Trump tries to quote Bible and blows it

Not only is he an insider, he has bought most of DC.
Which is why "most of DC" opposes him, right ?
The hate spewed by you Leftists about The Donald is exactly what is going to get him elected as POTUS.

Keep it up. Please.
That's it, he's finished he may as well drop out. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

After November, you will wish he had. Christians can see through his lies.
Christians can see through the Republican Establishment Sellouts - it's called Spiritual Discernment.
Trump is dismantling the RE and it can't come soon enough to suit me! I think he's great!

Thinking support of Donald Trump is "spiritual discernment" is a level of delusional they don't even make meds for.
Donald Trump cites 'Two Corinthians' while speaking at Liberty University

And the Bible is his favorite book? He is the BIGGEST LIAR TO EVER HOLD A BIBLE!

Tell me what is the difference between 2 and II?
Trump is fine. Leave him alone. At least he is reading the bible.
Are you?

Um, it's not called "Two Corinthians". It's called "Second Corinthians". That is how you say it. You don't approach foreign diplomacy by mispronouncing the name of the country whose leader you're meeting, and you don't appeal to Christians by not even knowing how to say the names of the books of the Bible.

And if you really think he got that citation from personal Bible studies, rather than having a speechwriter research it, you're a lunatic.
A Christian isn't commanded to commit the Bible to memory. A Christian is a person that believes that Christ is indeed the Son of God, that He died for our sins on that cross, and accepts that gift of salvation. Don't judge Trump or anyone else based on his Biblical knowledge. Judge him based on how much he loves Jesus. If you don't know how much that is, then don't judge at all. Judging not, prevents you from being judged down the road...

Yes, but a Christian WOULD know the names of the books of the Bible, and a devout Christian would memorize some of the passages, just as devout fans of books and movies can and do quote them in conversation.

The Bible teaches us not to try to judge the state of someone's soul or relationship with God, because only He can truly know that, and so it would be hubris for us to try. The Bible does not teach us to be stupid fluffbrains who can't figure out what's staring us in the face.

You are basically telling us to ignore the things we are allowed to draw conclusions about, and to judge on the one thing we're forbidden to try to judge. You're ass-backward.
Saying "2" instead of "Second" illustrates how unfamiliar he is with scripture. He is the Chief Hypocrite in the Clown Bus. That is why he will win the nomination.

saying "2'" instead of "second"----is a logical function of the brain

Actually, a lot of folks say 2 John instead of 2nd John. Only buttholes make an issue out of it.

I've never encountered anyone who refers to it that way. It never even occurred to me that anyone would.
Donald Trump cites 'Two Corinthians' while speaking at Liberty University

And the Bible is his favorite book? He is the BIGGEST LIAR TO EVER HOLD A BIBLE!

Tell me what is the difference between 2 and II?
Trump is fine. Leave him alone. At least he is reading the bible.
Are you?

Um, it's not called "Two Corinthians". It's called "Second Corinthians". That is how you say it. You don't approach foreign diplomacy by mispronouncing the name of the country whose leader you're meeting, and you don't appeal to Christians by not even knowing how to say the names of the books of the Bible.

And if you really think he got that citation from personal Bible studies, rather than having a speechwriter research it, you're a lunatic.

What about Obama's 57 states?
Donald Trump cites 'Two Corinthians' while speaking at Liberty University

And the Bible is his favorite book? He is the BIGGEST LIAR TO EVER HOLD A BIBLE!

Tell me what is the difference between 2 and II?
Trump is fine. Leave him alone. At least he is reading the bible.
Are you?

Um, it's not called "Two Corinthians". It's called "Second Corinthians". That is how you say it. You don't approach foreign diplomacy by mispronouncing the name of the country whose leader you're meeting, and you don't appeal to Christians by not even knowing how to say the names of the books of the Bible.

And if you really think he got that citation from personal Bible studies, rather than having a speechwriter research it, you're a lunatic.

What about Obama's 57 states?

What about it?
I wonder if Donald the Chump will start having the products that carry his name made back here in America if he's elected?

Possibly, if he can get the companies to move back. Most Men's clothing is now made overseas.

If he's REALLY serious about bringing jobs back from China, he could start with his products, and he should do it NOW to prove his resolve. Either that, or drop his name from the clothing line.

