Trump tries to force Twitter to let him tweet again


Dogpatch USA
Gold Supporting Member
Nov 2, 2017
Twin Falls Idaho
Oh noes..he's back! Well..maybe:

Donald Trump wants a federal court to make Twitter give him back his bullhorn. In a late Friday legal filing, the ex-president asked a US district judge to grant a preliminary injunction that would restore his account while his lawsuit against Twitter makes its way through the courts.

James Martin/CNET

Friday's filing argues that Twitter is "censoring" Trump, has too much power over political discourse in the US and had been "coerced" into the ban by Trump's opponents in Congress, The Washington Post reported.
Twitter banned Trump on Jan. 8, two days after a mob of his supporters stormed the US Capitol building in a riot that left several people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Twitter said the ban was "due to the risk of further incitement of violence." In July, Trump sued over the Twitter ban.
Trump's use of Twitter redefined politics, letting him sidestep mainstream media to try to take hold of the political narrative. His account had 88 million followers, the Post noted, and his reach has been significantly reduced since the ban.
One researcher found that the week after the ban, online misinformation about election fraud fell by 73%. However, some Trump tweets that were blocked over election misinformation continue to circulate on other platforms.
Twitter wasn't alone in booting Trump. Facebook and Google-owned YouTube also kicked him off their sites after the Capitol riots, over fears about the incitement of real-world violence. The former president sued those platforms alongside Twitter, alleging censorship and First Amendment violations. Trump has for some time claimed without evidence that the companies discriminate against the right, a charge the firms have repeatedly denied.
Lawsuits that allege censorship and that argue social media companies violate the First Amendment when they remove posts or ban users have repeatedly been rejected by courts across the country. The First Amendment applies to the government, not to private companies like social media sites
Oh noes..he's back! Well..maybe:

Donald Trump wants a federal court to make Twitter give him back his bullhorn. In a late Friday legal filing, the ex-president asked a US district judge to grant a preliminary injunction that would restore his account while his lawsuit against Twitter makes its way through the courts.

James Martin/CNET

Friday's filing argues that Twitter is "censoring" Trump, has too much power over political discourse in the US and had been "coerced" into the ban by Trump's opponents in Congress, The Washington Post reported.
Twitter banned Trump on Jan. 8, two days after a mob of his supporters stormed the US Capitol building in a riot that left several people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Twitter said the ban was "due to the risk of further incitement of violence." In July, Trump sued over the Twitter ban.
Trump's use of Twitter redefined politics, letting him sidestep mainstream media to try to take hold of the political narrative. His account had 88 million followers, the Post noted, and his reach has been significantly reduced since the ban.
One researcher found that the week after the ban, online misinformation about election fraud fell by 73%. However, some Trump tweets that were blocked over election misinformation continue to circulate on other platforms.
Twitter wasn't alone in booting Trump. Facebook and Google-owned YouTube also kicked him off their sites after the Capitol riots, over fears about the incitement of real-world violence. The former president sued those platforms alongside Twitter, alleging censorship and First Amendment violations. Trump has for some time claimed without evidence that the companies discriminate against the right, a charge the firms have repeatedly denied.
Lawsuits that allege censorship and that argue social media companies violate the First Amendment when they remove posts or ban users have repeatedly been rejected by courts across the country. The First Amendment applies to the government, not to private companies like social media sites
/----/ Good for him. About time.
In any right wing country the state must control the media so that they can control the news agenda. Trump is following a well trodden path.
The left owns the media. What the fuck are you talking about? :cuckoo:
If the man has anywhere online to leave his thoughts, to me, that is all that should ever matters. His camp members will know where to find him

God bless you and him and his fan base always!!!

/----/ OK, so you never attained the ability to admit you were wrong. All you can do is double down on your stupidity.
So trump should not be held to a companies terms of service ? They should look the other way because trump is very important ? Its a dictators wet dream and whilst you enable this he will continue to push the boundaries of what is acceptable.
Both you and your fellow yahoos are way past that. Luckily there are enough real Americans to put a stop to your nonsense.
"Tries to force"? How does that work? Maybe the former president will use some legal means to try to get Twitter to reinstate his account but the phrase "tries to force" is a deliberate misstatement of the fact. Lefties can't give the guy a break but it beats talking about Biden.
"Tries to force"? How does that work? Maybe the former president will use some legal means to try to get Twitter to reinstate his account but the phrase "tries to force" is a deliberate misstatement of the fact. Lefties can't give the guy a break but it beats talking about Biden.
Yes, it should read, "Trump tries to persuade the government to force". The main thing is, government should make the call. According to Trump.
"Tries to force"? How does that work? Maybe the former president will use some legal means to try to get Twitter to reinstate his account but the phrase "tries to force" is a deliberate misstatement of the fact. Lefties can't give the guy a break but it beats talking about Biden.
Hmmm.he's asking for an injunction, to force Twitter to reinstate his account pending the outcome of his lawsuit. As an injunction is indeed a forceful measure compelling someone to do something.....the language seems OK to me.
Among the several reasons that this attempt at an injunction is going to be denied is that by granting the injunction the court in effect gives Trump the relief that he is asking in his suit. It's an obvious end-around--and the judge is not going to rule by injunction~
Yes, it should read, "Trump tries to persuade the government to force". The main thing is, government should make the call. According to Trump.
Except he is NOT trying to force the Govt. to do anything in his request for relief..he's trying to force the owners of Twitter to reinstate his account..a very different thing indeed~
Oh noes..he's back! Well..maybe:

Donald Trump wants a federal court to make Twitter give him back his bullhorn. In a late Friday legal filing, the ex-president asked a US district judge to grant a preliminary injunction that would restore his account while his lawsuit against Twitter makes its way through the courts.

James Martin/CNET

Friday's filing argues that Twitter is "censoring" Trump, has too much power over political discourse in the US and had been "coerced" into the ban by Trump's opponents in Congress, The Washington Post reported.
Twitter banned Trump on Jan. 8, two days after a mob of his supporters stormed the US Capitol building in a riot that left several people dead, including a Capitol Police officer. Twitter said the ban was "due to the risk of further incitement of violence." In July, Trump sued over the Twitter ban.
Trump's use of Twitter redefined politics, letting him sidestep mainstream media to try to take hold of the political narrative. His account had 88 million followers, the Post noted, and his reach has been significantly reduced since the ban.
One researcher found that the week after the ban, online misinformation about election fraud fell by 73%. However, some Trump tweets that were blocked over election misinformation continue to circulate on other platforms.
Twitter wasn't alone in booting Trump. Facebook and Google-owned YouTube also kicked him off their sites after the Capitol riots, over fears about the incitement of real-world violence. The former president sued those platforms alongside Twitter, alleging censorship and First Amendment violations. Trump has for some time claimed without evidence that the companies discriminate against the right, a charge the firms have repeatedly denied.
Lawsuits that allege censorship and that argue social media companies violate the First Amendment when they remove posts or ban users have repeatedly been rejected by courts across the country. The First Amendment applies to the government, not to private companies like social media sites
Yeah...what's fun is that he will have to prove in a court of law that he's being unfairly picked on. Twitter should go for court costs after they win.

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