Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry

Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.

You mean phrases like "hope and change?"

Exactly like that, yeah. Are you falling for it?
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.

You mean phrases like "hope and change?"

Exactly like that, yeah. Are you falling for it?

I find it amusing that Dims get so angry about Trump using all their favorite tricks. The fact that's he's so shrewd just makes me admire him all the more.
Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.

You mean phrases like "hope and change?"

Exactly like that, yeah. Are you falling for it?

I find it amusing that Dims get so angry about Trump using all their favorite tricks.

Me too. But I find it frustrating that so many idiots fall for it.
President Trump has released the first three things he will undertake on Day 1 of his presidency:

Donald Trump's Day 1 to-do list -
Stupid Trump thinks he can cancel Obamacare
Smart Trump WILL cancel Obamascam.

If Trump wins, Republicans hold the house and get 60 seats in the Senate

I guess you can always dream
We only need 50 seats in the Senate. Obamacare was passed as a budget bill, which means it can't be filibustered.

They can defund through reconciliation but it would only last ten years or until Dems take the Senate
Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.

I am fed up with republicans screaming ninnies in hysterical screeches
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
when did it happen ....was it 2009 by any chance when "the Negro" became President....LOL everything was great until the Negro...
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Bernie Sanders is very much one of those people. Taking money from one to give to another is just as bad as giving Wallstreet bailouts.

Do you understand how corporate welfare works.

Wallmart pays shitty wages. People working their must go on food stamps and medicaid to feed and care for their kids. Who pays for these programs?

That isn't corporate welfare, dipstick. No one is forced to work at Walmart.
Yeah they could always choose to be homeless and starve to death instead.
Politburo order of the Day

Taunt the Elephant mercilessly

Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.
Uh, no.
Seems like you all are just selling your souls to Satan, while Satan laughs and mocks your loyalty to him...

I hope I'm wrong...

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