Trump uses a tried and trump GOP political tool --------> BLACKMAIL!

Remember all the BRIBES used to buy Obamacare votes?

no, list them ..
Thank you.

Get so tire of A$$ Whole Republicans complaining about Democrats, doing bad sh!t and then saying, "But Democrats did it". As if something is OK if they just imagine that a Democrat did it.

It rang his bell everyday for 8 years lol

Then on November 8th the pussy had a meltdown & left the forum only to return months later and still just as stupid as ever
Trump sends threatening message to Murkowski over no vote on healthcare

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Murkowski and fellow Alaskan Sen. Dan Sullivan, both Republicans, on Wednesday, warning them that there could be problems for their state. Murkowski had recently traveled with Zinke on a trip to her state and the Arctic. He had promised her movement on a number of energy, mining, and infrastructure projects in Alaska that his agency oversees.

But now it appears those promises could be forfeited because she voted against a motion to begin debate on legislation to repeal Obamacare Tuesday.

Sullivan said Zinke's message was "troubling," according to the Alaska Dispatch News.

"I'm not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop," the senator said.


You don't vote how I tell you, I will make your state suffer.

Typical GOP tactic. Surprised they would use it on their own. That's something new.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Remember when Republicans were eager to hurt millions of Americans to get the Bush Tax cuts for the rich extended? Hilarious is that many of those unemployed were unemployed because Bush and the GOP crashed the economy. But don't worry. Republicans still managed to protect needy billionaires. So everything turned out fine as far as they are concerned.

DId he consult CNN? The masters of blackmail.
Do you know how Lisa Murkowski got into the Senate? Her father gave her his own Senate Seat when he became Governor. He appointed her to it but was later stripped of his power to appoint people to Senate Seats - in this case his very own daughter. The voters were outraged and called it a case of nepotism. Like father, like daughter - crooked as a dog's hind leg. She is not pro life. She is not a conservative. She supports abortion and planned parenthood. A true Republican? Not on your life! She's a quisling of the highest order.
New Alaska Governor Gives Daughter His Seat in Senate
Trump sends threatening message to Murkowski over no vote on healthcare

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke called Murkowski and fellow Alaskan Sen. Dan Sullivan, both Republicans, on Wednesday, warning them that there could be problems for their state. Murkowski had recently traveled with Zinke on a trip to her state and the Arctic. He had promised her movement on a number of energy, mining, and infrastructure projects in Alaska that his agency oversees.

But now it appears those promises could be forfeited because she voted against a motion to begin debate on legislation to repeal Obamacare Tuesday.

Sullivan said Zinke's message was "troubling," according to the Alaska Dispatch News.

"I'm not going to go into the details, but I fear that the strong economic growth, pro-energy, pro-mining, pro-jobs and personnel from Alaska who are part of those policies are going to stop," the senator said.


You don't vote how I tell you, I will make your state suffer.

Typical GOP tactic. Surprised they would use it on their own. That's something new.

Unemployment benefits: not until Bush tax cuts pass, Senate GOP says

Remember when Republicans were eager to hurt millions of Americans to get the Bush Tax cuts for the rich extended? Hilarious is that many of those unemployed were unemployed because Bush and the GOP crashed the economy. But don't worry. Republicans still managed to protect needy billionaires. So everything turned out fine as far as they are concerned.
There is a very simple solution. The Alaskan people don't vote for her in next election. Put her out of office. Problem solved!
Remember all the BRIBES used to buy Obamacare votes?

no, list them ..
Thank you.

Get so tire of A$$ Whole Republicans complaining about Democrats, doing bad sh!t and then saying, "But Democrats did it". As if something is OK if they just imagine that a Democrat did it.
EVERY PRESIDENT IN HISTORY has done this and ALL FUTURE presidents will do it.

You prove yourself to be an incopentent boob every time you post
thats because dean and people like him only see one thing....the other side....never their own side....
Murkowski is doing her job, she works for Alaska 1st her party 2nd.
then she doesn't need anything for her state. she can leave washington DC, right? she don't need no stinken federal dollars or anything from the fed, she got alaska!!!! LOL you sound like a little puke, how tall are you, two feet?
Trump is the most dishonorable President in history
And still we win!
Through sedition and treachery
As long as we win who cares?
Exactly. Party over country. That's why a complete ACA repeal was taken immediately off the table after the orange dookie's "victory."
hey superman, what did she run on to win her seat? what was her vote in 2015? and then i rest my case. you either back a liar and a fraud politician or you respect the country. which is it, constituents voted her in to repeal.
Murkowski is doing her job, she works for Alaska 1st her party 2nd.
no, she works for her constituents and they put her in to repeal obummerfail. So she is going against the will of the people and the state. shame on you for backing a liar and a fraud. did she vote to repeal in 2015? quickly now.

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