEIR COUNTRY" against Islamic terrorists. The Christians of Palestine are being ethnically cleansed by the muslims and moving to Israel and Christian countries, just look at the declining numbers.
Its simple, link the blue highlighted area, I could NOT find it in the link you provided.

Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phoenall quote on his earlier post:Rabid anti semitic Jew hater as declared by the UN secretary General, so who is better placed than his boss to know what he is like.Last sentence of the first paragraph
Just as I thought, the sentence reads:
5] and has been variously criticized by U.S. ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon for his outspoken positions on Israel and the September 11 attacks.

Now where does it say what you posted that the Secretary called him a Jew Hater?

You lie again.

Phoenall still waiting for your answer to prove your not a liar misleading the board.
Richard A. Falk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Phoenall quote on his earlier post:Rabid anti semitic Jew hater as declared by the UN secretary General, so who is better placed than his boss to know what he is like.Last sentence of the first paragraph
Just as I thought, the sentence reads:
5] and has been variously criticized by U.S. ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon for his outspoken positions on Israel and the September 11 attacks.

Now where does it say what you posted that the Secretary called him a Jew Hater?

You lie again.

Phoenall still waiting for your answer to prove your not a liar misleading the board.

That's rich coming from you, now read the link I gave you and see what the world thinks of Falk and how he is branded a anti semitic Jew hater by the UN, many foreign diplomats and the UN secretary Genaral who criticised his outspoken positions on Israel. In other words he rabid anti semitisn and Jew hatred
Do they pay a dhimmie tax, or are you digressing?

Yes they pay Jizya, in some cases as much as 100%

Can you link some evidence that the Palestinians charge a Jizya to non Muslims or are you lying again like you did for Falk?

Now lets start from the beginning shall we.

1) WHY DO YOU LIE ABOUT WHAT I POST WHEN YOU HAVE LINKED THE WORDS I did not mention Palestinians, you slipped that in to make yourself look big

2) I have provided the evidence, not my fault you are incapable of understanding the English Language

3) here is the evidence of jizya tax from a source you use quite often

Jizya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under Islamic law, jizya or jizyah (Arabic: جزية* ǧizyah IPA: [dʒizja]; Ottoman Turkish: cizye;) is a per capita tax levied on a section of an Islamic state's non-Muslim citizens, who meet certain criteria. The tax is and was to be levied on able-bodied adult males of military age and affording power[1] (but with specific exemptions).[2][3] From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws, "just as for the inhabitants it was a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes."[4] In return, non-Muslim citizens were permitted to practice their faith, to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy, to be entitled to the Muslim state's protection from outside aggression, and to be exempted from military service and the zakat taxes obligatory upon Muslim citizens.

And evidence that it is still in force today

Twenty-first century[edit]


An aspect of fiscal policy










By country[show]

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In 2009 it was claimed that a group of militants that referred to themselves as the Taliban imposed the jizya on Pakistan's minority Sikh community after occupying some of their homes and kidnapping a Sikh leader.[117]

In 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) announced that it intended to extract jizya from Christians in the city of Raqqa, Syria, which it controls. Christians who refused to pay the tax would have to either convert to Islam or die. Wealthy Christians would have to pay the equivalent of $664 twice a year; poorer ones would be charged one-fourth that amount. [118]
Do they pay a dhimmie tax, or are you digressing?

Yes they pay Jizya, in some cases as much as 100%

Can you link some evidence that the Palestinians charge a Jizya to non Muslims or are you lying again like you did for Falk?

Now lets start from the beginning shall we.

1) WHY DO YOU LIE ABOUT WHAT I POST WHEN YOU HAVE LINKED THE WORDS I did not mention Palestinians, you slipped that in to make yourself look big

2) I have provided the evidence, not my fault you are incapable of understanding the English Language

3) here is the evidence of jizya tax from a source you use quite often

Jizya - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Under Islamic law, jizya or jizyah (Arabic: جزية* ǧizyah IPA: [dʒizja]; Ottoman Turkish: cizye;) is a per capita tax levied on a section of an Islamic state's non-Muslim citizens, who meet certain criteria. The tax is and was to be levied on able-bodied adult males of military age and affording power[1] (but with specific exemptions).[2][3] From the point of view of the Muslim rulers, jizya was a material proof of the non-Muslims' acceptance of subjection to the state and its laws, "just as for the inhabitants it was a concrete continuation of the taxes paid to earlier regimes."[4] In return, non-Muslim citizens were permitted to practice their faith, to enjoy a measure of communal autonomy, to be entitled to the Muslim state's protection from outside aggression, and to be exempted from military service and the zakat taxes obligatory upon Muslim citizens.

And evidence that it is still in force today

Twenty-first Century

In 2009 it was claimed that a group of militants that referred to themselves as the Taliban imposed the jizya on Pakistan's minority Sikh community after occupying some of their homes and kidnapping a Sikh leader.[117]

In 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL) announced that it intended to extract jizya from Christians in the city of Raqqa, Syria, which it controls. Christians who refused to pay the tax would have to either convert to Islam or die. Wealthy Christians would have to pay the equivalent of $664 twice a year; poorer ones would be charged one-fourth that amount. [118]
Just as I thought, the sentence reads:
5] and has been variously criticized by U.S. ambassador Susan Rice and Secretary-General of the United Nations Ban Ki-moon for his outspoken positions on Israel and the September 11 attacks.

Now where does it say what you posted that the Secretary called him a Jew Hater?

You lie again.

Phoenall still waiting for your answer to prove your not a liar misleading the board.

That's rich coming from you, now read the link I gave you and see what the world thinks of Falk and how he is branded a anti semitic Jew hater by the UN, many foreign diplomats and the UN secretary Genaral who criticised his outspoken positions on Israel. In other words he rabid anti semitisn and Jew hatred

The words I posted can be verified and yours are a standing lie.

Get some help sicko.
Yes they pay Jizya, in some cases as much as 100%

Can you link some evidence that the Palestinians charge a Jizya to non Muslims or are you lying again like you did for Falk?

Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood to Coptic Christians: Convert to Islam, or pay 'jizya' tax - Washington Times

Christians must pay 'Jizyah' tax

You are being redirected...

Don't see Palestine in those links. Are you just lying for fun.

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