Tucker Carlson Calls Out Anthony Frauci!


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Tucker, in his usual, brilliantly written broadcasts, alluded to the Crooked Hillary supporting fraud Anthony Frauci is an "elderly, power-drunk epidemiologist" You should watch the entire broadcast, but fast forward to 9:10 for the particular segment. :eusa_clap:

Tucker, in his usual, brilliantly written broadcasts, alluded to the Crooked Hillary supporting fraud Anthony Frauci is an "elderly, power-drunk epidemiologist" You should watch the entire broadcast, but fast forward to 9:10 for the particular segment. :eusa_clap:

I haven't watched his stuff in a while, but Tucker IS the best one on Fox. No question. Thanks for the post.
Tucker, in his usual, brilliantly written broadcasts, alluded to the Crooked Hillary supporting fraud Anthony Frauci is an "elderly, power-drunk epidemiologist" You should watch the entire broadcast, but fast forward to 9:10 for the particular segment. :eusa_clap:

Awesome. Tucker for VP.

He WOULD make an interesting VP for Trump, wouldn't he? And if he were Biden's VP and Joe kicked the bucket soon after somehow winning the next presidential election, Tucker would then be president! And of course, the most conservative Dem president we've ever seen. Also, I would take Tucker as Trump's VP any day over Pence. Pence has absolutely no charisma, he's totally blah.
Tucker, in his usual, brilliantly written broadcasts, alluded to the Crooked Hillary supporting fraud Anthony Frauci is an "elderly, power-drunk epidemiologist" You should watch the entire broadcast, but fast forward to 9:10 for the particular segment. :eusa_clap:

Awesome. Tucker for VP.

He WOULD make an interesting VP for Trump, wouldn't he? And if he were Biden's VP and Joe kicked the bucket soon after somehow winning the next presidential election, Tucker would then be president! And of course, the most conservative Dem president we've ever seen. Also, I would take Tucker as Trump's VP any day over Pence. Pence has absolutely no charisma, he's totally blah.

Yes, he would make a great VP then we could have two political pundits of ignorance in office instead of the Tweedledum and Tweedledee we now have.
basquebromance, the Constitution, America-hating governors will probably attempt to write executive edicts to prevent Freedom of Assembly. Most of the governors are even worse than Tony "The Fraud" Fauci. Governors cannot write legislation that violates the US Constitution and pretend it is law everytime there is a flu outbreak. It is especially ironic that in Connecticut, called The Constitution State because the pioneers back in the day wrote up a Constitution to protect their freedoms from government intervention, the current douchebag governor hired "diverse" corporate stooges leading a "task force" to reopen Connecticut by encouraging additional "committees" to be formed. "Testing and contact tracing" are apparently requirements by the woman from India in charge of reopening Connecticut. The thing is Connecticut never should have been locked down to begin with. The woman from India is from a country in which residents swim and wash their clothes in sewage water. What in the fuck does she know about a healthful lifestyle?
Moonglow, can you explain scientifically how someone who has a cold or flu (or the mysterious Kung Flu that often has zero symptoms) can infect everyone at a basketball game, for example? You can't. The concept is insane and you have swallowed it only because is soothes your TDS a little and the establishment told you that is how viruses work when they do not have a clue.
Moonglow, can you explain scientifically how someone who has a cold or flu (or the mysterious Kung Flu that often has zero symptoms) can infect everyone at a basketball game, for example? You can't. The concept is insane and you have swallowed it only because is soothes your TDS a little and the establishment told you that is how viruses work when they do not have a clue.
I can assure you that you have no clue.
basquebromance, the Constitution, America-hating governors will probably attempt to write executive edicts to prevent Freedom of Assembly. Most of the governors are even worse than Tony "The Fraud" Fauci. Governors cannot write legislation that violates the US Constitution and pretend it is law everytime there is a flu outbreak. It is especially ironic that in Connecticut, called The Constitution State because the pioneers back in the day wrote up a Constitution to protect their freedoms from government intervention, the current douchebag governor hired "diverse" corporate stooges leading a "task force" to reopen Connecticut by encouraging additional "committees" to be formed. "Testing and contact tracing" are apparently requirements by the woman from India in charge of reopening Connecticut. The thing is Connecticut never should have been locked down to begin with. The woman from India is from a country in which residents swim and wash their clothes in sewage water. What in the fuck does she know about a healthful lifestyle?
A state of emergency was declare which implements other laws that are of higher importance than your rights when it concerns the safety of the public at large. What you refuse to recognize is that through the history of the US those laws were created because of pandemics. It is all legal, just because you don't like it doesn't make it any less legal.
Tucker, in his usual, brilliantly written broadcasts, alluded to the Crooked Hillary supporting fraud Anthony Frauci is an "elderly, power-drunk epidemiologist" You should watch the entire broadcast, but fast forward to 9:10 for the particular segment. :eusa_clap:

Is the
drunk epidemiologists
, maybe Tucker is a closet drinker, as he use to drink heavy and smoke.

