Trump to Cut Food Stamps Budget by 25%

Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

It's a shame we don't teach the poor to prepare and eat vegetarian. They could eat like royalty for a fraction of the cost of a meat based diet. And it would be a lot better for them.

Having an ignorant whale in the Oval Office won't help. People are sheep and, thanks to him, they will believe fast food is nutritious.

Sent from my iPad using

You got a point Sylvester Stallone is a vegetarian.. So I read in the past, but I like steak , bake potato and steam broccoli...

The minimum wage in Louisiana is $8 per hour. Yes, there are more people on SNAP than they're used to be, because wages are not keeping up with inflation, and have not been for decades. If you are working at Walmart, which often limit working hours to 29 per week to avoid putting you on their health insurance, and you are making $8 per hour, and you have a wife and child, you need SNAP.

And, of course, Walmart finances their cheap employees by paying them so little that us tax payers support them.
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

Great job of telling HALF the story .....

Let's see if we can figure this out.

1) Trump proposes federal tax cuts.

2) Trump proposes cutting federal programs, shifting some to states. This is done 1) to help offset the decrease in tax revenue, and 2) to transfer administration of programs to a more local, and thus more responsive, state government.

3) People receive a federal tax break.

4) The state, given its new mandates, has to assume responsibility for those programs removed from the federal budget.

5) Some states - probably, most - will raise taxes to provide those services in a manner acceptable to, and appropriate for, the people of their particular state.

6) Delivery of the product - let say, food stamps - immediately becomes more efficient by the removal of the federal bureaucracy that administers "one size fits all" programs (Notice that we currently spend $4.9 billion administering the federal program)

7) States will tailor these program to fit their particular circumstance. For example, Alabama may choose to limit food stamps to those who make less than $20K, while New York, with its higher cost of living, may choose to provide food stamps to those making less than $50K, a decision that will be reviewed, and agreed upon, by those people responsible for funding the program in their particular state.

And, this is a problem how, again?

So, we are merely transferring responsibility for funding from the federal government to the states. Every single solitary state in the Union has a regressive tax system instead of a progressive tax system like the federal government.

If you don't like your state's tax system, change it. Hell of a lot easier to change a state tax system than the federal system.
I'm good with the 25% cut.
When you look at the amount of fraud, and the # of people who stay dependent, it's obvious something needs to be done.

Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

Great job of telling HALF the story .....

Let's see if we can figure this out.

1) Trump proposes federal tax cuts.

2) Trump proposes cutting federal programs, shifting some to states. This is done 1) to help offset the decrease in tax revenue, and 2) to transfer administration of programs to a more local, and thus more responsive, state government.

3) People receive a federal tax break.

4) The state, given its new mandates, has to assume responsibility for those programs removed from the federal budget.

5) Some states - probably, most - will raise taxes to provide those services in a manner acceptable to, and appropriate for, the people of their particular state.

6) Delivery of the product - let say, food stamps - immediately becomes more efficient by the removal of the federal bureaucracy that administers "one size fits all" programs (Notice that we currently spend $4.9 billion administering the federal program)

7) States will tailor these program to fit their particular circumstance. For example, Alabama may choose to limit food stamps to those who make less than $20K, while New York, with its higher cost of living, may choose to provide food stamps to those making less than $50K, a decision that will be reviewed, and agreed upon, by those people responsible for funding the program in their particular state.

And, this is a problem how, again?

HISTORY, Bubs say you are full of SHIT

When it Comes to Helping the Poor, Block Grants Are an Epic Failure
When it comes to helping the poor, block grants are an epic failure

How States Use Federal and State Funds Under the TANF Block Grant
How States Use Federal and State Funds Under the TANF Block Grant

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

Red States Spent $2 Billion in 2015 to Screw the Poor

....Here's what this means: the states that refuse to expand Medicaid are denying health care to the needy and paying about $2 billion for the privilege. Try to comprehend the kind of people who do this.
Red states spent $2 billion in 2015 to screw the poor

Your hubris is only exceeded by your ignorance.

THESE are the problems that transfer of authority to states is designed to address. The federal government has tried to implement "one size fits all" social justice programs for 75 years, and they have massively failed - the ol' round peg in a square hole algorithm, ya know.

As for the nonsense about the "red states" - do your homework. How many of those states were run by Democrats for the past 130 years? People in those states realized that Democrat politics didn't care about them, and failed them miserably. So, they began the transition to Republican approaches.

Once you've done that little exercise, chart the growth of each state over the past 25 years. Then, you can be embarrassed about how there is a direct correlation between Republican governance and positive growth.

