Tulsi Gabbard is the pick for Secretary of State, not Mitt Romney


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2013
The U.S.
I certainly hope, President Elect will pick Tulsi Gabbard over Mitt Romney for the post of Secretary of State. She is well qualified for the job.



“We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism,” President-Elect Donald J. Trump said in an April 27 speech on foreign policy. “I will view the world through the clear lens of American interests.”

The President-Elect later pledged in a speech to the American Legion that one of his top foreign policy priorities would be “to end the era of nation-building, and create a new foreign policy . . . that is focused on destroying ISIS and Radical Islamic Terrorism.”


Tulsi Gabbard is the pick for Secretary of State, not Mitt Romney
I certainly hope, President Elect will pick Tulsi Gabbard over Mitt Romney for the post of Secretary of State. She is well qualified for the job.



“We will no longer surrender this country, or its people, to the false song of globalism,” President-Elect Donald J. Trump said in an April 27 speech on foreign policy. “I will view the world through the clear lens of American interests.”

The President-Elect later pledged in a speech to the American Legion that one of his top foreign policy priorities would be “to end the era of nation-building, and create a new foreign policy . . . that is focused on destroying ISIS and Radical Islamic Terrorism.”


Tulsi Gabbard is the pick for Secretary of State, not Mitt Romney
It would go a long way toward making me a believer in Trump. As it is I'm skeptical, I'm still expecting Trump to pick Bolton.
Anyone who thought he would pick Romney was insane.
Anyone who thought he would pick Romney was insane.

Nikki Haley was a big critic of Trump. Yet, Trump went ahead and included her in his cabinet. Although, I would agree that unlike Haley, Romney did cross the line.
Kellyanne Conway, who was President-elect Donald Trump’s campaign manager, publicly made the case on Sunday against Trump picking Mitt Romney as secretary of state.

CNN’s Dana Bash asked Conway about comments the campaign manager has made casting aspersions on the former Massachusetts governor’s candidacy for the top diplomatic post. Conway had said that Trump supporters did not like the idea of nominating Romney, because of his fierce opposition to Trump’s presidential bid.

But Bash suggested that Conway was personally opposed to Romney’s nomination as well.

“You’re not wrong to say that,” Conway said. “Because Gov. Romney went out of his way ― I also think it is Donald Trump who has shown he has political instincts. You know, Gov. Romney ran for the same office four years ago and lost spectacularly.”

Conway went on to question Romney’s qualifications for the job of secretary of state.

“Gov. Romney for the past four years ― has he been around the globe doing something for the United States of which we are unaware? Did he go and intervene in Syria where they are having a massive humanitarian crisis?” she asked rhetorically.

And Conway reiterated that Trump’s grass-roots supporters were especially concerned about the prospect of a Romney nomination ― even as she said she would respect the president-elect’s decision one way or another.

“What Donald Trump decides, Kellyanne Conway and everybody else will respect.

Kellyanne Conway: Supporters Will Feel 'Betrayed' If Trump Picks Romney As Secretary Of State | The Huffington Post
Giuliani deserves that position.

Giuliani would be like a babe in the woods trying to do the job of Secretary of State.
He couldn't possibly be any worse than Hillary Clinton.

May be you have a point regarding Clinton. But Giuliani is no match for Tulsi Gabbard who has quite a bit of experience on foreign affairs.
For one thing, she's a Democrat and therefore cannot be trusted. And she is a woman, which unfortunately means she will not be respected or taken seriously by many world leaders. My choice would be Gingrich but I don't think he wants the job as SOS. Giuliani would do fine, far more qualified than Clinton or Kerry. Neither one of them commanded respect. Giuliani would.
Giuliani deserves that position.

Giuliani would be like a babe in the woods trying to do the job of Secretary of State.
He couldn't possibly be any worse than Hillary Clinton.

May be you have a point regarding Clinton. But Giuliani is no match for Tulsi Gabbard who has quite a bit of experience on foreign affairs.
For one thing, she's a Democrat and therefore cannot be trusted. And she is a woman, which unfortunately means she will not be respected or taken seriously by many world leaders. My choice would be Gingrich but I don't think he wants the job as SOS. Giuliani would do fine, far more qualified than Clinton or Kerry. Neither one of them commanded respect. Giuliani would.

She may be a democrat but she has always given Trump an open mind which is far more than what can be said about Republicans like Romney. She is known for standing up to democrats on the issues she does not agree with them. She was a major in the US Army so I am pretty sure she can handle male foreign leaders.

Here is a brief list of her work that clearly shows that she is far more qualified than Giuliani:

In the 114th Congress, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard serves on the following House Committees and Caucuses:
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats
House Committee on Armed Services
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
Subcommittee on Readiness
Congressional Future Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Post 9/11 Veterans Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Diversifying Technology Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Veterans Jobs Caucus
Bipartisan Veterans Caucus
National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
Congressional STEAM Caucus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math)
Small Business Caucus
Congressional India Caucus
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

Giuliani deserves that position.

