Tx Satanists sue for their right to Ritual Abortion

Calypso Jones

Diamond Member
Jul 11, 2020
Satanists sue for religious right to ritual abortions - Washington Times Texas

The Observer continues, “But the temple’s members consider abortion a ritualistic practice according to co-founder and spokesperson Lucien Greaves … [who maintains the] state regulations disrupt this ritual.”

High Priest

We have a distinct kind of procedure for this,” said Mr. Greaves, “and in no part of this do we include getting sonograms or any other medically unnecessary acts as are required in Texas. Therefore, the imposition of those things, we feel, is a violation of our religious liberty.”
Mr. Greaves goes further: “The ritual goes like this: Before the abortion takes place … a member of The Satanic Temple will look at her reflection, be reminded of her personhood and responsibility to herself, take deep breaths, focus on her intent and make herself comfortable. When ready, she will say the third and fifth tenet of the temple aloud.”
The Satanic third tenet reads, “One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone,” and the fifth reads, “Beliefs should conform to one’s best scientific understanding of the world. One should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit one’s beliefs.”

“[After the abortion],” says Mr. Greaves, “the woman would return to her reflection and cite her personal affirmation: ‘By my body, my blood. By my will, it is done.’”
The Observer offers this context for the Satanic suit: “In the Texas suit, an anonymous pregnant temple member has claimed that state regulations interfere with her religious ceremony and raise constitutional suspicions. The member lives 100 miles away from the nearest abortion clinic, the suit claims. It asks the state to reconsider four abortion regulations through the lens of religious liberty … The suit was filed in the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of Texas Houston Division against the Texas Department of State Health Services and John Hellerstedt, the commissioner of the agency.”
Referring to the suit in question, Mr. Greaves concluded, “At this point, it’s still unclear how the lawsuit will play out. We feel that we have such a clearly strong case when we’re looking at legal precedent, and we’re looking at how robust religious liberty laws are now. I’m particularly interested to see how your [expletive] Attorney General Ken Paxton replies … He’s often releasing press releases about the state of religious liberty in other states and what he feels should be done. He likes to use the language of religious liberty, where it seems to me quite obvious he means religious privilege for a specific viewpoint.”
So, there you have it. Abortion as a religious ritual. Calling those who disagree with you vulgar names. An infantile focus on one’s own body at the expense of everyone else’s. Denying the science of biology, genetics, DNA, and even sonograms, under the banner of science. Killing your own child while chanting “by my body, my blood, by my will, it is done.” Infanticide as merely another religious viewpoint. All of these positions as well as the third and fifth tenets of The Satanic Temple.

Sounds stunningly similar to the Democratic Party platform, doesn’t it?
Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
White liberal elites love abortion! How else can they kill black people threatening to take over the Democrat Party?
Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
White liberal elites love abortion! How else can they kill black people threatening to take over the Democrat Party?

You are out of your mind. Black people make their own decisions, as do people of other races. It sounds like you believe that black people are incompetent to think for themselves.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party (please learn grammar, it's not the "Democrat Party").

If you think that anyone loves abortion, you are an idiot. No one prefers having an invasive surgical procedure to using tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Explain why the republicans are so against giving people a comprehensive and accurate sex education and access to contraception. Why do republicans want to set people up to have an unwanted pregnancy and then bitch about abortion? It appears that they have an evil motive.
If you think that anyone loves abortion, you are an idiot. No one prefers having an invasive surgical procedure to using tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Explain why the republicans are so against giving people a comprehensive and accurate sex education and access to contraception. Why do republicans want to set people up to have an unwanted pregnancy and then bitch about abortion? It appears that they have an evil motive.[.quote]

oh. well. I've been confused by those tee shirts feminists wear that claim pride in having an abortion...or the young woman who had her results there on social media and said, 'i get to kill another baby'. NO ONE LOVES IT??!! Then why does the DemoRAT part push it so hard (no pun intended and tax payer funding is provided in the latest bill they just passed this week.

IF they don't love it then why did Pelousy say that God was fine with abortions?? THEY SAY it is rare but there are women who use it regularly as birth control and then they brag about it!!

And here you say that repubs have an evil motive when they are against abortion??? Well...that says more about YOUR THINKING and the DEMS thinking than it does for the sanctity of Life...the LIVES of the UNBORN.
Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
White liberal elites love abortion! How else can they kill black people threatening to take over the Democrat Party?

You are out of your mind. Black people make their own decisions, as do people of other races. It sounds like you believe that black people are incompetent to think for themselves.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party (please learn grammar, it's not the "Democrat Party").

If you think that anyone loves abortion, you are an idiot. No one prefers having an invasive surgical procedure to using tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Explain why the republicans are so against giving people a comprehensive and accurate sex education and access to contraception. Why do republicans want to set people up to have an unwanted pregnancy and then bitch about abortion? It appears that they have an evil motive.
Democrat politicians feel African Americans don’t have the right to a job or the right to a quality education or the right to live in a crime-free city only the sacred right to kill their offspring.

Your name-calling doesn’t change the facts. Some prominent leftists are on record celebrating abortion:

Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
White liberal elites love abortion! How else can they kill black people threatening to take over the Democrat Party?