Try reading something more than liberal propaganda websites - get the facts, man.
Like I said, you are a liar and a fake. Add to that my vote for you being in the good running for the biggest jerk on the board, and that is saying a lot. Sorry, you have such hate for your country and fellow Americans.

LOL lying about what?

Elderly = Takes from the working people when most of them have plenty of money in the bank.

Yeah let's keep supporting those people. For the remaining "poor" elderly, they have families that support them.
So you believe an elderly woman that worked two and three minimum wage jobs her whole life and paid into Social security is a drain on you? She collects about $800.00 a month and doesn't have money in the bank as she spent it all taking care of her children and even a couple of her grandchildren (with her minimum wage job & with no assistance as it wasn't available then in her state).

Wow, you're seriously fucked in the head and have no respect for elders. You must be under 25, because that's how long the schools have been indoctrinating the kids to think that way.

You must be over 65 because that's the only generation who thinks they deserve free healthcare and food paid for by everyone else while the national debt continues to balloon.

The world has changed since the elderly were in the work force. Gone are the factory jobs paying $25 an hour with big pensions offered when you retired.
Not sure what factories you are talking about the ones here that close a few years back paid $6 to $8 at the most for the majority of their labor.

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
That is accurate. An elderly single woman we know applied. She made less than $800.00 a month from her Social Security and she said she got a letter back that she was not eligible at all because she did not have any housing expenses.

About 5 years ago a dying Aunt was making less than $600 a month SS and got less than $200 a month SNAP. Sad how we treat the poorest among US

Of these millionaires, over 22,000 families paid less than 15 percent of income in Federal income and employee payroll taxes — and 1,470 managed to pay no federal income taxes on their million-plus-dollar incomes, according to the IRS.”
Hyping stats about the ‘Buffett Rule’


"In other words, a person in the top 0.001 percent income bracket -- who would have an adjusted gross income of at least $62,000,000 -- pays the nearly same effective tax rate as somebody in the top 20 percent bracket who makes $85,000 in adjusted gross income."
As the rich become super-rich, they pay lower taxes. For real.



You mean we treated all our citizens equally and fairly ....... makes you just want to throw up, doesn't it?


The fortunate 400: David Cay Johnston

Six American families paid no federal income taxes in 2009 while making something on the order of $200 million each.

In addition to the six who paid no tax, another 110 families paid 15 percent or less in federal income taxes. That's the same federal tax rate as a single worker who made $61,500 in 2009.

Overall, the top 400 paid an average income tax rate of 19.9 percent, the same rate paid by a single worker who made $110,000 in 2009. The top 400 earned five times that much every day.

Just 82 of the top 400 were taxed in accord with the Buffett rule, which proposes a minimum tax of 30 percent on annual incomes greater than $1 million.
The fortunate 400: David Cay Johnston

“Of these millionaires, over 22,000 families paid less than 15 percent of income in Federal income and employee payroll taxes — and 1,470 managed to pay no federal income taxes on their million-plus-dollar incomes, according to the IRS.”
Hyping stats about the ‘Buffett Rule’

Sure Bubs, Sure

So about Corp taxes REALLY falling on the poor as YOUR premise was, going to address that CAPITAL COVERS 82% OF THE BURDEN, YOU KNOW THE RICH?

So, basically what you're saying is that these people were overtaxed, huh?

Why do you think that someone who makes $200 million a year should be taxed at a higher rate than someone making $100K? By what leap of dystopian logic do you think it was appropriate for 47% of the people to reap the benefits of our government without contributing a single nickel to its upkeep? What perverted sense of morality enables you to think it is acceptable to steal money from someone to give to somebody else?

Other than your whining, you have yet to present a cogent argument for a progressive tax system. Wait! Go check Huffington Post --- I'm sure THEY have an answer for you.
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

Great job of telling HALF the story .....

Let's see if we can figure this out.

1) Trump proposes federal tax cuts.

2) Trump proposes cutting federal programs, shifting some to states. This is done 1) to help offset the decrease in tax revenue, and 2) to transfer administration of programs to a more local, and thus more responsive, state government.

3) People receive a federal tax break.

4) The state, given its new mandates, has to assume responsibility for those programs removed from the federal budget.

5) Some states - probably, most - will raise taxes to provide those services in a manner acceptable to, and appropriate for, the people of their particular state.

