Trump’s America first immigration policy vs Biden’s open border, screw-the-American-people policy


Gold Member
May 24, 2009
The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
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The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion

Except..there are no "open border" policies. No one, Republican or Democrat support open borders.
What you are seeing now is a culmination of four plus decades of NOT dealing with immigration.
A shit show, sure. But it's better than the last guy pretending he was tough and posing like the turd he was in front of his "beautiful" wall. :)
Right now, Biden's admin has gone back to the Obama era of just going after the really bad apples.
Not the poor slob who just came here hoping for a decent job because they were gonna get killed in their own country.

The "United States and HER citizens??"..."Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.....I"ll PISS ON THEM!!" (Thank You Lou Reed!)

Until both parties sit down and TALK about immigration, I'll continue to see these inane posts from the just and righteous Right Wing about
how those dirty dark people are ruining "My country!!".
Except..there are no "open border" policies.


Allowing Central America's poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal population to flood across our border and introduced into our population without even having a court hearing to determine their status, seems pretty clear to thinking people as being an open border policy.

Heck, the Biden Administration is even freeing sex offenders into our population! See Sex Offenders Catch a Break With Biden

May 5, 2021

“Amid a report that illegal alien sex offenders were freed into the United States, five states are suing the Biden administration over guidelines that are used to shield rapists and other violent felons from deportation.

A San Antonio television station revealed last week that U.S. Marshals released illegal alien sex offenders in Austin and Del Rio, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from taking them into custody. The Marshals Service said it does not comment on cases “subject of ongoing or pending litigation.”

How on earth are the Biden Administration’s open border immigration policies advancing the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?

The "United States and HER citizens??"..."Give me your poor, your tired, your huddled masses.....

Give me your poor, and tired clap trap, written by a known socialist and lesbian.

There was no free government cheese handed out during the immigration period of late 1800s and early 1900s. The immigrants coming to America during this time period and who passed the Statute of Liberty on their way to Elis Island were not granted entry into the United States for a number of reasons. One reason to be rejected was the likelihood of becoming a ward of the state and a “public charge”, and on this ground alone some were refused entry!

"(U)nescorted women and children were detained until their safety was assured through the arrival of a telegram, letter, or a pre-paid ticket from a waiting relative. Immigration officials refused to send single women into the streets alone, nor could they leave with a man not related to them.LINK

The law also required a medical inspection of all immigrants, and if an inspection officer detected an applicant with a disease, especially contagious diseases (TB, venereal disease, etc.) and even mental illness, they were rejected.

So, now that we are more acquainted with historical facts, how does flooding the United States with the poverty stricken population of Central America promote the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?

Once the cartels get enough members here they will directly move against American law enforcement and cities replacing elected officials with cartel chosen officials.
Once the cartels get enough members here they will directly move against American law enforcement and cities replacing elected officials with cartel chosen officials.

Well, that's how it works south of our border!

The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
Oh boo hoo Trump's racist policies are ended, and now all the white-right scum in AmeriKKKa is crying because they don't still have the thrill of watching children be abused at the border. Never mind that the problems they're fleeing are largely of USA creation... no, white-right Republiscum don't take responsibility for any of their crap. They're utterly without ethics or any decency anyone can perceive.

Yes, the world watches USA Republicans contorted with racism and hostility, violence and sedition, and wonders what went wrong in this country? And why does it keep on going wrong?

Dumb brainwashed duped conned white-right fools who think they're Christians and think they're other than lowlife traitors! It would be comical if they weren't our #1 terrorist threat. Arrogant bastards y'all OWE Central Americans for all the nastiness you've visited on their countries, you amoral gutless rutting fascist devils.
The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
Oh boo hoo Trump's racist policies are ended, and now all the white-right scum in AmeriKKKa is crying because they don't still have the thrill of watching children be abused at the border. Never mind that the problems they're fleeing are largely of USA creation... no, white-right Republiscum don't take responsibility for any of their crap. They're utterly without ethics or any decency anyone can perceive.

Yes, the world watches USA Republicans contorted with racism and hostility, violence and sedition, and wonders what went wrong in this country? And why does it keep on going wrong?

Dumb brainwashed duped conned white-right fools who think they're Christians and think they're other than lowlife traitors! It would be comical if they weren't our #1 terrorist threat. Arrogant bastards y'all OWE Central Americans for all the nastiness you've visited on their countries, you amoral gutless rutting fascist devils.


Man! You are on sick puppy! But hey, I think you ought to listen to Bernadette Lancelin, very, very carefully.



We have our own needy to attend to, and not the world's poverty which is created under dictatorship type governments.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK
The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
Oh boo hoo Trump's racist policies are ended, and now all the white-right scum in AmeriKKKa is crying because they don't still have the thrill of watching children be abused at the border. Never mind that the problems they're fleeing are largely of USA creation... no, white-right Republiscum don't take responsibility for any of their crap. They're utterly without ethics or any decency anyone can perceive.

Yes, the world watches USA Republicans contorted with racism and hostility, violence and sedition, and wonders what went wrong in this country? And why does it keep on going wrong?

Dumb brainwashed duped conned white-right fools who think they're Christians and think they're other than lowlife traitors! It would be comical if they weren't our #1 terrorist threat. Arrogant bastards y'all OWE Central Americans for all the nastiness you've visited on their countries, you amoral gutless rutting fascist devils.


Man! You are on sick puppy! But hey, I think you ought to listen to Bernadette Lancelin, very, very carefully.



We have our own needy to attend to, and not the world's poverty which is created under dictatorship type governments.


