Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say

This has been a BIG LIE!

The most famous example of the "big lie" is the Salem Witch Trials, where four bored teenage girls convinced their pastor they were possessed by the devil and that dozens of people in their community were agents of Satan. The pastor, in turn, convinced most of Massachusetts that the colony was inundated with witches.

Even though it's hard to imagine today, some 200 people were arrested over the next year. One poor man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death under a pile of giant rocks because he wouldn't confess to being a witch.

And what happened to those who did confess? They were forced to name more witches. Then they were hanged. Before anyone came to their senses, 30 people were put to death.

We "modern" Americans look back at these events and wonder how anyone could have taken seriously a bunch of teenagers prattling on about witches and devils.

But don't be too proud... A court in Arkansas sent three teenage boys to prison in 1994 for murders they couldn't have possibly committed, mostly because the jury firmly believed they were devil worshipers and thought they'd used black magic to pull off the crime.

And with COVID-19, Americans have become just as irrational as those Salem witch hunters or that Arkansas jury.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

There are experts, and then there are "experts". Some experts predicted 2,000,000+ dead Americans.

They look like idiots now.
No, you do, because you aren't addressing the thread. You went off the reservation with a death prediction and that's not what this thread is talking about.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
All you folk do is rage, whine, and attack, you folk are spectacularly intolerant, entitlement minded, and frankly childish. Know this fearful one, we didn't close down the United States during the Spanish Flu epidemic of 1918, which in just under twenty-four weeks managed to kill over 650,000 Americans and an estimated 40-million to 100-million humans worldwide! Now, go back to work and stop whining, if you get sick and die, well I'm sure that'll be sad, but the fact of the matter is that we will survive your death......
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

There are experts, and then there are "experts". Some experts predicted 2,000,000+ dead Americans.

They look like idiots now.
No, you do, because you aren't addressing the thread. You went off the reservation with a death prediction and that's not what this thread is talking about.

Retract your inherent cretinism, Fugu. :auiqs.jpg:

The OP concerned the opinions of "experts". I gave my opinion ON experts.
Trump has a great plan. Let each governor decide when and how. The POTUS should not influence the decision.
That's not what Trump said last Monday. He said he had complete authority. Now it's the governors decision? :auiqs.jpg: Shit, Trump hasn't got a plan because he doesn't have a clue. He doesn't even know what the Constitution says about all this, so how can that dumb mf have a "great plan?"
The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
The plan's flawed because Trump isn't capable of providing adequate testing:

Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say

"States are 'far from being able to do enough tests to enable us to move to the next phase of responding to the pandemic,' says here Jen Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation. She says there are no details in the guidelines on how much testing is needed..."

"'Not one of the 50 U.S. states currently has surveillance capabilities sufficient to enable case-based interventions at the necessary scale,' Duke University researchers wrote in an extensive look here at testing needs.

"The White House guidelines don’t provide any information on how to get there."

Which is likely by design since Trump's only concern in this matter is making sure he can blame states if he rushes the reopening and the economy crashes again next November.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

There are experts, and then there are "experts". Some experts predicted 2,000,000+ dead Americans.

They look like idiots now.
No, you do, because you aren't addressing the thread. You went off the reservation with a death prediction and that's not what this thread is talking about.

Retract your inherent cretinism, Fugu. :auiqs.jpg:

The OP concerned the opinions of "experts". I gave my opinion ON experts.
Experts on a different subject. You're the fucking idiot.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

There are experts, and then there are "experts". Some experts predicted 2,000,000+ dead Americans.

They look like idiots now.
No, you do, because you aren't addressing the thread. You went off the reservation with a death prediction and that's not what this thread is talking about.

Retract your inherent cretinism, Fugu. :auiqs.jpg:

The OP concerned the opinions of "experts". I gave my opinion ON experts.
Experts on a different subject. You're the fucking idiot.

Your stupidity is as boundless as your unjustifiable arrogance.
The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
The plan's flawed because Trump isn't capable of providing adequate testing:

Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say

"States are 'far from being able to do enough tests to enable us to move to the next phase of responding to the pandemic,' says here Jen Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation. She says there are no details in the guidelines on how much testing is needed..."

