Trumps vaccine problem


Platinum Member
Dec 21, 2019
ANY GOP candidate is going to shove Trumps support for the vaccine down his throat. And for good reason. Here is him bashing the GA governor for not locking down businesses.

Trumps vaccine problem​

You ought to worry about Biden's vaccine problem! Three times more died under his watch than Trump after Biden stating that Trump's lesser number was grounds for removal from office! Then Biden told us we'd be free of Covid and grilling outdoors mask free by July 4 2021. Yet here he is just the other day the old fuck OUTSIDE trying to get his coat on (unsuccessfully) still wearing a mask! (A mask which Fauci has admitted is ineffective and utterly pointless outside and in a breeze)! :auiqs.jpg:
You ought to worry about Biden's vaccine problem! Three times more died under his watch than Trump after Biden stating that Trump's lesser number was grounds for removal from office! Then Biden told us we'd be free of Covid and grilling outdoors mask free by July 4 2021. Yet here he is just the other day the old fuck OUTSIDE trying to get his coat on (unsuccessfully) still wearing a mask! (A mask which Fauci has admitted is ineffective and utterly pointless outside and in a breeze)! :auiqs.jpg:

It was the same vaccine.

LMAO.. "Biden's vaccine was worse than Trumps." BA HA HA HA HA HA HA

But maybe you're right. Trump claims that he saved millions and millions of people (with the vaccine).
You can't spin this.
Why spin .. just share the truth that Democrats forced their sheeple to get experimental shots, forced them to stand 6 feet apart and forced them to worship the new Democrat religious symbol --- the mask.

All .. which have been scientifically proven to have lackluster efficacy with COVID -- and then .. Biden promises to kill the virus, and we still have 120-150K deaths annually ... still.
Why spin .. just share the truth that Democrats forced their sheeple to get experimental shots, forced them to stand 6 feet apart and forced them to worship the new Democrat religious symbol --- the mask.

All .. which have been scientifically proven to have lackluster efficacy with COVID -- and then .. Biden promises to kill the virus, and we still have 120-150K deaths annually ... still.

Trump accuses Pfizer of delaying vaccine announcement until after election​

Keep in mind .. this was the vaccine that Biden took on public television to demonstrate how sheeple should follow his lead.

This was the vaccine that was handed to Biden from Trump. The same vaccine that Trump claims to not only be the "greatest medical miracle of all time," but save millions lives. <<<Trumps words.
Spin what? :cuckoo:

Trump was very supportive of lock down. Told Kemp he strongly disagreed with opening businesses back up. And was very supportive of "phase one guidelines." Said it was "too soon" to open things back up.
Had Trump stayed in office, with the support he was showing of shutting business's down, it would be a stretch to say Trump wouldn't have went as far as Trump did.

Trump's not as big on freedom as his supporters claim. He banned something as simple as bump stocks. And publicly stated "They should take the guns first, due process later." I know that has nothing to do with the vaccine. But it does show Trumps lack of support for our rights.
Trump was very supportive of lock down. Told Kemp he strongly disagreed with opening businesses back up. And was very supportive of "phase one guidelines." Said it was "too soon" to open things back up.
Had Trump stayed in office, with the support he was showing of shutting business's down, it would be a stretch to say Trump wouldn't have went as far as Trump did.

Trump's not as big on freedom as his supporters claim. He banned something as simple as bump stocks. And publicly stated "They should take the guns first, due process later." I know that has nothing to do with the vaccine. But it does show Trumps lack of support for our rights.
Republicans have the false idea that their guy is going to protect their Freedoms; it’s delusional. Forget the Bushes role in 911, after the Patriot Act, how do you still think Republicans are the good guys?

Only the Lord can prevent coming Storm
After all the Country has been through with Biden and Faucci the left wants to blame Trump for the vaccine fiasco? WTF?
Sure. Why not?

Trump did ignored Fauci's advice regarding using an EUA, and instead threw socialist money at big pharma while advocating for the vaccine he fast tracked.

At the very least, every person who took the Trump vaccine by choice needs to demand house Republicans investigate and follow the money trail between Trump and big pharma...after the anti inflation bill of course.
Hunter's first trip as a Secret Service protectee (14 Jun 2009) was to Adis Ababa, Ethiopia. Not only is the puppet-son of a puppet president already compromised by Ethiopian links to the director of WHO, Bill Gates owning that director is another puppet link.
Hunter Biden's Jesuit link in Oregon (Jesuit Volunteer Corps, Portland) is also a marionette link to The Jesuit Elf, Anthony Fauci.

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