Trumps word salad press briefing


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

He sounds like a goddamn moron whenever he talks. He’s so unbelievably embarrassing.

EDIT: I am laughing my ass off at this entire video lol. This idiot can’t even run a hotdog stand let alone the presidency.
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I can't make heads or tails on what subject he's talking about, throughout most of this briefing. He starts out with the scotus ruling. Which I agree with. But then he starts rambling about everything from ISIS, prisons in the congo, how Biden didn't need authorization from congress. But then follows up admitting he had to fight congress for it. Or something like that.

Maybe he's losing it.
"So I say respectfully to president Biden, you have the authorization right now, I did it. I didn't go to congress and say do I have to write the clause. I fought congress on it. Close the borders. You can do it right now. You have everything. Use my policies. My policies were great. Everybody said it. Use my policies."

Mumbling bumbling word salad. This is like something we'd expect from Biden.

Too many big words for you?
He sounds like a goddamn moron whenever he talks. He’s so goddamn embarrassing.

He hasn't been this way very long. Even as soon as just a year ago. Usually his speeches are pretty clear and coherent. Honestly I haven't actually listen to one of his speeches in a while. But I agree with the SC's ruling and decided to listen to him talk about it.
Too many big words for you?

Not for me. Him maybe. But not me. Did you even listen to it? He was all over the place. Many times, he didn't even finish his sentence before he went on to something else.
Serious question: did you think Trump used big words in that rambling nonsense?
Evidently for you, if you could not understand it. And you consider it "rambling" only because your cult leader's handlers do not allow him to peak for more than three minutes at a time.
Evidently for you, if you could not understand it. And you consider it "rambling" only because your cult leader's handlers do not allow him to peak for more than three minutes at a time.
Not for me. Him maybe. But not me. Did you even listen to it? He was all over the place. Many times, he didn't even finish his sentence before he went on to something else.
In case you missed it, and we guess you did, it was some of the highlights of his stump speech. Not often does a candidate get free national airtime, particularly the day before Super Tuesday.
Evidently for you, if you could not understand it. And you consider it "rambling" only because your cult leader's handlers do not allow him to peak for more than three minutes at a time.
I mean did I understand it in the sense I have to slow my mind down for when a 9 year old child speaks? Yes, but obviously that makes you an idiot to think he was using “big words”.
I mean did I understand it in the sense I have to slow my mind down for when a 9 year old child speaks? Yes, but obviously that makes you an idiot to think he was using “big words”.
You big poppyhead. I win
I said 'the People will decide.'

SCOTUS got this right. If he wins, he is home free. If he loses, he dies in federal remandment.

All or nothing. I can live with it.

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