Trump was gonna kill millions!!!


Gold Member
Mar 30, 2017
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

Yowsuh, boss!
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

I didn't know Turkey and Morocco were part of the ban.

Issa, even for a Muzzie you're an ididot.
And they said Trump was/is racist. LOL
Racist and Sexist.

June 5, 1991

Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino was fined $200,000 on Wednesday for shuffling black and female dealers to accommodate the perceived preferences of a big- betting craps player.
There was never a broad muslim ban.

That's because the federal courts stopped it.

Friday, January 27, 2017
President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order that banned foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from visiting the country for 90 days, suspended entry to the country of all Syrian refugees indefinitely, and prohibited any other refugees from coming into the country for 120 days.

Friday, February 3, 2017
Federal Judge James Robart in Seattle issued an order temporarily blocking President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban executive order nationwide.

Monday, March 6, 2017
Trump signs new Executive Order; ACLU vows to fight ‘Muslim Ban 2.0’
Trump’s new order exempts those who already have visas and green cards and removes Iraq from the banned countries, but it is still religious discrimination in the pretextual guise of national security, and is still unconstitutional, said ACLU Legal Director David Cole.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
District Court judge in Hawaii blocks Trump’s second Muslim ban before it takes effect.

Thursday, March 16, 2017
A federal court in Maryland blocked the new Executive Order’s 90-day ban on immigration from six Muslim-majority countries.

As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

There are currently three vaccines, Pfizer’s is 90% effective, the second Moderna is 94% effective. Astra-Zeneca has also come up with a vaccine. Not sure why I would care who developed any of the vaccines as long as they work. You seem obsessed with one’s religion. I don’t care what religion you are, it is not important to me.
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

Any attempt you are intending at a reasonable conversation with the RWNJs, you must first realize, you are up against incredibly inferior minds.

As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

Dont be an idiot. Trump only banned a few countries out of the MANY MUSLIM COUNTRIES of the world. If he banned all Musslims there might be something to what your saying but thats not the case. Trump never intended to pass a broad Muslim Ban so why your fantasy?
Like so many liberals you seem to believe if precautions are taken to prevent terrorist attacks in the U.S. its about hatred. Your completely wrong and you will never get it.
There was never a broad muslim ban.

That's because the federal courts stopped it.

Friday, January 27, 2017
President Donald Trump signed an Executive Order that banned foreign nationals from seven predominantly Muslim countries from visiting the country for 90 days, suspended entry to the country of all Syrian refugees indefinitely, and prohibited any other refugees from coming into the country for 120 days.

Friday, February 3, 2017
Federal Judge James Robart in Seattle issued an order temporarily blocking President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban executive order nationwide.

Monday, March 6, 2017
Trump signs new Executive Order; ACLU vows to fight ‘Muslim Ban 2.0’
Trump’s new order exempts those who already have visas and green cards and removes Iraq from the banned countries, but it is still religious discrimination in the pretextual guise of national security, and is still unconstitutional, said ACLU Legal Director David Cole.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017
District Court judge in Hawaii blocks Trump’s second Muslim ban before it takes effect.

Thursday, March 16, 2017
A federal court in Maryland blocked the new Executive Order’s 90-day ban on immigration from six Muslim-majority countries.

that wasnt a broad muslim ban. DO you have any idea how many muslims live in Indonesia alone? 200 million in India? Pakistan was not on the list. The ban was about certain countries that produced higher threat of exporting terrorism.
Do you people even understand that as it is, the intelligence community that attempts each day to monitor threats inside the U.S. is over worked and understaffed considering the potential threats?
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

I have met LOTS of muslims-----I was born in the USA----but I was already visiting a mosque
more than 50 years ago. Interestingly---the man I married was born in a shariah adherent society------what makes you IMAGINE that ALL PEOPLE IN THE USA ----are ignorant of that which is ISLAM?------you are kinda moronic.
BTW----when did muslims DECIDE to become
"PERSONS OF COLOR" ? ----the people who invented the concept of "RACE" were anthropologists-------they seem to have imagined that persons of arabia-----like the rapist of mecca-----are and were CAUCASIAN and according the HOLEY MOLEY KORAN
(ugh) ----the rapist was WHITE
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

There are currently three vaccines, Pfizer’s is 90% effective, the second Moderna is 94% effective. Astra-Zeneca has also come up with a vaccine. Not sure why I would care who developed any of the vaccines as long as they work. You seem obsessed with one’s religion. I don’t care what religion you are, it is not important to me.

These companies did not create a vaccine against Covid-19, it was created at taxpayer expense by Fauci's NIH and handed to drug manufacturers to label as their own, package, manufacture, ship & profit from.

Last edited:
And they said Trump was/is racist. LOL
Racist and Sexist.

June 5, 1991

Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino was fined $200,000 on Wednesday for shuffling black and female dealers to accommodate the perceived preferences of a big- betting craps player.

I do not know the law on that matter.

But -- generally speaking -- I feel that a boss should have the right to please his customers to a reasonable degree.

If that craps player said, "I would appreciate it if I had male Caucasian dealers," I feel that the boss should be allowed to accommodate him if he was a "big-betting" customer.

I know this is a very delicate subject. For example, I occasionally read about a hospital patient who says, "I prefer a nurse of [a certain ethnicity]." Shouldn't a patient have the right to be comfortable? Should that nurse be forced to help a patient who does not want him/her? I have no answer to such questions, which are inevitable in a multicultural society. (I THINK that there's no problem if a female patient asks for a female nurse though.)
Racist and Sexist.

June 5, 1991

Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino was fined $200,000 on Wednesday for shuffling black and female dealers to accommodate the perceived preferences of a big- betting craps player.
Businesses cater to money......Who knew?!?
As we know if it was up to trump who liked to please his white supremacists , a broad muslim ban couldve prevented the world from a covid vaccine.

When he was looking for someone to rescue America, he found the best in the business of finding a Vaccine was indeed a Muslim from Morocco and appointed him a as a vaccine Czar. Also 2 turkish s scientists are Muslims.

I'm here to tell the racists in these forums, most Muslims are just like everybody else. You probably haven'tet one and you watch too much faux news but it is time to cleanse yourselves from hatred.

everyone is already very aware that the Democratic Party hates white voters, but thanks for the 3,756,675th reminder

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