Trump’s 2020 banners are being made in China


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
I could care less if the banners are made in N Korea. ... :cool:

That our beloved Trump is going to win the 2020 election is all that really matters. .... :thup:
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In a statement responding to our questions, Michael Glassner — the chief operating officer for the campaign — said: “We have made it clear all along that all of our merchandise is 100% made in the USA. Any vendor who claims to have a relationship with us otherwise is lying or violating our protected trademark rights.”

“This applies to all of the recent fake news about Made in China products for the 2020 campaign,” the statement said.

We asked the campaign if it was aware of other parties that may have ordered the flags being made in China, but we did not get a response.

The Trump reelection campaign’s spending records filed with the Federal Election Commission, as of June 30, show the campaign paid $1,524 for “flags” in June to Wisconsin-based Medalcraft Mint, though it’s unlikely that purchase was actually for flags. Medalcraft’s website doesn’t advertise such products, and a representative told by phone that the company doesn’t make flags. The company made the official inaugural medal for Trump — which it had done for the prior two presidents as well, according to its website.
It is unclear they are going to be used by the 2020 Trump Campaign. It is also unclear to who ordered them.
WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
So USA Today goes to a sweat shop in China where women are treated as 2nd class citizens and make barely 50 cents a day, and there is a hit job with the woman making 1 banner. Wow, seems pretty lame because none of the other "workers"(what liberals call people) seem to be making them. And what is to say that these banners are for President Trump or some other person who barely makes minimum wage but wants to show his support to the President. Ah yes, just typical of the Lame Stream Media to try to put a hit on the President as it has for the past 2 1/2 years...Russia...Russia...Russia....

To think like a liberal, you must remove all grey matter out of your cranium and shove the rest of it up Uranus.
WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!

My give a shit meter is pegged on zero, if that's the worse thing you can up with, you really need to get a fucking life.

WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
It makes no difference to me, it doesn't mean a thing. Why would anyone but a Butthurt Democrat care anyway?
You can't prevent China from making a buck in Trump election crap. I sent for a cheap camo TRUMP 2020 hat myself and it was worth every bit of the $3.00 bucks. US Army Berets were made in China during the Clinton administration.
In a statement responding to our questions, Michael Glassner — the chief operating officer for the campaign — said: “We have made it clear all along that all of our merchandise is 100% made in the USA. Any vendor who claims to have a relationship with us otherwise is lying or violating our protected trademark rights.”

“This applies to all of the recent fake news about Made in China products for the 2020 campaign,” the statement said.

We asked the campaign if it was aware of other parties that may have ordered the flags being made in China, but we did not get a response.

The Trump reelection campaign’s spending records filed with the Federal Election Commission, as of June 30, show the campaign paid $1,524 for “flags” in June to Wisconsin-based Medalcraft Mint, though it’s unlikely that purchase was actually for flags. Medalcraft’s website doesn’t advertise such products, and a representative told by phone that the company doesn’t make flags. The company made the official inaugural medal for Trump — which it had done for the prior two presidents as well, according to its website.
It is unclear they are going to be used by the 2020 Trump Campaign. It is also unclear to who ordered them.
Oh an official from the campaign called this fake news? How silly of me!

WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
It makes no difference to me, it doesn't mean a thing. Why would anyone but a Butthurt Democrat care anyway?
Oh right of course it doesn’t make a difference to you. How convenient.
Once they are purchased and shipped here aren't they American?
They belong to Americans.
And at least they are here legally...
So I watched the video, and nowhere does it claim that Trump actually commissioned these banners for his campaign. They actually quote the Chinese company as saying they are doing it on there own initiative, and make no mention of any "orders".

I know this will come as a shock to TDS patients, but there is a significant market for such items. Take a look on Amazon.
WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
Can't believe mueller didn't find this...I see you've abandoned "collusion" in favor of something with some substance...good job
The OP gets spanked in post #3, admits defeat in post #10. This is getting to be rather boring, lol.
WATCH: Trump's 2020 Campaign Banners are Being Made in China

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. I wonder what excuses or deflections Trump supporters will make for this. Here’s a possible list:

1) Fake News! It just is, okay? I don’t need to explain why!

2) But, but, HILLARY!

3) You’re just butthurt Trump won....over 2 years ago!

4) Good, now the Chinese will be more patriotic to America!

5) That video is CGI funded by the Clinton Foundation!

6) So? (This one is almost a guarantee lol)

7) It makes liberals mad so it’s worth it! Derp!
Can't believe mueller didn't find this...I see you've abandoned "collusion" in favor of something with some substance...good job
Typical deflection.
So I watched the video, and nowhere does it claim that Trump actually commissioned these banners for his campaign. They actually quote the Chinese company as saying they are doing it on there own initiative, and make no mention of any "orders".

I know this will come as a shock to TDS patients, but there is a significant market for such items. Take a look on Amazon.
Lol you are such a dumbass. Good god. It is just incredible how hard you people try to justify this shit. Uh no. Trump did tell them. Why in the fuck would these Chinese citizens make flags for Trump otherwise. God you’re so fucking dumb that it makes me ill.
So I watched the video, and nowhere does it claim that Trump actually commissioned these banners for his campaign. They actually quote the Chinese company as saying they are doing it on there own initiative, and make no mention of any "orders".

I know this will come as a shock to TDS patients, but there is a significant market for such items. Take a look on Amazon.
Lol you are such a dumbass. Good god. It is just incredible how hard you people try to justify this shit. Uh no. Trump did tell them. Why in the fuck would these Chinese citizens make flags for Trump otherwise. God you’re so fucking dumb that it makes me ill.

They would make them to sell them, cheese dick. China makes/sells all kinds of knock-off items.

Why is that hard for you to understand?
So I watched the video, and nowhere does it claim that Trump actually commissioned these banners for his campaign. They actually quote the Chinese company as saying they are doing it on there own initiative, and make no mention of any "orders".

I know this will come as a shock to TDS patients, but there is a significant market for such items. Take a look on Amazon.
Lol you are such a dumbass. Good god. It is just incredible how hard you people try to justify this shit. Uh no. Trump did tell them. Why in the fuck would these Chinese citizens make flags for Trump otherwise. God you’re so fucking dumb that it makes me ill.

They would make them to sell them, cheese dick. China makes/sells all kinds of knock-off items.

Why is that hard for you to understand?
That is such horseshit. They wouldn’t make flags and then export them during this tariff non sense. If those flags are going to private corporations in the US, who is buying and selling them exactly? You have no idea at all.

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