Joe Biden and Kamala Harris want elderly American citizens, who paid into Medicare all their lives, to surrender and share their Medicare Trust fund with millions of illegal entrants who have invaded America’s borders. LINK

Republiscum want to torture immigrants. That is their greatest joy... keeping children in cages, watching them cry... losing their parents. Republiklan voters are racist lowlife with zero compassion for humanity. They are 100% Antichrist.

USA is a pathetic 2nd-world craphole thanks to Reaganomics, and it is not immigrants to blame for the pathetic state of your opioid-infested towns and rotten middle class. You can blame the same Republiscum for whom you vote, you pathetic brainwashed dupes!
Once the cartels get enough members here they will directly move against American law enforcement and cities replacing elected officials with cartel chosen officials.
Paranoia running amok!!!
The people coming to the border are not cartel members, fool. They are desperate refugees, about whom you care nothing, because as a white-right Trumpoid, you are not human. And I do not consider you human. And I will treat you accordingly, traitor.
Once the cartels get enough members here they will directly move against American law enforcement and cities replacing elected officials with cartel chosen officials.

Well, that's how it works south of our border!

You know nothing about south of the border, and so can shut your racist mouth. Speak racism in my presence and I'll shut it for you, traitor.
Except..there are no "open border" policies.

View attachment 495540

Allowing Central America's poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal population to flood across our border and introduced into our population without even having a court hearing to determine their status, seems pretty clear to thinking people as being an open border policy.

Heck, the Biden Administration is even freeing sex offenders into our population! See Sex Offenders Catch a Break With Biden

May 5, 2021

“Amid a report that illegal alien sex offenders were freed into the United States, five states are suing the Biden administration over guidelines that are used to shield rapists and other violent felons from deportation.

A San Antonio television station revealed last week that U.S. Marshals released illegal alien sex offenders in Austin and Del Rio, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from taking them into custody. The Marshals Service said it does not comment on cases “subject of ongoing or pending litigation.”

How on earth are the Biden Administration’s open border immigration policies advancing the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?

There is no open border, so either you're simply lying, or are yet another pathetic example of a confused delusional Trumpoid halfwit. Likely the latter, since you probably BELIEVE the nonsense the white-right media has taught you to believe.
Chump. Fool. Dupe. Tool. They've turned you into a rutting traitor, boy!
The irrefutable truth is, because of the Executive Orders Trump put in place, the flow of Central America’s poverty stricken across our southern border was reduced to a trickle. But as soon as Biden took over he reversed Trump’s Executive Orders dealing with immigration, which immediately resulted in that trickle turning into a tsunami, and American Citizens and their children are now paying the price.

One of Trump’s Executive Orders was ending “catch and release”, an Obama policy which allowed immigrants who entered the US illegally to be released from detention into our population, while awaiting a court hearing on their status.

But as soon as Biden took office he re-started “catch and release”. See Biden reinstates ‘catch and release’ policy at the southern border. And now we find news articles like the following: Mark Morgan: 30K Migrants Released Into US Since January

Sunday May 30, 2021

“Some 30,000 migrants who crossed the southern border and were taken into federal custody have been released into the United States since January as facilities to house them have been filled to overcapacity . . .”

The article continues:

“In an interview on CBS News’ “Face The Nation” Sunday, Rep. Henry Cuellar, D-Texas, said he learned of at least 2,000 illegal immigrants in southern Texas who were released by Border Patrol agents without having been given notice to appear in an ICE court, calling it an “unprecedented” number.”

With news like this _ the restarting of catch and release and ending court appearances _ allowing Central America’s poverty stricken direct entry into our nation’s population, it’s no wonder we now have a massive tsunami across our border and American citizens paying the price.

How on earth are Biden’s immigration policies promoting the general welfare of the United States and her citizens?


The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion
There is no invasion. Those are desperate refugees you are hating. What does that make you? Nothing human, certainly.
Republiscum want to torture immigrants. That is their greatest joy... keeping children in cages, watching them cry... losing their parents.


Have you forgotten that it was Obama who began the activities you describe above?


Except..there are no "open border" policies.

View attachment 495540

Allowing Central America's poverty stricken, poorly educated, low skilled, diseased, disabled and criminal population to flood across our border and introduced into our population without even having a court hearing to determine their status, seems pretty clear to thinking people as being an open border policy.

Heck, the Biden Administration is even freeing sex offenders into our population! See Sex Offenders Catch a Break With Biden

May 5, 2021

“Amid a report that illegal alien sex offenders were freed into the United States, five states are suing the Biden administration over guidelines that are used to shield rapists and other violent felons from deportation.

A San Antonio television station revealed last week that U.S. Marshals released illegal alien sex offenders in Austin and Del Rio, preventing Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents from taking them into custody. The Marshals Service said it does not comment on cases “subject of ongoing or pending litigation.”

How on earth are the Biden Administration’s open border immigration policies advancing the general welfare of the United States and HER citizens?

There is no open border, so either you're simply lying, or are yet another pathetic example of a confused delusional Trumpoid halfwit. Likely the latter, since you probably BELIEVE the nonsense the white-right media has taught you to believe.
Chump. Fool. Dupe. Tool. They've turned you into a rutting traitor, boy!

You apparently are suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome


When it comes to healthcare and helping the needy, our Democrat Party Leadership has no moral compass whatsoever. They refuse to make the distinction between CHARITABLE GIVING and tax tyranny to support the health care needs of millions of illegal entrants and foreign aliens who have invaded America’s borders.

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