You are out of your mind. Black people make their own decisions, as do people of other races. It sounds like you believe that black people are incompetent to think for themselves.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party (please learn grammar, it's not the "Democrat Party").

If you think that anyone loves abortion, you are an idiot. No one prefers having an invasive surgical procedure to using tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Explain why the republicans are so against giving people a comprehensive and accurate sex education and access to contraception. Why do republicans want to set people up to have an unwanted pregnancy and then bitch about abortion? It appears that they have an evil motive.
Democrat politicians feel African Americans don’t have the right to a job or the right to a quality education or the right to live in a crime-free city only the sacred right to kill their offspring.

Your name-calling doesn’t change the facts. Some prominent leftists are on record celebrating abortion:

You sound quite hysterical.

What is the source of your assertion that Democratic politicians feel that black Americans don't have the rights that you mention? It sounds very nutty.

I don't know what a "leftist" is, much less who a "prominent" leftist might be.

I don't know who Kimberley Inez McGuire is. I read the article and she just seems matter of fact. The other article critiques Milano's statement in the context of the pro-choice movement.

Your assertion that people are "celebrating abortion" is a gross exaggeration. There is a need to speak openly about abortion and how women, particularly those who have had abortions, actually feel about it, what circumstances they were in at the time, and the onerous restrictions that have been placed on women contemplating having an abortion or making the decision to have one, instead of making the matter hush-hush and making these people feel ashamed.
Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
White liberal elites love abortion! How else can they kill black people threatening to take over the Democrat Party?

You are out of your mind. Black people make their own decisions, as do people of other races. It sounds like you believe that black people are incompetent to think for themselves.

This has nothing to do with the Democratic Party (please learn grammar, it's not the "Democrat Party").

If you think that anyone loves abortion, you are an idiot. No one prefers having an invasive surgical procedure to using tools to prevent unwanted pregnancy. Explain why the republicans are so against giving people a comprehensive and accurate sex education and access to contraception. Why do republicans want to set people up to have an unwanted pregnancy and then bitch about abortion? It appears that they have an evil motive.
Democrat politicians feel African Americans don’t have the right to a job or the right to a quality education or the right to live in a crime-free city only the sacred right to kill their offspring.

Your name-calling doesn’t change the facts. Some prominent leftists are on record celebrating abortion:

You sound quite hysterical.

What is the source of your assertion that Democratic politicians feel that black Americans don't have the rights that you mention? It sounds very nutty.

I don't know what a "leftist" is, much less who a "prominent" leftist might be.

I don't know who Kimberley Inez McGuire is. I read the article and she just seems matter of fact. The other article critiques Milano's statement in the context of the pro-choice movement.

Your assertion that people are "celebrating abortion" is a gross exaggeration. There is a need to speak openly about abortion and how women, particularly those who have had abortions, actually feel about it, what circumstances they were in at the time, and the onerous restrictions that have been placed on women contemplating having an abortion or making the decision to have one, instead of making the matter hush-hush and making these people feel ashamed.
You sound closed-minded and frankly rather stupid.

Democrat politicians have destroyed so many black communities:

We’ve provided many examples of people celebrating abortion, but your mind seems nailed shut against the facts.

Here’s some more examples, but I doubt you’ll be able to assimilate facts that contradict your programming:

Not a few abortion advocates are enthusiastic about killing black people.

Noted racist Ruth Bader Ginsburg is one example.

Leftist elites want minorities poor, fearful, dependent, and uneducated. When minorities are so debased it’s easier to pressure them into abortion and lie them into abortion.
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Well, "religious liberty" is all the rage. We have a society in which all a person has to say is that they have a "belief" of any origin or "it's my religion" and they are excused from anything they don't want to do and can't be prevented from doing anything that they do want to do; laws and regulations that supposedly apply to all cannot hinder this. I don't know anything about the Satanist faith and I don't think that I have ever met an adherent, but I do know that religious beliefs are a matter for the individual and the government is prohibited both from determining whether some belief is or is not a religion and from establishing a religion, so this should be an interesting case.

This does not have anything to do with the Democratic Party, which simply is neutral on the subject of whether an individual decides to have an abortion or not.

Calling those who disagree with one's opinion vulgar names seems to be common practice of late. I'm surprised that you're surprised at it, especially being a member of USMB. Just yesterday, I read a post in which one USMB member called another a "fucking retard."

BTW: the individual pictured is the POTUS, who is a Christian, not Greaves.
You picked a great user name, are you a fan of Aristophanes? He wrote some of the best plays, and I had a rollicking good time reading The Frogs.

Just thought that I would mention it.
Does it?
I gave never seen anything remotely like that. I know you hate democrats but really?
Stop being childish.
I think it's a load of bull. Satanists are not that prevelant, and the vast majority of those that exist are not "theistic" satanists, aka satanists that believe in God and the devil, but pick the devils side. The majority of satanists do not believe that satan exists and neither does God. They are just extreme atheists that like ticking Christians off.

What we have here are a bunch of atheistic clowns pulling shits from their asses and expecting us to believe that that is actually what they do.
What we have here are a bunch of atheistic clowns pulling shits from their asses and expecting us to believe that that is actually what they do.
I see it as no different than a bunch of Christian Clowns expecting to use follow their sharia laws regarding women's bodies.

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