6) Delivery of the product - let say, food stamps - immediately becomes more efficient by the removal of the federal bureaucracy that administers "one size fits all" programs (Notice that we currently spend $4.9 billion administering the federal program)

7) States will tailor these program to fit their particular circumstance. For example, Alabama may choose to limit food stamps to those who make less than $20K, while New York, with its higher cost of living, may choose to provide food stamps to those making less than $50K, a decision that will be reviewed, and agreed upon, by those people responsible for funding the program in their particular state.

And, this is a problem how, again?

HISTORY, Bubs say you are full of SHIT

When it Comes to Helping the Poor, Block Grants Are an Epic Failure
When it comes to helping the poor, block grants are an epic failure

How States Use Federal and State Funds Under the TANF Block Grant
How States Use Federal and State Funds Under the TANF Block Grant

Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

In the red states, government is cheaper, which means the people who live there pay lower taxes. But they also get a lot less in return. The unemployment checks run out more quickly and the schools generally aren’t as good. Assistance with health care, child care, and housing is skimpier, if it exists at all. The result of this divergence is that one half of the country looks more and more like Scandinavia, while the other increasingly resembles a social Darwinist’s paradise.
Blue States are from Scandinavia, Red States are from Guatemala

Red States Spent $2 Billion in 2015 to Screw the Poor

....Here's what this means: the states that refuse to expand Medicaid are denying health care to the needy and paying about $2 billion for the privilege. Try to comprehend the kind of people who do this.
Red states spent $2 billion in 2015 to screw the poor


Zzzzzzzzzz yea we don't have any poor ass blacks in red States either.


The red state welfare queens that suck off the teet of the blue states? I'm sure you have plenty Bubs, though states like Alaska, the biggest per capita has few :)

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

A New Report Proves Republican Governed Red States Are Economic Parasites

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Most Federally Dependent States

(1 = Most Dependent)

Total Score
‘State Residents’ Dependency’ Rank
‘State Government’s Dependency’ Rank

1 Kentucky 76.16 6 5
2 Mississippi 75.59 7 1
3 New Mexico 73.88 3 17
4 Alabama 72.45 4 14
5 West Virginia 68.97 5 15
6 South Carolina 68.17 2 31
7 Montana 65.91 14 4
8 Tennessee 61.76 20 3
9 Maine 61.02 13 9
10 Indiana 59.18 7 23
11 Arizona 59.08 15 11
12 Louisiana 55.39 40 2
13 South Dakota 53.57 24 7
14 Missouri 52.66 31 6
15 Oregon 51.51 23 10
16 Georgia 49.81 34 8
17 Idaho 49.64 19 19
18 Vermont 49.56 18 20
19 Wyoming 48.80 26 12
20 Maryland 48.18 11 32
21 Oklahoma 47.78 21 18
22 Pennsylvania 46.15 17 30
23 Alaska 45.81 10 40
24 Rhode Island 45.05 36 16
25 Florida 43.84 27 22
26 Ohio 42.25 45 13
27 Arkansas 42.12 38 21
28 North Carolina 41.63 32 25
29 Hawaii 41.63 9 46
30 Iowa 41.38 33 26
31 Wisconsin 41.09 16 38
32 North Dakota 40.46 1 50
33 Michigan 40.43 35 27
34 New York 37.65 44 24
35 Texas 36.81 42 28
36 Washington 35.32 30 33
37 Colorado 35.20 29 34
38 Virginia 34.43 12 49
39 Nebraska 33.78 47 29
40 Utah 33.28 28 35
41 New Hampshire 31.11 37 36
42 Connecticut 27.80 22 48
43 Massachusetts 27.36 46 37
44 Nevada 26.94 25 47
45 Kansas 25.39 39 45
46 California 25.36 41 43
47 Illinois 23.96 48 41
48 New Jersey 23.84 49 39
49 Minnesota 23.09 43 44
50 Delaware 21.32 50 42

2017’s Most & Least Federally Dependent States

Figures don't lie ---- but, obviously, liars figure.
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

Btw blue gin you never added your labor cost to that meal I figure an extra at least $20 bucks an hour because it sounds good.


I can also do BBQ ribs in the crock pot. Baked potatoes ...sub corn on the cob for the carrots. Same price. :)
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP

No more food stamps, EBT or section 8 housing. I am a family of one who is happily retired and my only income is SSA retirement and the stipend is less than 17k per year which keeps me in booze and smokes. SS sent me a letter saying that I qualify for food stamps but I wadded up the letter and threw it away. I have witnessed food stamp fraud more than once and hate cheaters.

