Tucker is darling of Putin and the Kremlin Security's Information and telecommunications Dept. to support war in Ukraine

Clearly, the OP and his Progressive brothers, sisters and assorted birthing people of all sexes would be delighted if all news and opinion were provided by one State run news network
They are, in China and Russia. Where they love to play Comrade Tucker's words for their captive audience.

How proud you must be.
Sure Comrade. Don't you have a hospital to bomb for Uncle Putin?

Why is EmpeorShitzHizPantz colluding with Putin and The Ayatollah on a Nukes for Oil Death Deal with Iran and Russia which will allow Russia to continue to sell weapons to Iran and have financial transactions with Iran, and lead to Iran having Nukes with which to create a Nuclear Holocaust in The Middle East with, which they have promised to do?

Why is Biden sharing intel with China who then shared it with Russia? Why is Biden owned by China, Russia and Iran? Why did he and his sons take so much money from Russia, China and Iran?

Why is Biden offering Iran Billions of Dollars just like Obama did to buy Russian Weapons with to make war in The Middle East? Why is quid pro Joe colluding with Russia, Iran and China?
No, but maybe Tucker does, only you'd never see him within 2,000 miles of a war zone or actual story, not being a news guy, just a propagandist.
That would be why as soon as Republicans take the senate and house in November they will start an investigation into Hunter and Joe's business dealings and Hillary's pay for bullshit scheme against a presidential candidate paying Russia.

Ten percent for the big guy.
No they won't. Dude stop setting yourself up for disappointment. Your cult fantasies never ever align with reality. Get it through your thick skull.
They are, in China and Russia. Where they love to play Comrade Tucker's words for their captive audience.

How proud you must be.

No, see, stupid, Tucker expressed an opinion that differs from the one approved by the State and you want to ban him. It hurts you to hear differing opinions so you want to silence them
No, see, stupid, Tucker expressed an opinion that differs from the one approved by the State and you want to ban him. It hurts you to hear differing opinions so you want to silence them
Naw. That is old stuff, overworked to death only helping Republicans (which they don't give a damn about, except as useful idiot) but not helpful in the propaganda war with the Russian people, support their war against Ukraine. Tucker is the current gift, that keeps on giving, especially since he is over here speaking as if people thought he was a loyal American. Over there, they do not know the difference, especially since all non-state controlled media has been shut down, behind the new iron curtain of disinformation.
No more "overworked to death" than the puerile-minded "you're either for war or a tool of Putin" bullshit that you moonbat knuckle draggers keep peddliing.

Grow the fuck up, child.
No more "overworked to death" than the puerile-minded "you're either for war or a tool of Putin" bullshit that you moonbat knuckle draggers keep peddliing.

Grow the fuck up, child.
It's not my fault Putin is using Tucker's most recent daily monologues instead of 10 to 15 year old obama/hillary stuff. Totally his decision. Maybe you could explain to Putin how important those two are to you as a Russian.
It is your fault that you're squealing like a little fucking child.

Again, grow the fuck up.
I've not been in contact with Putin. I didn't write any of the many, many articles, quoting the new Kremlin directive to use Tucker's messages. Take it up with Putey.

Anyone who doesn't want to go war with Russia is a tool of Putin!

For the third time, grow the fuck up, you squealing little adolescent girl.
Now you are wanting the US to attack Russia, just so they will quit using poor Truck Carlson for their propaganda message? You really are a fan, aren't you. I had no idea, those reports from Moscow and official Russian policy favoring, somebody that must be a minor idol, would effect you so deeply!:itsok:
Now you are wanting the US to attack Russia, just so they will quit using poor Truck Carlson for their propaganda message? You really are a fan, aren't you. I had no idea, those reports from Moscow and official Russian policy favoring, somebody that must be a minor idol, would effect you so deeply!:itsok:
Hey Dotard, your Rubles are in Ruin.

Go tell Pooty Poot Putin, you need a raise.
Only a Russia-China-Iranian-North Korean Troll would hate Tucker Carlson.

Americans love him!

You are all the same to me, just another brick in the wall serving Evil.
Only Americans that like Putin and the Russain attack on Ukraine are favoring him and his views on the Russian aggression. Sorry. You are marginalized again.
Did Tucker get a raise this year? Maybe his Kremlin support is a freeby.
We are more concerned about your Kremlin support. Carlson gets paid in American Green Backs.

You get paid for being a mattress back.

Your Rubles are in Ruin.

Tell Uncle Pooty you need some more Vodka.

I need a drink just reading your Troll Tripe.
No, but maybe Tucker does, only you'd never see him within 2,000 miles of a war zone or actual story, not being a news guy, just a propagandist.
In the Propagandist game, there are 10 thousand Prog derived Propagandists for every Tucker. And the Progs are near universally the same in their pablum. Tucker and others of his ilk may have varying degrees of differences.

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