Giuliani would be like a babe in the woods trying to do the job of Secretary of State.
He couldn't possibly be any worse than Hillary Clinton.

May be you have a point regarding Clinton. But Giuliani is no match for Tulsi Gabbard who has quite a bit of experience on foreign affairs.
For one thing, she's a Democrat and therefore cannot be trusted. And she is a woman, which unfortunately means she will not be respected or taken seriously by many world leaders. My choice would be Gingrich but I don't think he wants the job as SOS. Giuliani would do fine, far more qualified than Clinton or Kerry. Neither one of them commanded respect. Giuliani would.

She may be a democrat but she has always given Trump an open mind which is far more than what can be said about Republicans like Romney. She is known for standing up to democrats on the issues she does not agree with them. She was a major in the US Army so I am pretty sure she can handle male foreign leaders.

Here is a brief list of her work that clearly shows that she is far more qualified than Giuliani:

In the 114th Congress, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard serves on the following House Committees and Caucuses:
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats
House Committee on Armed Services
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
Subcommittee on Readiness
Congressional Future Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Post 9/11 Veterans Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Diversifying Technology Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Veterans Jobs Caucus
Bipartisan Veterans Caucus
National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
Congressional STEAM Caucus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math)
Small Business Caucus
Congressional India Caucus
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

I'm not saying she isn't qualified, but your list doesn't show her accomplishments, just her positions. And her website certainly isn't going to list any failures.
Giuliani would be like a babe in the woods trying to do the job of Secretary of State.
He couldn't possibly be any worse than Hillary Clinton.

May be you have a point regarding Clinton. But Giuliani is no match for Tulsi Gabbard who has quite a bit of experience on foreign affairs.
For one thing, she's a Democrat and therefore cannot be trusted. And she is a woman, which unfortunately means she will not be respected or taken seriously by many world leaders. My choice would be Gingrich but I don't think he wants the job as SOS. Giuliani would do fine, far more qualified than Clinton or Kerry. Neither one of them commanded respect. Giuliani would.

She may be a democrat but she has always given Trump an open mind which is far more than what can be said about Republicans like Romney. She is known for standing up to democrats on the issues she does not agree with them. She was a major in the US Army so I am pretty sure she can handle male foreign leaders.

Here is a brief list of her work that clearly shows that she is far more qualified than Giuliani:

In the 114th Congress, Rep. Tulsi Gabbard serves on the following House Committees and Caucuses:
House Committee on Foreign Affairs
Subcommittee on Asia and the Pacific
Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats
House Committee on Armed Services
Subcommittee on Seapower and Projection Forces
Subcommittee on Readiness
Congressional Future Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Post 9/11 Veterans Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Diversifying Technology Caucus (Founder and co-chair)
Congressional Veterans Jobs Caucus
Bipartisan Veterans Caucus
National Guard and Reserve Components Caucus
Congressional STEAM Caucus (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math)
Small Business Caucus
Congressional India Caucus
Congressional Asian Pacific American Caucus

I'm not saying she isn't qualified, but your list doesn't show her accomplishments, just her positions. And her website certainly isn't going to list any failures.

That is not her personal website, homeboy :) That is a website run by US House of Representatives. Those are the capacities under which she has served. Giuliani's foreign affairs experience does not even come close to it. As a matter of fact, I do not think Giuliani has ever served in a capacity where he was responsible for foreign affairs.
I think Trump should pick Jeff Probst. He's traveled the world...even the remote places, and he is good at getting opposing sides to come together for meetings.
1. She has not been picked for SoS.

2. Romney is not a Liberal

3. Picking Romney will not piss off Trump supporters.

1. She will be a very good candidate for SOS.

2. Romney did everything in his capacity to sabotage Trump's campaign.

3. It will certainly piss off those Trump supporters who voted for Trump thinking that he will bring change.
That is not her personal website, homeboy :) That is a website run by US House of Representatives.
Yeah? And?

As a matter of fact, I do not think Giuliani has ever served in a capacity where he was responsible for foreign affairs.
And Trump has no experience at being President, nor did Obama? What is your point? It's about judgment and leadership. Giuliani knows many foreign leaders personally and is considered a national hero by many, including Democrats. He has the respect of foreign leaders and is quite capable of handling the job. You're entitled to your opinion and so am I.
1. She has not been picked for SoS.

2. Romney is not a Liberal

3. Picking Romney will not piss off Trump supporters.

1. She will be a very good candidate for SOS.

2. Romney did everything in his capacity to sabotage Trump's campaign.

3. It will certainly piss off those Trump supporters who voted for Trump thinking that he will bring change.

1. I don't know her, I'm sure she's fine but your thread title and the link implies that she had already been picked. She has not.

2. Trump has shown that he cares more about quality and talent than he does about personal attacks. Romney has experience in international affairs.

3. Trump is still in charge and will be in charge of Romney. That is the change. We Trump voters know this.

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