Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry

Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Bernie Sanders is very much one of those people. Taking money from one to give to another is just as bad as giving Wallstreet bailouts.

Do you understand how corporate welfare works.

Wallmart pays shitty wages. People working their must go on food stamps and medicaid to feed and care for their kids. Who pays for these programs?

That isn't corporate welfare, dipstick. No one is forced to work at Walmart.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
Of course I'm scared. Extreme right wing movements are a scary thing when they gain traction and become serious players in the political scene
Trump is a Right Winger?...Explain in detail.
Militarism, support for torture, nationalism, warmongering ... all extreme right wing traits.

I definitely support torturing Jihadis.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.
I can't. I'm a troll.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
Of course I'm scared. Extreme right wing movements are a scary thing when they gain traction and become serious players in the political scene
Trump is a Right Winger?...Explain in detail.
Militarism, support for torture, nationalism, warmongering ... all extreme right wing traits.

I definitely support torturing Jihadis.
That's sick.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
Of course I'm scared. Extreme right wing movements are a scary thing when they gain traction and become serious players in the political scene
Trump is a Right Winger?...Explain in detail.
Militarism, support for torture, nationalism, warmongering ... all extreme right wing traits.
Strong Military that will probably require tons of R&D and advances in technology and spurs tons of Industry. of the 7 facets of Ricardian Free Trade (But we can't have THAT!)
Torture...For someone who planned to commit murder? Can't have THAT!
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.
I can't. I'm a troll.
You're an Ideologue with lots of company.
Isn't it precious, how The Left is freaking out over Trump?

They're either scared shitless, or doing a damned good job of impersonating that condition.
Of course I'm scared. Extreme right wing movements are a scary thing when they gain traction and become serious players in the political scene
Trump is a Right Winger?...Explain in detail.
Militarism, support for torture, nationalism, warmongering ... all extreme right wing traits.

I definitely support torturing Jihadis.
That's sick.

It's a mature response to JIhad.
Trump was created by the absolute capitulation of the Republican House and Senate since it came into complete power in January 2015! The fucking Republican's have no one but themselves to blame....The PEOPLE are now displaying their CONTEMPT of men and women that promised one thing to get elected, and do the complete opposite! They NO LONGER TRUST a politician, of any party!
President Trump has released the first three things he will undertake on Day 1 of his presidency:

Donald Trump's Day 1 to-do list -
Stupid Trump thinks he can cancel Obamacare
Smart Trump WILL cancel Obamascam.

If Trump wins, Republicans hold the house and get 60 seats in the Senate

I guess you can always dream
In living color. It's happening.
President Trump has released the first three things he will undertake on Day 1 of his presidency:

Donald Trump's Day 1 to-do list -
Stupid Trump thinks he can cancel Obamacare
Smart Trump WILL cancel Obamascam.

If Trump wins, Republicans hold the house and get 60 seats in the Senate

I guess you can always dream
We only need 50 seats in the Senate. Obamacare was passed as a budget bill, which means it can't be filibustered.
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Bernie Sanders is very much one of those people. Taking money from one to give to another is just as bad as giving Wallstreet bailouts.

Do you understand how corporate welfare works.

Wallmart pays shitty wages. People working their must go on food stamps and medicaid to feed and care for their kids. Who pays for these programs?

That isn't corporate welfare, dipstick. No one is forced to work at Walmart.
The ignorance is astounding huh
To Hell with the establishment.............they have had decades to fix the problems in this country........

Expecting them to fix it is like having an arsonist who burned down your home tell you how to protect your home............................

This election is a GO TO HELL ESTABLISHMENT year.
If you vote for the same Republicans that you all are pissed at in the establishment, all over again, then you have changed nothing, even with Trump as President....remember this is not a Dictator position.

Nothing will 'change' if Trump or Sanders were president – to believe otherwise is naïve and delusional.
To Hell with the establishment.............they have had decades to fix the problems in this country........

Expecting them to fix it is like having an arsonist who burned down your home tell you how to protect your home............................

This election is a GO TO HELL ESTABLISHMENT year.
If you vote for the same Republicans that you all are pissed at in the establishment, all over again, then you have changed nothing, even with Trump as President....remember this is not a Dictator position.

Nothing will 'change' if Trump or Sanders were president – to believe otherwise is naïve and delusional.
Applicable to Bernie but not Trump.
Trump has ALREADY made a change, a positive and massive one! He can do much more if elected president.
as If we the people don't have a right to be angry. you have the BLM disrupting our lives. we had the OWS, illegal immigrants demanding citizenship and the progressive party stirring up hate and class warfare for their Agenda. And then we had that nasty man in as President for eight MISERABLE YEARS

Being angry is one thing. Electing someone who is promising to do what we are angry about just makes no sense
Actually it makes perfect sense.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Fairness applied to countries that pay slave wages by charging them tariff's.
Convince corporations to do business in America and to bring their money back to America where it can do Americans some good.
This only 'makes sense' to bigots and delusional rightwing loons.
as If we the people don't have a right to be angry. you have the BLM disrupting our lives. we had the OWS, illegal immigrants demanding citizenship and the progressive party stirring up hate and class warfare for their Agenda. And then we had that nasty man in as President for eight MISERABLE YEARS

Being angry is one thing. Electing someone who is promising to do what we are angry about just makes no sense
Actually it makes perfect sense.
Seal the border.
No new immigrants until every American who wants a job has a job that pays a living wage.
Fairness applied to countries that pay slave wages by charging them tariff's.
Convince corporations to do business in America and to bring their money back to America where it can do Americans some good.
This only 'makes sense' to bigots and delusional rightwing loons.
Did Rachel tell you that, Taker?
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.

It's not anger.

It's fear.

They think Mexicans are coming to steal their jobs and Isis is big threat to the homeland. Neither are true. But the media likes to play on fear as well, not just Fox, they all use fear to keep you tuned in.
Trump supporters are just afraid that Mexicans are coming to speak Spanish around them, and make America 'more brown.'
Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.
To Hell with the establishment.............they have had decades to fix the problems in this country........

Expecting them to fix it is like having an arsonist who burned down your home tell you how to protect your home............................

This election is a GO TO HELL ESTABLISHMENT year.
If you vote for the same Republicans that you all are pissed at in the establishment, all over again, then you have changed nothing, even with Trump as President....remember this is not a Dictator position.

Nothing will 'change' if Trump or Sanders were president – to believe otherwise is naïve and delusional.
Applicable to Bernie but not Trump.
Trump has ALREADY made a change, a positive and massive one! He can do much more if elected president.

Nailed it.

Trump's victories aren't mysterious if you understand why people are angry | Jeb Lund

There are millions of miserable people in America who know exactly who engineered the shattering of their worlds, and Trump isn’t one of those people – and, with the exception of Bernie Sanders, everyone else in the field is running on the basis of their experience being one of those people.
Yes, he's nailed it. And it's troubling. Trump is feeding a growing monster, and he's clueless to how very dangerous it is.
Explain in detail.

Trump has concluded that he can win the White House without appealing to reason. He's targeting idiots with simplistic demagoguery. And he just might be right.
No more bullshit.
I have watched many of his interviews.
Explain yourself in detail.

Trump avoids details, and repeats simplistic phrases that appeal to emotions, particularly fear and anger.

You mean simplistic phrases like "hope and change?"

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