Trump will survive.

Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.
The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity.

No dummy, what they are aghast at is Trump and sycophants like you constantly repeating couter-factuals like the one above.

Obama left office as a popular president (60%+ aproval) and despite good economic conditions he handed off, Trump still manages to be unpopular with only a little more than a third of population approving of his job so far.

I think we all know how useless the polls are. It's easy to get a 60% rating when the pollsters ask those who they know will give the answer they want. That's why the butthurt is so strong now, you all believed that the shrilary was a shoe in.
Liberals don't want America to survive

Liberals would love to shred the U.S. Constitution and implement their world view.
Until their world view turns into the view of all Socialist Countries where they start purging the stupid people(like dumbass liberal welfare queens) because the liberal elites don't need dead weight anymore...

Ultimately the people would rise up and behead all these prissy liberals. Thousands of years of human history prove this.
Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.
Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

here you fucking ignorant idiot.....LOL

You're not going to run a mega business without lawsuits. They are part of doing business.

Electrical Contractor Suing Trump Hotel for Unpaid $2 Million Bill ...

Donald Trump: Why US Law Makes It Easy to Stiff Contractors. | Fortune

Trump's DC Hotel Tagged With $5 Million in Unpaid Worker Liens ...

Contractor files $2 million lawsuit against Trump for unpaid bills | TheHill

Contractor claims Trump company refusing to pay for work on DC ...

Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Created by the Chinese?

Worse, Trump insists he never said Global Warming was a Hoax created by the Chinese.

The accusation is STILL in Trump's twitter feed. You can read it *today*. And he still insists he never said it. That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. That useless self delusion to protect a dangerously fragile ego.
Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Created by the Chinese?

Worse, Trump insists he never said Global Warming was a Hoax created by the Chinese.

The accusation is STILL in Trump's twitter feed. You can read it *today*. And he still insists he never said it. That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. That useless self delusion to protect a dangerously fragile ego.

I never said that. But mankind plays no role in global warming. That much is factual. The only place where there is a man derived signal is in computer models. In the real world there has never been a human signal observed.
The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity.

No dummy, what they are aghast at is Trump and sycophants like you constantly repeating couter-factuals like the one above.

Obama left office as a popular president (60%+ aproval) and despite good economic conditions he handed off, Trump still manages to be unpopular with only a little more than a third of population approving of his job so far.

I think we all know how useless the polls are. It's easy to get a 60% rating when the pollsters ask those who they know will give the answer they want. That's why the butthurt is so strong now, you all believed that the shrilary was a shoe in.

Laughing....we'll add polling to the list of sources you have to ignore to be a Trump supporter.
Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Don't worry we can fix global warming with tax increases...oh wait tax and spend Dem's using global warming as a way to increase taxes that seems fishy to me :eusa_think:

The biggest clue to a thinking person should be the realization that if the situation were so bad, the governments would be enacting draconian laws to stop pollution. They aren't. You are still able to pollute, you just have to pay wealthy bankers for the privilege of doing so.
Liberals don't want America to survive

Liberals would love to shred the U.S. Constitution and implement their world view.
Until their world view turns into the view of all Socialist Countries where they start purging the stupid people(like dumbass liberal welfare queens) because the liberal elites don't need dead weight anymore...

Ultimately the people would rise up and behead all these prissy liberals. Thousands of years of human history prove this.

You mean deny them their constitutional rights? :)
Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Created by the Chinese?

Worse, Trump insists he never said Global Warming was a Hoax created by the Chinese.

The accusation is STILL in Trump's twitter feed. You can read it *today*. And he still insists he never said it. That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. That useless self delusion to protect a dangerously fragile ego.

I never said that.

Who gives a shit what *you* said? We're talking about Trump here. And Trump *did* say that Global warming was a hoax created by the Chinese.

Worse, he bizarrely insists he never made the claim, despite the tweet STILL being in his twitter feed. You can go back in his twitter feed and read it today.

That's not 'concrete thinking' nor 'realism'. But rampant self delusion.
Liberals don't want America to survive

Liberals would love to shred the U.S. Constitution and implement their world view.

How do you suppose that would happen?:)

They have already passed asset forfeiture laws that abrogate the 4th Amendment. The politicians already want to limit the 1st Amendment, and we all know that the pet dream of most billionaires and all progressives is the repeal of the 2nd Amendment. You follow the train from there.
Those who could never have imagined voting for Donald Trump just a few years ago find themselves in the midst of a hundred year paradigm. Even though Trump is a billionaire, his history of managing carpenters, painters, welders, electricians, plumbers, janitors and hotel workers endow him with street cred and endear him to the plebeian sector of our society. His work ethic is our work ethic.

