Truth is coming out


Lakhota's my *****
Jun 4, 2011
Liberals better pray it was Russia, because if not (i dont think it was) then there will ne hell to pay

Assange has been taking credit since the start. And it was no secret that he had help from an insider, who ended up dead. The whole 'Russia did it' bullshit didn't come up till there was evidence of election fraud in Detroit. That should have been a much bigger story with some votes being counted 6 times. Had that happened in Repub controlled areas and the votes had been for Trump, the Dems would have demanded a complete do over of the election. Since it was cheating on Hillary's behalf and they already pinned their hopes on Stein's recount effort, they weren't going to back down and admit that the only reason a recount was needed was because Hillary received way more votes than she should have. They came up with the fake news story about nameless CIA agents conducting a secret investigation to try and paint Trump as the cheater. It's just what they do. Libs never admit they are wrong and they never admit it when they are defeated. The reaction is always the same, which is to blame someone else.

This is getting downright insane and yet they keep it up. All we have is the word of the Washington Post and some Dems pretending that there is something to see. Not a shred of proof or any reason to suspect anything. Assange made it clear months ago where the emails came from. The left seems to think that if they can get people mad at Russia then they won't care about the content of the emails. Hillary and the DNC want to look like the victims in all this. This definitely is one of the most ridiculous stunts they've tried yet.

"The Democrats continue to push the ridiculous narrative that the Russians were involved in hacking our election, providing fake emails to Wikileaks that Republicans then used to take down Hillary Clinton. But according to a Wikileaks insider, that notion is completely asinine.

A former British Ambassador turned Wikileaks envoy has claimed that he personally received the leaked Democrat National Committee emails in a Washington, D.C. park from “disgusted” whistleblowers.

According to the Daily Mail, Craig Murray flew to Washington, D.C. for a clandestine meeting with one of the email sources in September, which took place near American University, in northwest D.C. He said the individual he met with was an intermediary and not the original person who obtained the information.

The secret hand-off, claims Murray, is proof that the leaks came from an inside source and not from “Russian hackers.”
“Neither of [the leaks] came from the Russians,” said Murray in an interview with Daily Mail on Tuesday. “The source had legal access to the information. The documents came from inside leaks, not hacks.”

Wikileaks Insider Reveals Secret Meeting In Park That Brought Down Hillary During The Election - Fury News
Buckeye gets his fake news from nutjobs on youtube :omg:

Im posting leftwingers

That actually question going and are honest.
I mean fuck, blaming Russia is rediculous and very dangerous. You better be damn sure they did it and we are not.

Let me guess you didn't watch it. The MSM IS always right.
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Truth is coming out.

There are 2 problems with this:

1). Pursuing this just distracts attention from Hillary's crimes.

2). If the US knew who leaked the e-mails he/she/they would already be languishing in Guantanamo. So ........ the more work "we" do finding out who the real whistle-blower is the easier we make it for the bastards in the Whine House and Pentagram to prosecute the heroes of this story.

3). Now all that has to be done is to torture former British Ambassador, Craig Murray, into reveling who gave him the e-mails. Up until now there were no leads to follow.
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I thought some of the Crooked Hillary folks here had learned their lesson about the pathological liars of the democrat/MSM. The "Russian did it" lie is so ridiculous it is beyond laughable at this point, but kind of sad since we realize butthurt folks who welcome democrat /MSM lies seem to enjoy getting butthurt since they brainlessly believe their lies . Unless mental S&M is something they can't get enough of. :p
I thought some of the Crooked Hillary folks here had learned their lesson about the pathological liars of the democrat/MSM. The "Russian did it" lie is so ridiculous it is beyond laughable at this point, but kind of sad since we realize butthurt folks who welcome democrat /MSM lies seem to enjoy getting butthurt since they brainlessly believe their lies . Unless mental S&M is something they can't get enough of. :p
Gluttons for punishment.

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