And well I don't think Dr. Fauci did either.

If he is talking about Dr. Fauci the man has many awards, and admired by many presidents.

Penelope, did he win a Pulizer Prize too? We all know the prizes and awards by the Deep State are so meaningful! :cuckoo:

Moonflow, please any state law that suspends the Bill of Rights outlined in the US Constitution! :laughing0301:
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Moonglow, can you explain scientifically how someone who has a cold or flu (or the mysterious Kung Flu that often has zero symptoms) can infect everyone at a basketball game, for example? You can't. The concept is insane and you have swallowed it only because is soothes your TDS a little and the establishment told you that is how viruses work when they do not have a clue.

Same as the flu.
When Flu Spreads

People with flu are most contagious in the first three to four days after their illness begins. Most healthy adults may be able to infect others beginning 1 day before symptoms develop and up to 5 to 7 days after becoming sick. Children and some people with weakened immune systems may pass the virus for longer than 7 days.

Symptoms can begin about 2 days (but can range from 1 to 4 days) after the virus enters the body. That means that you may be able to pass on the flu to someone else before you know you are sick, as well as while you are sick. Some people can be infected with the flu virus but have no symptoms. During this time, those people may still spread the virus to others.
Penelope, did he win a Pulizer Prize too? We all know the prizes and awards by the Deep State are so meaningful! :p

You have the list, and by the way he won the Medal of Freedom same as Rush, and by the way do you think tramp is a member of the DEEP STATE , as he is.

See you have it just the opposite you are part of the DEEP STATE and you don't even know it.
Penelope, thanks for the update on what "most experts" think in regards to getting a cold or flu. :dunno: To avoid getting a cold or flu, wear gloves in public physical contact places. Viruses and bacteria are transferred via hands to face and when they get under the fingernails, you will not be able to remove them. That is why the Deep State is pushing the mask insanity. The mask is a sponge for viruses and bacteria, they want more individuals to get sick because everyone adjusts their mask with their bare hands every 30 seconds.

As far as President Trump being Deep State, obviously not, since it is blatantly clear Obama, Crooked Hillary and the Deep State made every attempt to sabotage his Presidency. The fact he let Pence do the task force thing with the fraud, Anthony Fauci and the Scarf Lady, was obviously a devastating mistake.

As far as Anthony "The Fraud" Fauci, he apparently got his crazy 2,000,000 deaths predicted number from quack Neil Ferguson notorious for ridiculously wrong predictions from has evolved into an insane asylum called the Imperial College in London.
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Penelope, did he win a Pulizer Prize too? We all know the prizes and awards by the Deep State are so meaningful! :cuckoo:

Moonflow, please any state law that suspends the Bill of Rights outlined in the US Constitution! :laughing0301:
It is not a state law it is a national law, Stafford Act or National Emergencies Act. Then the states have their own emergency outlay laws because they can.
Penelope, thanks for the update on what "most experts" think in regards to getting a cold or flu. :dunno: To avoid getting a cold or flu, wear gloves in public physical contact places. Viruses and bacteria are transferred via hands to face and when they get under the fingernails, you will not be able to remove them. That is why the Deep State is pushing the mask insanity. The mask is a sponge for viruses and bacteria, they want more individuals to get sick because everyone adjusts their mask with their bare hands every 30 seconds.

As far as President Trump being Deep State, obviously not, since it is blatantly clear Obama, Crooked Hillary and the Deep State made every attempt to sabotage his Presidency. The fact he let Pence do the task force thing with the fraud, Anthony Fauci and the Scarf Lady, was obviously a devastating mistake.

I agree, most people are unaware how they are to use a mask, I see them all the time around the neck, but that doesn't mean they are useless.

Tramp sabotaged his own Presidency by Russian interference and by asking the Ukraine president to get trash on his presidential opponent. Tramp is blaming everyone else by his refusal to acknowledge how dangerous the covid 19 pandemic really is, finally the middle of March he kind of took it somewhat seriously.

Most of the Democratic Govs and some Republican Gov have higher ratings than tramp.

There is no deep state, its a figure of your imagination.

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