Truth about Waxman to defamatory for Apple

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010


SUPPORTED Cap & Trade legislation that would have brought us $7 a gallon gas and as President Obama has stated would make electricity rates “necessarily sky rocket.”

This one is well known considering that Waxman sponsored the bill in the House and President Obama is famous for making the statement about the need under his plan for “skyrocketing” electricity rates.
VOTED TO CUT Medicare spending by a half a trillion dollars which would severely hurt seniors. Time to go Henry!

This one is also well known since the Health Care Reform bill just passed a few weeks ago.

VOTED AGAINST missile defense funding, which jeopardized the US and Israel.

Waxman is famous for voting against missile defense program funding going all the way back to 1983 when Reagan first proposed the SDI system.

TRIED to make over-the-counter vitamins and supplements prescription only.

On this one, Waxman’s original bill was defeated a few years ago but last week, lo and behold, Waxman inserted this language into the House version of the Financial Reform Bill AFTER IT HAD ALREADY PASSED!

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Apple has a right to refuse service to anyone on the basis of being a Private Business.
As I am primarily a geek I love poking Apple fanboys at any and all opportunities.
Does this mean that Apple thinks our political system is just too divisive and all would be right with the world if Republicans would just give up and stop running for office?
Sounds about right.

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