"'Not one of the 50 U.S. states currently has surveillance capabilities sufficient to enable case-based interventions at the necessary scale,' Duke University researchers wrote in an extensive look here at testing needs.

"The White House guidelines don’t provide any information on how to get there."

Which is likely by design since Trump's only concern in this matter is making sure he can blame states if he rushes the reopening and the economy crashes again next November.
Trump's guidelines have been a collective cocktail of hoaxes, miracles, blame games, election pitches, lies, blunders, and massive stupidity in this whole Coronavirus response.
This has been a BIG LIE!

The most famous example of the "big lie" is the Salem Witch Trials, where four bored teenage girls convinced their pastor they were possessed by the devil and that dozens of people in their community were agents of Satan. The pastor, in turn, convinced most of Massachusetts that the colony was inundated with witches.

Even though it's hard to imagine today, some 200 people were arrested over the next year. One poor man, Giles Corey, was crushed to death under a pile of giant rocks because he wouldn't confess to being a witch.

And what happened to those who did confess? They were forced to name more witches. Then they were hanged. Before anyone came to their senses, 30 people were put to death.

We "modern" Americans look back at these events and wonder how anyone could have taken seriously a bunch of teenagers prattling on about witches and devils.

But don't be too proud... A court in Arkansas sent three teenage boys to prison in 1994 for murders they couldn't have possibly committed, mostly because the jury firmly believed they were devil worshipers and thought they'd used black magic to pull off the crime.

And with COVID-19, Americans have become just as irrational as those Salem witch hunters or that Arkansas jury.
In 1983 an emotionally disconnected child psychologist impressed her boyfriend with a story about satan worshipping child molesters who took the children cross country on flying brooms. Before the McMartin Preschool case was over more than 300 people in Manhattan, Hermosa and Redondo Beach had been accused of Satan worship and child molestation.
The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.
The plan's flawed because Trump isn't capable of providing adequate testing:

Trump's coronavirus reopening plan has big holes, health experts say

"States are 'far from being able to do enough tests to enable us to move to the next phase of responding to the pandemic,' says here Jen Kates of the Kaiser Family Foundation. She says there are no details in the guidelines on how much testing is needed..."

"'Not one of the 50 U.S. states currently has surveillance capabilities sufficient to enable case-based interventions at the necessary scale,' Duke University researchers wrote in an extensive look here at testing needs.

"The White House guidelines don’t provide any information on how to get there."

Which is likely by design since Trump's only concern in this matter is making sure he can blame states if he rushes the reopening and the economy crashes again next November.
Trump's guidelines have been a collective cocktail of hoaxes, miracles, blame games, election pitches, lies, blunders, and massive stupidity in this whole Coronavirus response.
You are an enemy. As such can't be taken seriously or believed.
‘Trump, a Republican who is running for re-election in November, touted the guidelines as a blueprint for a reawakening of the economy, saying growth would soar like a “rocket ship” after the restart.

But the guidelines, and the ways in which experts say they fall short, suggest that revving activity back up to pre-pandemic levels will be anything but smooth or speedy.’

The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected, not the health and safety of the American people.

There are experts, and then there are "experts". Some experts predicted 2,000,000+ dead Americans.

They look like idiots now.
No, you do, because you aren't addressing the thread. You went off the reservation with a death prediction and that's not what this thread is talking about.

Retract your inherent cretinism, Fugu. :auiqs.jpg:

The OP concerned the opinions of "experts". I gave my opinion ON experts.
Experts on a different subject. You're the fucking idiot.

Your stupidity is as boundless as your unjustifiable arrogance.
It was your stupidity that tried on the shoe to change the topic, not me. And the shoe fit.
The ‘plan’ is flawed because it’s predicated on Trump’s concerns about being reelected

That's the best part of the plan.
Public health concerns should take a back seat to the political aspirations of a narcissist like Donald Trump? How on earth can you defend that, let alone cheer on eliminating mitigation efforts in the midst of a pandemic? Why on earth would any responsible adult take you seriously?

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