Trump is the consummate realist and a concrete thinker. Unlike our insular, privileged political establishment that sees national goals as glittery bags of manure like Climate Change and European style national health insurance, Trump considers a goal to be an actionable reality that relates directly to the personal space of the average US citizen.

His unabashed disgust for political correctness is like a breath of fresh air to the rank and file workers who pay the taxes and do the hard work that makes us the most productive nation on Earth. Trump’s whole life has been that of man keeping his nose to the grindstone and like the rest of us who sweat and toil for a better life for our children he doesn’t address the public with the Larchmont lockjaw of a Franklin Roosevelt. He speaks very good blue collar English.

The political establishment and particularly the left leaning political establishment are aghast at his popularity. After eight years of Barak Obama, a contrived, politically correct action figure festooned with an esoteric, Cracker-Jack box education, the people had had their intelligence insulted long enough. The people realized that Obama was really just a cardboard cutout crafted and served up to the public as an icon of ideological ventriloquism.

They were also aware that his replacement, Hillary Clinton, was a textbook example of crooked politics and an absurd manifestation of a latter day Imelda Marcos with no particular skills, just a connection to a former popular leader.

Our back stabbing political establishment has been selling us out to the rest of the world for decades and like Marx, Stalin and Lenin they thought they could do it by raising a standing army of the stupid; only with a twist-the importation and implantation of interlopers to degrade the cultural stability of the republic and destroy it from the inside out.

They have no crops, only fertilizer and they throw it at the president-racist, mentally unstable etc. They’re desperate. The collective wisdom of the people will triumph. Trump will survive.

Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Created by the Chinese?

Worse, Trump insists he never said Global Warming was a Hoax created by the Chinese.

The accusation is STILL in Trump's twitter feed. You can read it *today*. And he still insists he never said it. That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. That useless self delusion to protect a dangerously fragile ego.

I never said that.

Who gives a shit what *you* said? We're talking about Trump here. And Trump *did* say that Global warming was a hoax created by the Chinese.

Worse, he bizarrely insists he never made the claim, despite the tweet STILL being in his twitter feed. You can go back in his twitter feed and read it today.

That's not 'concrete thinking' nor 'realism'. But rampant self delusion.

Who cares what trump said. How does his claim affect you, or me?
“Trump will survive”

Sure. Survive.


Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble

Sadly, Trump is the very DEFINITION of a realist, you idiot. If he's living in his own bubble, it is a very nice, very big bubble as it has earned him billions of dollars! How many billions has your bubble earned you? As to your other claims, they are all flawed half-truths easily picked apart, but then, what would be the point? You live in a bubble of phantom reality.
Trump isn't a concrete thinker nor a realist. He's living in his own bubble, making up blithering nonsense to feed his ego. He's claimed that Global Warming is a hoax made by the Chinese (it isn't), that he won the popular vote (he didn't), that he had the largest crowd at his inauguration in history (he didn't). He's had to be educated on the most fundamental basics of international politics, often by other world leaders who are astonished at his ignorance. He's claimed that ridiculously difficult things like repealing Obamacare would be 'easy' and takes responsibility for *none* of the failures

Worse, he lies to himself. When questioned on why he met so few of his goals for the first 100 days in office, he insisted that he didn't create the list. He's made up blithering nonsense about being able to tell the generals how to solve Syria. Or inane rambling diatribes on how loved he is around the world.

That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. But impulsive self delusion powered by a fragile ego that puts a far higher priority on being popular.....that being competent.

Global warming is a very real thing. Mankinds role in it is what is the hoax.

Created by the Chinese?

Worse, Trump insists he never said Global Warming was a Hoax created by the Chinese.

The accusation is STILL in Trump's twitter feed. You can read it *today*. And he still insists he never said it. That's neither 'concrete thinking' or 'realism'. That useless self delusion to protect a dangerously fragile ego.

I never said that.

Who gives a shit what *you* said? We're talking about Trump here. And Trump *did* say that Global warming was a hoax created by the Chinese.

Worse, he bizarrely insists he never made the claim, despite the tweet STILL being in his twitter feed. You can go back in his twitter feed and read it today.

That's not 'concrete thinking' nor 'realism'. But rampant self delusion.

Who cares what trump said. How does his claim affect you, or me?

In a thread about Trump and his 'concrete thinking' and 'realism', I do.

As his rampant self delusion, impulsiveness and serial lying explicitly contradicts any assessment that he's a 'concrete thinker'. Or a realist.

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