It's almost as stupid as when Romney had the US Olympic team uniforms made over in China.

What are you going to ask Hillary to do? Maybe she should return the White House silverware?

I dunno about him, but if was allowed to ask Hillary to do something, it would be "go away quietly, and take your skeezy lounge-lizard husband with you".
Donald Trump cites 'Two Corinthians' while speaking at Liberty University

And the Bible is his favorite book? He is the BIGGEST LIAR TO EVER HOLD A BIBLE!

Tell me what is the difference between 2 and II?
Trump is fine. Leave him alone. At least he is reading the bible.
Are you?

Um, it's not called "Two Corinthians". It's called "Second Corinthians". That is how you say it. You don't approach foreign diplomacy by mispronouncing the name of the country whose leader you're meeting, and you don't appeal to Christians by not even knowing how to say the names of the books of the Bible.

And if you really think he got that citation from personal Bible studies, rather than having a speechwriter research it, you're a lunatic.

What about Obama's 57 states?

What about it?

Well, shouldn't a man who has been President of the United States for over seven years be expected to know exactly how many states there are?
Open THE BOOK, go to Moses 4 it is also the book of NUMBERS, I call it Moses fourth, SO what I would hazard a guess those talking about Trump don't even know there are five books of Moses, or how they are related to The book of Revelations. In fact I would surmise the liberal mouthpieces who put out your talking point don't even know the opening line of the book Trump Quoted, or where to find it

There's a big difference between not knowing the religious reference "Books of Moses", or doctrinal questions, and not knowing the correct way to say the actual, official name of a book in the Bible that you're citing in a public speech. The first makes you look like you haven't spent a lot of time in formal Biblical training; the latter makes you look like the first time you ever saw a Bible was last week.

By the way, the name is actually "Revelation", not "Revelations".
saying "2'" instead of "second"----is a logical function of the brain

For anyone who is NOT familiar with the Bible it is logical. He is a liar and a fraud, and more importantly, he is a Liberal who congratulated Obama when he won the Presidency. But please keep supporting him!

For anyone who is familiar with studying the Bible, it is not uncommon and is not an issue. Many people say the Book of Revelations when it is in reality, the Book of Revelation, but they don't make fun of those who say it incorrectly. You are a very small person.

No, I know the Bible and I know a fraud when I see one.

Yep, there's a good reason why Trump has the largest unfavorable rating, by quite a margin. People with half a brain can see right through Trump for what he is,,,,,,, a phony, who knows very well how to sucker not too bright people..
What's amusing is Trump is supposed to be the 'outsider candidate,' the 'un-politician,' when in fact he's as much a fraud and liar as any career politician.

Outsider, my chubby white butt. You don't get to be a billionaire in New York/New Jersey real estate without being "on the inside" as far as you can get with politicians. Puh-leeze.

Understand, I don't object to him being a billionaire, or being in real estate (I object a little to the whole New York/New Jersey thing, but that's just a personal bias), or schmoozing and making deals with politicians (so long as they're legal). I just don't like people pissing on my leg and trying to convince me it's raining.
"Our father who Art in heav..." Wait a damn minute. Who the hell is Art and has he paid his property taxes ?
"Hallowed be thy nam." OK so you're a goddamn liar just like Hillary too. You just said your father was Art.
" Thy kingdom come" Bullshit. Nobodys starting any kingdom over here without being thoroughly checked out. That's why I'm building a damn wall.Fuckit. We'll get some money from this Art fucker too while we're at it. He can help Mexico pay for it if he wants to build a kingdom !
Well tell us a little about it then, like who wrote the book Trump quoted, NO peeking, is it new or old testament. Oh what is that book and verse, line, lets see I'm old as dirt now let me think, Sayeth ye not "thou fool" lest a fool thou be!! or something like that huh. Of course liberals always follow the talking points from their indoctrinators anyway even if it does lead off of the cliff.

SECOND Corinthians is derived from the letters the Apostle Paul wrote to the Christians in the church at Corinth, hence the name. Like all Biblical writings dated after the death of Christ, it is found in the New Testament, between FIRST Corinthians and Galatians.

And no, I didn't look it up.

No one's calling him a fool. We're calling him a liar. If he's truly a Christian, then other Christians are correct in offering rebuke for perceived sinful acts. If he's not truly a Christian, then we're proven right, anyway.

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