Trump's Retardation Revealed

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Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2011
Trump last October: "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

Trump never had a plan. And his Chumps had to be the dumbest voters in the history of the Universe to think replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". That should have been a HUGE tipoff Trump had no replacement plan and had no fucking clue what he was doing. But the rube herd totally fell for it.

I've been pointing out for a while now that every huckster I have ever encountered was not that bright. In fact, they are downright stupid. They are just very good at one thing, and that is identifying the weaknesses in their marks and exploiting them to the maximum.

Now here's the funny thing about Trump. He thinks he is really smart. The smartest. And so do his rubes. They think he's the smartest. Terrifically smart. The bestest smart. Brilliant, believe me.

Therefore, Trump actually believes if he doesn't know something, then no one else on Earth knows it. And that is how he ends up making the most hilarious statements like he did at the National Governors Association today..

"Now I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."

EVERYONE with more than two brain cells knew it, retard! :lol:

Time mark 11:20:

"You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost." - Donald J. Trump
Trump is retarded. Conway needs to smear some more turd polish on him.

This is all part in making America great again. Trump will have us Americans a great beautiful Healthcare Plan. First things first, we'll get Obamacare repealed.
I don't know how you guys will make it through the next four years. It will be a miracle if you don't blow your brains out.
Trump's plan for fighting ISIS.
Same plan as President Obama's.
Trump's plan for replacing Obamacare: ON HOLD because he has no idea what the hell hes doing.
Trump last October: "My first day in office, I'm going to ask Congress to put a bill on my desk getting rid of this disastrous law, and replacing it with reforms that expand choice, freedom, affordability. You're going to have such great health care at a tiny fraction of the cost, and it's going to be so easy."

Trump's Chumps swallowed that bullshit hook, line, and sinker.

Trump never had a plan. And his Chumps had to be the dumbest voters in the history of the Universe to think replacing ObamaCare was "going to be so easy". That should have been a HUGE tipoff Trump had no replacement plan and had no fucking clue what he was doing. But the rube herd totally fell for it.

I've been pointing out for a while now that every huckster I have ever encountered was not that bright. In fact, they are downright stupid. They are just very good at one thing, and that is identifying the weaknesses in their marks and exploiting them to the maximum.

Now here's the funny thing about Trump. He thinks he is really smart. The smartest. And so do his rubes. They think he's the smartest. Terrifically smart. The bestest smart. Brilliant, believe me.

Therefore, Trump actually believes if he doesn't know something, then no one else on Earth knows it. And that is how he ends up making the most hilarious statements like he did at the National Governors Association today..

"Now I have to tell you, it's an unbelievably complex subject. Nobody knew that health care could be so complicated."

EVERYONE with more than two brain cells knew it, retard! :lol:

Time mark 11:20:

I don't know how you guys will make it through the next four years. It will be a miracle if you don't blow your brains out.
He'll never make it 4 years. This fat fuck will have a stroke within two years or the 25th amendment will take him out.
The thin skinned whiny little bitch won't be able to handle being the most reviled man on earth and watching his poll numbers sink into the 20's.
Replacing Obamacare is going to be harder because of the obstructionist hacks in the democrat party who can't even face the inevitable while they drag their feet over appointments and use vulgar terms like "scumbags" to refer to the administration rather than accepting the results of the election. Former speaker Nancy Pelosi never even read the monstrosity of Obamacare that the crazies in the democrat party passed with threats and bribes and intimidation in their own party. Medical insurance deductibles for middle class families were once around $100-$300 and after a few bumps and scrapes and broken bones the insurance would click in. After Obamacare the deductible was as high as a freaking new car and they might as well have no insurance. Desperate small businesses even opted to pay the federal penalty rather than go bankrupt paying for employee insurance. Full time employees who once enjoyed paid insurance became part time employees with no insurance and a smaller paycheck because businesses couldn't afford the crazy health insurance prices. Yeah, it might be tougher than expected but the Trump Administration is determined to do the right thing.
I don't know how you guys will make it through the next four years. It will be a miracle if you don't blow your brains out.

Trump is so confused and frustrated right now till it will be a miracle if he doesn't blow his own brains out. This is the one and only case where I agree with the NRA goal of making sure mentally defective people are armed.
Replacing Obamacare is going to be harder because of the obstructionist hacks in the democrat party who can't even face the inevitable while they drag their feet over appointments and use vulgar terms like "scumbags" to refer to the administration rather than accepting the results of the election. Former speaker Nancy Pelosi never even read the monstrosity of Obamacare that the crazies in the democrat party passed with threats and bribes and intimidation in their own party. Medical insurance deductibles for middle class families were once around $100-$300 and after a few bumps and scrapes and broken bones the insurance would click in. After Obamacare the deductible was as high as a freaking new car and they might as well have no insurance. Desperate small businesses even opted to pay the federal penalty rather than go bankrupt paying for employee insurance. Full time employees who once enjoyed paid insurance became part time employees with no insurance and a smaller paycheck because businesses couldn't afford the crazy health insurance prices. Yeah, it might be tougher than expected but the Trump Administration is determined to do the right thing.
Trump won't have fuck-all to do with health care reform. The "Establishment" Republicans in Congress Trump and all you assholes jeered all this time will do the hard work and heavy lifting, and Trump will try to steal all the credit.
So much residual butt hurt among the left. It is very satisfying. Lol!
I don't know how you guys will make it through the next four years. It will be a miracle if you don't blow your brains out.

Trump is so confused and frustrated right now till it will be a miracle if he doesn't blow his on brains out. This is the one and only case where I agree with the NRA goal of making sure mentally defective people are armed.
Lol. Indeed. He doesn't want to be president. He never wanted to be president. He just needed his ego stroked and it was a challenge to him how many people he could con at one time.
He has no idea what he's doing and why should he?
He made his living out of screwing the little guy out of his money.
Now he's screwing the country.
He's nothing but a serial sex offending sociopath.
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