TSA Hands out recipe for terrorists


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2011
Oak Grove, Massachusetts

That Homeland Security budget you probably believe is somehow funding your protection?

T'ain't necessarily so!

The regime has known about an unpreventable way of killing hundreds of innocent people on airliners for YEARS and kept it secret. But suddenly.........they've released a virtual cookbook:

Exclusive TSA Issues Secret Warning on Catastrophic Threat to Aviation - The Intercept

"Thermite — a mixture of rust and aluminum powder — could be used against a commercial aircraft, TSA warned in a Dec. 2014 document, marked secret. “The ignition of a thermite-based incendiary device on an aircraft at altitude could result in catastrophic damage and the death of every person onboard,” the advisory said."

"TSA said it is unlikely to spot an easy-to-assemble thermite-based incendiary device during security screening procedures, and the use of currently available extinguishers carried on aircrafts would create a violent reaction. The TSA warning is based on FBI testing done in 2011, and a subsequent report."

Known about this since 2011* and kept quiet but suddenly announces how-to-do-it. Timing in any way coincident with the wrangle over America's Kenyan Emperor wanting to avoid de-funding his free-to-all (including terrorists?) Executive Amnesty?

* Two years into the world's most open and transparent regime ever!

That Homeland Security budget you probably believe is somehow funding your protection?

T'ain't necessarily so!

The regime has known about an unpreventable way of killing hundreds of innocent people on airliners for YEARS and kept it secret. But suddenly.........they've released a virtual cookbook:

Exclusive TSA Issues Secret Warning on Catastrophic Threat to Aviation - The Intercept

"Thermite — a mixture of rust and aluminum powder — could be used against a commercial aircraft, TSA warned in a Dec. 2014 document, marked secret. “The ignition of a thermite-based incendiary device on an aircraft at altitude could result in catastrophic damage and the death of every person onboard,” the advisory said."

"TSA said it is unlikely to spot an easy-to-assemble thermite-based incendiary device during security screening procedures, and the use of currently available extinguishers carried on aircrafts would create a violent reaction. The TSA warning is based on FBI testing done in 2011, and a subsequent report."

Known about this since 2011* and kept quiet but suddenly announces how-to-do-it. Timing in any way coincident with the wrangle over America's Kenyan Emperor wanting to avoid de-funding his free-to-all (including terrorists?) Executive Amnesty?

* Two years into the world's most open and transparent regime ever!

Recipe for thermite's been online all along. TSA isn't saying anything would-be terrorists didn't already know.

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