Tucker Carlson Defends Fake Vaccine Cards



It'll be interesting when it gets to court. Court case won after existance of SARS-COV2 not proven
Which is worse:

1. Enacting totalitarian programs which strip away constitutionally protected individual rights


2. Engaging in Civil Disobedience against the totalitarianism
So, state the law supposedly broken by the supposed criminals Tucker was defending.

Nice try. Thanks for trying to participate.
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In Hess v. Indiana (1973), the Court applied Brandenburg and said that before an individual’s speech could fall under the unprotected category of incitement to imminent lawless action, the speech must lead to “imminent disorder.”

Kid, neither of us are lawyers. I can't quote the statute and you wouldn't know what it meant if I did. Inciting others to criminal activity is a crime. We both know this. Just quit.
So, there is no statute, for the purposes of this discussion, if you can't cite it. Just quit.
How is a fake vaccine card any worse than a valid card for a fake vaccine?
They won't give you a real card for a fake vaccine. Who's giving fake vaccines, anyway? The real ones are free and easily available.

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