Turley - The Prosecution of Michael Flynn and the Travesty of Justice

Flynn is a traitor.

Could you elaborate?

I doubt it. Yours is the typical child-like playground remark customary for the Democrats/Bolsheviks who post on this board---likely from being educated in the Teacher Union controlled public schools of rotting cities in the North.

But if you do elaborate---if you undertake to show how this 33 year decorated combat veteran three star general is a "traitor"----You need to come with facts and documentation. Or I am going to assume you are a half-wit goddamn liar.
The record is clear about Flynn lying and selling the US out to curry favor with the Russians for Trump. Surely you have been keeping up with this subject. I mean really, we are how many years into DJTs presidency? If not, Google the info yourself. I for one am done spoon feeding you Orange Imbeciles information and facts about the Orange-COVID-19 Failure In Office.

Oh, let me see. Who should I listen to. A renown Constitutional Law Professor--a Liberal who does not care for Don Trump....or some Fuck named ErinWltr who very cleraly is a Blind Partisan who has armed himself/herself with nothing but CNN Proaganda and very few facts.

YES, I have been keeping up with the Facts. Here are some you must be unaware of:

Flynn knew his call to the Russian Ambassador would be recorded. The call was perfectly legal and part of his job, as even Democrats and the currupt FBI now admits. Why would Flynn lie about a perfectly legitimate phone call which occurred as part of his JOB, when he knew the F.B.I. had a transcript of the call.

The answer is: He Didn't.

He was framed by KGB-like Bastards who were trying to take down Don Trump.

Flynn says that if it can be said he "lacked candor" with the crooked F.B.I. agents, it was because he thought some of the conversation with the Russian Ambassador was "classified" and, while he knew the Intelligence Community had the tape of the call, he did not know if the two crooked F.B.I. Agents had the clearance to hear it.

So, why would he plead Guilty?

For the same reason a Black kid would plead guilty in a rural Mississippi jail in the late 1950's.


Flynn might not have been being beaten, or having his genitals twisted----but he was enduring enormous emotional, financial, and psychological torture, being Bankrupted---and was being threatened with the same thing being done to his son. The whole weight of a KGB-like operation brought down on him to try to make him give up something on Don Trump! And he was promised no jail time---and he DAMN SURE will get none.

What would you Liberals do under those circumstances?

Where are you on these Gestapo Tactics? You used to realize that the law enforcement agencies were a threat to Liberty---until the F.B.I. trashed the constitution to go after a duly elected President---and now you are cheering them on?

Are you that ready to live in a Soviet-Style State?
Same old stale stuff since before and after Flynn got busted. The record is clear. He lied. He got caught. And he is a traitor.
You didn’t read a goddamn word, did you?

Read all about Flynn for the past 4 some years. Jesus, man. I don't need to be fucking educated by a goddanm internet Trump Troll about Flynn being a traitor.

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?
Do your homework. They threatened to destroy his sons life the way they destroyed him. Is this your vision of AMERICA?
We will just have to disagree with whether its some deep state conspiracy to investigate a candidate who sent his sons to meet with a known Russian spy for help in a campaign, or who asked Putin to illegally hack Hill's emails.

Natalia Veselnitskaya?

This woman sitting behind McFaul, to the left?

What is a known Russian spy doing appearing/testifying before Congress?

Testimony of Natalia Veselnitskaya
https://www.judiciary.senate.gov/imo/media/doc/2017-11-20 Veselnitskaya to CEG (June 9 Meeting).pdf
Why did the DOJ give a visa to a known Russian spy?

DOJ (under Obama) Let "known Russian spy" Natalia Veselnitskaya have Visa


Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?
Do your homework. They threatened to destroy his sons life the way they destroyed him. Is this your vision of AMERICA?
I honestly thought Moon(bat)glow was a REAL liberal. I was wrong.

Obviously, he is okay with prosecutorial misconduct to secure a confession, as long as it is not used on one of his ilk.


Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?
Do your homework. They threatened to destroy his sons life the way they destroyed him. Is this your vision of AMERICA?
No offense but did that kind of behavior by the "cops" bother you before Trump?

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.
Then why did he plead guilty?
Do your homework. They threatened to destroy his sons life the way they destroyed him. Is this your vision of AMERICA?
I honestly thought Moon(bat)glow was a REAL liberal. I was wrong.

