Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry

Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
People are fed up with Liberals so RW's flock to the most Liberal GOP candidate.


Bush and Kasich are the most liberal candidates. They're gone.
Kasich is not out, and he's got my vote on March 1, Canuck.

He will be out shortly. He's just angling for the VP spot. I hope Trump doesn't give it to him. He'd be like a replay of H.W. Bush - a total disaster, in other words.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.
Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.

If we are tired of liberals why would we elect Trump. He is one.

Then why are all you liberals constantly attacking him?
It is strange that lefties are certain Trump is a fraud, buffoon, and a bigot. Yet they failed to see these same much more obvious traits, in Big Ears.
Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.

If we are tired of liberals why would we elect Trump. He is one.

Then why are all you liberals constantly attacking him?
It is strange that lefties are certain Trump is a fraud, buffoon, and a bigot. Yet they failed to see these same much more obvious traits, in Big Ears.

They don't see them in Hillary or Bernie either.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.

How do you think the Trumpsters would feel about Trump's considering the four or so gay marriages he's attended as "beautiful"? Suppose that's one of the threats the Trumpsters felt to the shattering of their world or not?

Care to make a bet?

Someone needs to make Trump a new baseball cap that says "Make America Gay".. Photoshop anyone?
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.

It's not anger.

It's fear.

They think Mexicans are coming to steal their jobs and Isis is big threat to the homeland. Neither are true. But the media likes to play on fear as well, not just Fox, they all use fear to keep you tuned in.
Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.

If we are tired of liberals why would we elect Trump. He is one.

Then why are all you liberals constantly attacking him?
It is strange that lefties are certain Trump is a fraud, buffoon, and a bigot. Yet they failed to see these same much more obvious traits, in Big Ears.
They don't like their own tactics used against them...........they only want a Mud fight if they are the only ones throwing the Mud..........they aren't used to someone throwing it back.............

Trump has baffled the establishment, the press, and has actually grown stronger after they attack............Even when Trump says outlandish things............he turns it on them..........and gains...............

All have underestimated him.......and have underestimated the anger of the Mob.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.

It's not anger.

It's fear.

They think Mexicans are coming to steal their jobs and Isis is big threat to the homeland. Neither are true. But the media likes to play on fear as well, not just Fox, they all use fear to keep you tuned in.
So all of the Blacks laid off and replaced by Illegals is OK by you?
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Bernie Sanders is very much one of those people. Taking money from one to give to another is just as bad as giving Wallstreet bailouts.

Do you understand how corporate welfare works.

Wallmart pays shitty wages. People working their must go on food stamps and medicaid to feed and care for their kids. Who pays for these programs?
Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.

If we are tired of liberals why would we elect Trump. He is one.

Then why are all you liberals constantly attacking him?
It is strange that lefties are certain Trump is a fraud, buffoon, and a bigot. Yet they failed to see these same much more obvious traits, in Big Ears.

Yes, they turn a blind eye to Hillary and Bernie. Hillary should be in jail and Bernie in an asylum.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
Of course I'm scared. Extreme right wing movements are a scary thing when they gain traction and become serious players in the political scene
Trump is a Right Winger?...Explain in detail.
Militarism, support for torture, nationalism, warmongering ... all extreme right wing traits.

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