Tucker Carlson: Democrats are stoking racial violence


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Gold Supporting Member
May 12, 2022
First and foremost this is the most important thing. Sometimes when Tucker Carlson is brought up it could be anything that the story is discussing when the evidence is staring far left wingers in the face they don’t even talk about it they just talk about tucker Carlson. If something was posted from CNN I would look at the video and then Judge the video not Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper. I might disagree with Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper but I want to see what the video CNN has to show says. Not doing so is an attack on freedom is an attack on a good value system, it is an attack on Christianity. It is truly an attack against American people. That’s why all of us whether we watch Fox News or CNN when we are presented with a video just look at the video see what is going on in the video.

For the past few years all throughout the country most especially in 2020 there was brutal BLM violence. Pro BLM people going crazy, causing havoc. In some cases like we saw in the video above there was no response no proper response to the situation at hand. In the past few years We must have hundreds maybe 1000 if not more separate events involving pro BLM people going crazy, looting, destroying property, attacking people even killing people. And then there’s one single event where hundreds of white Trump supporters went wild January 6 it was only maybe under 50 of them that actually used physical violence. And that physical violence was wrong.

So when you have BLM far left wing Democrat lawlessness it has to be met with a response, like for example the video above the police officer should’ve been allowed to use teargas to disperse that crowd immediately. Stop them from destroying peoples vehicles from ripping people out of cars and attacking them. That of course should’ve happened in the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots all over the country, but because of weakness among our politicians including Republicans many people were brutalized, people were murdered by Black Lives Matter supporters.

All of this type of violence from Black Lives Matter is all based on nonsense. They don’t care about poor Black people they’re not out there protesting for better jobs, to raise the minimum wage, for national healthcare, for unions …no they are rioting for no good reason.

Shockingly there were a number of cases where Black Lives Matter protesters were paid off millions of dollars in lawsuits that were insane and they don’t deserve a single penny. The arguments in those cases was that the BLM rioters were boxed in by the police or some other argument that made no sense. There is no racism affectively against Black people in America, black Americans are not racist towards white Americans but Black Lives Matter is racist towards white Americans. The media much of it is racist towards white people and toward white people of history. We see that in the video above.

The mayor elect of Chicago Brandon Johnson a black man is a racist. Chicago and other major cities across the country when they are presented with a riot they need to be able to stop the rioting with teargas or other anti-riot measures. That’s it my friends we have to have law in this country we had to have respect for each other and love for each other. We don’t have mutual respect in this country right now because of mostly democratic politicians but also Republican ones. We need to get that mutual respect back.
If you look at the seven minute mark of the video above that was a shocking scene where a white woman was viciously beat down by about 15 or 20 black teenagers. And if the Democrats on this board won’t say anything about it they are monsters.

If there was one case of a black woman getting viciously beat by 10 or 20 white teenagers… it will be on the front story of every news program for days on end. Come on folks to my fellow Democrats you got to do something about this.
First and foremost this is the most important thing. Sometimes when Tucker Carlson is brought up it could be anything that the story is discussing when the evidence is staring far left wingers in the face they don’t even talk about it they just talk about tucker Carlson. If something was posted from CNN I would look at the video and then Judge the video not Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper. I might disagree with Don Lemon or Anderson Cooper but I want to see what the video CNN has to show says. Not doing so is an attack on freedom is an attack on a good value system, it is an attack on Christianity. It is truly an attack against American people. That’s why all of us whether we watch Fox News or CNN when we are presented with a video just look at the video see what is going on in the video.

For the past few years all throughout the country most especially in 2020 there was brutal BLM violence. Pro BLM people going crazy, causing havoc. In some cases like we saw in the video above there was no response no proper response to the situation at hand. In the past few years We must have hundreds maybe 1000 if not more separate events involving pro BLM people going crazy, looting, destroying property, attacking people even killing people. And then there’s one single event where hundreds of white Trump supporters went wild January 6 it was only maybe under 50 of them that actually used physical violence. And that physical violence was wrong.

So when you have BLM far left wing Democrat lawlessness it has to be met with a response, like for example the video above the police officer should’ve been allowed to use teargas to disperse that crowd immediately. Stop them from destroying peoples vehicles from ripping people out of cars and attacking them. That of course should’ve happened in the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots all over the country, but because of weakness among our politicians including Republicans many people were brutalized, people were murdered by Black Lives Matter supporters.

All of this type of violence from Black Lives Matter is all based on nonsense. They don’t care about poor Black people they’re not out there protesting for better jobs, to raise the minimum wage, for national healthcare, for unions …no they are rioting for no good reason.

Shockingly there were a number of cases where Black Lives Matter protesters were paid off millions of dollars in lawsuits that were insane and they don’t deserve a single penny. The arguments in those cases was that the BLM rioters were boxed in by the police or some other argument that made no sense. There is no racism affectively against Black people in America, black Americans are not racist towards white Americans but Black Lives Matter is racist towards white Americans. The media much of it is racist towards white people and toward white people of history. We see that in the video above.