Obviously, he is okay with prosecutorial misconduct to secure a confession, as long as it is not used on one of his ilk.

Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
It's been answered a thousand times. Why do yo feign ignorance? I actually know the answer
Probably because I didn't follow the whole passion play. If you know so much then reveal it if not, bye.
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Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
It's been answered a thousand times. Why do yo feign ignorance? I actually know the answer
You've spoken with him, then?

He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
It's been answered a thousand times. Why do yo feign ignorance? I actually know the answer
You've spoken with him, then?

He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
Seems shady and I don't buy that. Sounds like a wavering conviction. But, I am glad he was set free...

Great timing !!!!!!!

From the article:

Previously undisclosed documents in the case of former national security adviser Michael Flynn offer us a chilling blueprint on how top FBI officials not only sought to entrap the former White House aide but sought to do so on such blatantly unconstitutional and manufactured grounds.

These new documents further undermine the view of both the legitimacy and motivations of those investigations under former FBI director James Comey. For all of those who have long seen a concerted effort within the Justice Department to target the Trump administration, the fragments will read like a Dead Sea Scrolls version of a “deep state” conspiracy.


Left wing ambush artists....fuck all of them.

He lied and admitted he lie, what is there to say. You can't be entrapped unless you lie.
Under sever duress, moron.
Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

He believes what he wants to believe. Whether it's actually true or not is not a consideration.
Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

I have never plead guilty to anything in my life if I was not guilty so no, I do not see why someone would claim to be innocent and plead guilty.
Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

He believes what he wants to believe. Whether it's actually true or not is not a consideration.
This isn't about me it is about Flynn try not to be offtopic.
Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
It's been answered a thousand times. Why do yo feign ignorance? I actually know the answer
Probably because I didn't follow the whole passion play. If you know so much then reveal it if not, bye.
I'd say there was more than one terrorist murderer and several thieves involved in the Trump campaign and Russia's interference, but Flynn wasn't one of them. LOL
Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

I have never plead guilty to anything in my life if I was not guilty so no, I do not see why someone would claim to be innocent and plead guilty.
You've been told 1000 times, idiot. You simply don't want to accept the facts of the deep state attempt to frame and innocent man. You supported this farce for the 4 years.
Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
It's been answered a thousand times. Why do yo feign ignorance? I actually know the answer
Probably because I didn't follow the whole passion play. If you know so much then reveal it if not, bye.
I'd say there was more than one terrorist murderer and several thieves involved in the Trump campaign and Russia's interference, but Flynn wasn't one of them. LOL
Who might they be?
Yes, you gleened all of that out of just one question, why are you not the Lord of space and time with all you know?

Why did he plead guilty if he wasn't guilty? Can you answer that or will you give us more offtopic personal attacks instead?
Why does anyone plead guilty when they are not guilty? It happens all the fucking time.

Are you that naive?

I have never plead guilty to anything in my life if I was not guilty so no, I do not see why someone would claim to be innocent and plead guilty.
You've been told 1000 times, idiot. You simply don't want to accept the facts of the deep state attempt to frame and innocent man. You supported this farce for the 4 years.
I just got back on the forum after a 6 months vacation. If you have something to add to the conversation fine, but if not go away. All I ask was a simple question as to why Flynn would plead guilty if he considers himself innocent..
He may well have pled just to get the Feds to stop racking him, but that doesn't mean he didn't lie to FBI agents. He did. What Barr/Turley are saying is that the FBI's reason to interview Flynn was primarily to get him to lie, and this would create a tool for the FBI to squeeze Flynn by giving him a choice between financial ruin for his family or to betray Trump.
For this reason, no REAL liberal should ever support a law that criminalizes "lying" to investigators. It becomes their immediate goal from the start. If they can get someone to lie (or even appear to have lied) they can abuse that person to no end. It is the very essence of entrapment and that law MUST go.

Not because I give a particular shit about a life-long Democrat like Flynn. Rather, I care about liberty. This power given to the FBI is way too easy to abuse.

Until that law is repealed, I will NEVER cooperate with the fucking suits without a hand-signed guarantee letter of absolute lifetime immunity from the FBI director him/herself. Even then, I might be hesitant. They can KISS MY ASS otherwise!!!


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