Booze and smokes, with government money, and on Medicare. And yet you have a problem with food stamps and section eight.

He paid more then his fair share into Social Security....that was his money ..


Up until now, Social Security has been a windfall for many retirees: They collected far more in benefits than they shelled out in taxes.
Social Security: Many pay more in taxes than they'll get in benefits

How come you don't discuss how much YOU have made off Social Security? The money was used to provide you government services and giveaways.

Now, you want to bitch because you're going to have to pay your share?
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

It's a shame we don't teach the poor to prepare and eat vegetarian. They could eat like royalty for a fraction of the cost of a meat based diet. And it would be a lot better for them.

Having an ignorant whale in the Oval Office won't help. People are sheep and, thanks to him, they will believe fast food is nutritious.

Sent from my iPad using
And Obummer and the rest of the democrats just threw more fast food money at them...go figure.
"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

Btw blue gin you never added your labor cost to that meal I figure an extra at least $20 bucks an hour because it sounds good.


I can also do BBQ ribs in the crock pot. Baked potatoes ...sub corn on the cob for the carrots. Same price. :)

Now you are just teasing me/ trolling me..


Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

Btw blue gin you never added your labor cost to that meal I figure an extra at least $20 bucks an hour because it sounds good.



Labor depends on which kid I can't get to peel and chop. :)
"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
When was the last time you shopped "per meal"....And didn't have staples already at home in the pantry?

And anyway people are supposed to use Snap to supplement their grocery budget...not as their sole grocery income for the month.

Tell you the truth being a single guy I always shop per meal , if I need something quick to eat after work..

$2.50 around here at Walmart, a salad some rolls $3.50 for dinner

View attachment 128408

I can make a stew that can feed me lunch and dinner for three/four days with about 3.50 (or less) for stew meat... .99 cents for a bag of potatoes and .99 cents for carrots. Spices I already have on hand...

.69 to. 92 per meal ...depending on how much I eat. It ain't that hard. :)

Add in a salad kit for 1.50.

Make that 1.01 to 1.20 per meal.

Btw blue gin you never added your labor cost to that meal I figure an extra at least $20 bucks an hour because it sounds good.



Labor depends on which kid I can't get to peel and chop. :)

But then again I forgot , your not paid to do the labor, just the brains and wisdom to make chicken crap into chicken delious .

That's the difference...

States will develop ways to combat the fraud when the amount of federal $ decreases. They'll also create ways to stop people from becoming dependent.

Welfare programs are there to help people through hard times. It was never meant to become a way of life.
SNAP was originally created to keep the families of soldiers, who died or were disabled in WAR, from starving.

That's it! It was not a program to subsidize drug use or alternative lifestyles, or even the families of convicts and immigrants (let alone illegal immigrants).

the program has been subverted and warped out of all reason. Get rid of it.


Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program - Wikipedia

After Obama stellar economy why would people need food stamps?

Are you telling us Obama's economy sucked?

Are you telling us Obama only provided low paying part time jobs?


You mean after the Obama economy dug US out of the Bush recession after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies BUT we're still not where BJ Bill left US?


So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?

I'm doubting you truly have an effect on the convo if you don't mind DISPLAYS of stupidity and hypocrisy like the one you just posted..

Care to point to things that the Dems were for UNTIL Cheeto was for them like how the GOP did with Obama? Oops

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

1. The Obamacare individual mandate. Before they became obsessed with bringing down Obamacare, Republicans had the idea of a free-rider fee for people who can afford health insurance but refuse to buy it, also known as the individual mandate. The free-rider fee is part of “Romneycare” in Massachusetts.

2. End-of-life counseling.

3. Donor disclosure. Before they opposed the DISCLOSE Act, Republican Congressional leaders were all for transparency in campaign contributions. How can we forget House GOP leader John Boehner proclaiming that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”?

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President | Eclectablog

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them

Doesn't work with me Pal. I'm not a Dem or Rep. Largely BECAUSE of the stinky hypocrisy you just displayed here.

This SNAP issue is not about "starving" anyone. It's about growing the eligibility by a factor of 3 until TODAY -- 1 out of every SEVEN Americans receives food assistance from the Fed Budget. It's a matter of being frugal so that safety nets really work for the folks in true need.

WTF mean it doesn't work for you Bubs, YOU Bubba:

"So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?"



Not a Dem or Repugnant huh? Yeah, either a CONservative or libertarian, both idiots!

Factor of 3? Wait after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies was going to boom the economy? WHAT HAPPENED BUBBA?



Nice where are you going on vacation?


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