The mayor elect of Chicago Brandon Johnson a black man is a racist. Chicago and other major cities across the country when they are presented with a riot they need to be able to stop the rioting with teargas or other anti-riot measures. That’s it my friends we have to have law in this country we had to have respect for each other and love for each other. We don’t have mutual respect in this country right now because of mostly democratic politicians but also Republican ones. We need to get that mutual respect back.

Who cares? Tucker is a lying cuck mouthpiece bought and paid for of a lying network, that lies just for politics and money, that portrayed itself as a news org. You should pay him no attention, as all the primetimers there have proven themselve useless and somewhat the enemies of the country.
Who cares? Tucker is a lying cuck mouthpiece bought and paid for of a lying network, that lies just for politics and money, that portrayed itself as a news org. You should pay him no attention, as all the primetimers there have proven themselve useless and somewhat the enemies of the country.
If CNN posted a video I would watch the video and look at what’s going on you should do the same thing brother. Like what do you think about that white woman at the seven minute mark of the video getting viciously beat down by 20 black teenagers?
Who cares? Tucker is a lying cuck mouthpiece bought and paid for of a lying network, that lies just for politics and money, that portrayed itself as a news org. You should pay him no attention, as all the primetimers there have proven themselve useless and somewhat the enemies of the country.
Really. "Tucker Carlson says" is the lead in to something really stupid
Hopefully journalist who care will be grilling Karine Jean Pierre about that horrific scene where that lonely white woman surrounded by a mob of black teenagers was viciously beat down. They gotta press her until she gives an answer they gotta press Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on that one. What an unbelievable video and a disgrace to America that violence is.
United you stand, divided you fsll. Along with the rest of the West. Americas adversaries are watching and surely helpiing stoke the division.
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Hopefully journalist who care will be grilling Karine Jean Pierre about that horrific scene where that lonely white woman surrounded by a mob of black teenagers was viciously beat down. They gotta press her until she gives an answer they gotta press Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on that one. What an unbelievable video and a disgrace to America that violence is.
If it's a jounalist of actual working member of the press grilling, it certainly won't be the entertainer, Tuck. And not even that good an entertainer.
If it's a jounalist of actual working member of the press grilling, it certainly won't be the entertainer, Tuck. And not even that good an entertainer.
Some people say the same thing about Anderson Cooper. Some people don’t believe anything CNN says even when there is video evidence staring them in the face and those anti cnn people are wrong. You see because CNN broadcast truthful images and how we react to it was simply up to us. When evidence staring us in the face we react to it.

You know I respect you always have always will. What do you think about that white woman at the seven minute mark of the video getting viciously beat by 20 Black teenagers? How do you respond to that how do you want our country to respond to that?
United yo nstand, divided you fsll. Along with the rest ofnthe West. Americas adversaries are watching and surely helpiing stoke the division.
How do you react to those black American teenagers upwards of 20 of them viciously and brutally beating the white woman at the seven minute mark of the video.

It’s all the reason more reason for Americans to be united and for our politicians to do something about lawlessness…. so those opponents of America around the world can’t use the division as ammunition.
How do you react to those black American teenagers upwards of 20 of them viciously and brutally beating the white woman at the seven minute mark of the video.

It’s all the reason more reason for Americans to be united and for our politicians to do something about lawlessness…. so those opponents of America around the world can’t use the division as ammunition.
The police have the video, they can make arrests. Obviously this was unprovoked so it isn't a group vs group situation or even men vs men. A surefire conviction
Some people say the same thing about Anderson Cooper. Some people don’t believe anything CNN says even when there is video evidence staring them in the face and those anti cnn people are wrong. You see because CNN broadcast truthful images and how we react to it was simply up to us. When evidence staring us in the face we react to it.

You know I respect you always have always will. What do you think about that white woman at the seven minute mark of the video getting viciously beat by 20 Black teenagers? How do you respond to that how do you want our country to respond to that?
I didn't watch it, and won't. I am through with anybody on prime time FOX as they are INTENTIONAL fake news, as you never know when they are lying through their teeth and doubling down on the lies, just to pander to their fans and make money. Their attacks on Dominion and the 2020 election in general incensed their viewers after the 2020 election, contributing to the problem created by that party on January 6. They aren't worth quoting as they are not a source of any reliable truth, purposefully. They just paid $787.5 to get out of the lies and disengenuous broadcasting, they are now known for.
Who cares? Tucker is a lying cuck mouthpiece bought and paid for of a lying network, that lies just for politics and money, that portrayed itself as a news org. You should pay him no attention, as all the primetimers there have proven themselve useless and somewhat the enemies of the country.
speaking of lie.....I never had sex with that woman...Ms Lewinsky.....democrats only tell the truth, we all know that

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