Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry


Gold Member
Jan 31, 2016
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Here's what I know for fact - America is fed up. We are fed up with Obama, we are fed up with liberals and we are fed up with watching our country head down the tubes.

This November you will see a landslide vote by republicans like that not seen since Nixon DESTROYED George McGovern in the 70s.

Or, as a great Japanese Admiral said during the surprise invasion of Pearl Harbor (and this so aptly applies to Obama) "I fear that all we have done is to awaken a great sleeping giant".

Get ready America.
Sucks to be you. Especially this November.

Clinton supporters are so sure of her nonexistent electability. It will be fun to watch the dread set in.
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Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Bernie Sanders is very much one of those people. Taking money from one to give to another is just as bad as giving Wallstreet bailouts.
People are fed up with Liberals so RW's flock to the most Liberal GOP candidate.

"Angry" is the liberal interpretation of "concerned about the destruction of our country."
Deep down inside, most Americans know something is seriously broken. But they are not educated enough to know exactly what it is. They know someone is taking from them, but they don't know who, or how.

Then along comes a guy who simplifies everything for them. "It's the fault of the JEWS MEXICANS!"

They never stop to think how fucking hilarious it is to bleev your problems are "because Mexicans".

Thinking is absolutely verboten. One's mind must be a never ending stream of consciousness, forgetting what happened or what was said even 30 seconds ago.

Trump is also a master at being a echo wall. He hears the rubes cowering in the fetal position over the Muslim bogeyman in their closet, and he says, "You SHOULD be afraid. You should be VERY afraid."

He needs that emotionalism to feed on and survive. He cannot allow even the smallest beam of the light of rationality to penetrate into their darkened minds.
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Old guy in the coffee shop summed it up nice this morning.

"You get to where you decide you got to do something different even if you know it's going to be wrong. So long as it's different."
Old guy in the coffee shop summed it up nice this morning.

"You get to where you decide you got to do something different even if you know it's going to be wrong. So long as it's different."

Real job creation would be very, very different, at this juncture!
I wonder if the Ventura effect is at work--You know, when a non-politician decides to run for a high office. Usually, all the political experts say he is a joke and does not have chance and do everything they can to bring him down. So the voters instinctively recognize this in their lives and decides to support the newby obtain the office.

Of course, the newby must have noted success somewhere else--like Ventura in wrestling, Palin in Alaska politics, Trump in real estate, before the effect can take place.
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"Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry"

'People' aren't 'angry,' mostly republicans are 'angry,' and about a third of republicans at that.

And republicans are 'angry' only because they lost the last two presidential elections, because a majority of Americans reject their inane, ridiculous agenda, and because the country is becoming more inclusive, more diverse, where individuals enjoy greater liberty to express themselves – and there's nothing republicans can do to stop it.
I'll make America great again, believe me !

I'll tell you how much it's going to cost taxpayers after I'm elected.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Wut? Trump earned all his moola by employing the undocumented at the expense of American jobs.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
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