Trump to Cut Food Stamps Budget by 25%

I volunteer at my county's food bank, and we have 37,000 people who are our clients. Simply because Trump and the GOP base are well fed does not mean that people do not go to bed hungry in the richest nation in the world, through no fault of their own.
Problem is...many of the foods served at the food bank are raw chicken. What about the homeless? Where are they to cook that chicken?

We are supposed to be the greatest country in the world. Yet...we are too busy "saving" everyone else, and our own are dying. Even those that fought for this country are dying once they get home. So..where is the help for them? Us? The people who paid taxes, worked, paid into the system, put ourselves in harms way for something we believed in only to be kicked to the curb for those circumstances beyond our control? What about us????

A food bank is not a soup kitchen.

A food bank is designed to supplement the staple foods of those in need. I can't say what they are like where you live, but in my area the food banks are 100% voluntary. The food comes from private donations, hats off to Vons and Stater Brothers who both collect and store food for the food banks plus sell food bank bags, groceries selected that a person can buy at checkout. The food bank is staffed by volunteers and hosted at various churches, Zero government involvement, zero government support. This is the way decent people care for each other, real people giving of their own free will to help other people in need.
The lazy little nippers should be out working for their food....

Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP


After Obama stellar economy why would people need food stamps?

Are you telling us Obama's economy sucked?

Are you telling us Obama only provided low paying part time jobs?


You mean after the Obama economy dug US out of the Bush recession after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies BUT we're still not where BJ Bill left US?


So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?

I'm doubting you truly have an effect on the convo if you don't mind DISPLAYS of stupidity and hypocrisy like the one you just posted..
No there is not.

While it’s true that about $70 million of the money allocated towards food stamp is wasted due to fraud, it’s misleading to present that number without context. Altogether, the federal government spends $71 billion on food stamps. That means just 0.09 percent of the money is wasted. Put another way, fewer than 1 in 1,000 people on food stamps is abusing the system.

If you believe Food Stamp fraud is less than 1% of what is spent, you are the gullible voter Progressives desperately need.

Until you provide some rebuttal that includes some type of documentations you are about as worthless as tits on a boar hog.
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP


After Obama stellar economy why would people need food stamps?

Are you telling us Obama's economy sucked?

Are you telling us Obama only provided low paying part time jobs?


You mean after the Obama economy dug US out of the Bush recession after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies BUT we're still not where BJ Bill left US?


So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?

I'm doubting you truly have an effect on the convo if you don't mind DISPLAYS of stupidity and hypocrisy like the one you just posted..

Care to point to things that the Dems were for UNTIL Cheeto was for them like how the GOP did with Obama? Oops

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

1. The Obamacare individual mandate. Before they became obsessed with bringing down Obamacare, Republicans had the idea of a free-rider fee for people who can afford health insurance but refuse to buy it, also known as the individual mandate. The free-rider fee is part of “Romneycare” in Massachusetts.

2. End-of-life counseling.

3. Donor disclosure. Before they opposed the DISCLOSE Act, Republican Congressional leaders were all for transparency in campaign contributions. How can we forget House GOP leader John Boehner proclaiming that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”?

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President | Eclectablog

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them

*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP


After Obama stellar economy why would people need food stamps?

Are you telling us Obama's economy sucked?

Are you telling us Obama only provided low paying part time jobs?


You mean after the Obama economy dug US out of the Bush recession after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies BUT we're still not where BJ Bill left US?


So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?

I'm doubting you truly have an effect on the convo if you don't mind DISPLAYS of stupidity and hypocrisy like the one you just posted..

Care to point to things that the Dems were for UNTIL Cheeto was for them like how the GOP did with Obama? Oops

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

1. The Obamacare individual mandate. Before they became obsessed with bringing down Obamacare, Republicans had the idea of a free-rider fee for people who can afford health insurance but refuse to buy it, also known as the individual mandate. The free-rider fee is part of “Romneycare” in Massachusetts.

2. End-of-life counseling.

3. Donor disclosure. Before they opposed the DISCLOSE Act, Republican Congressional leaders were all for transparency in campaign contributions. How can we forget House GOP leader John Boehner proclaiming that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”?

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President | Eclectablog

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them

With the mandate...

Not all 100 million Republicans ( or whatever the number is) live in Massachusetts.

*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

Thank you
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

Wait a many people are you accounting for on that $255?? If you're basing it on a family of 3 (as in the previous example given), That is not much food.....depending on prices in your area. If for 2 people.....maybe it would work:dunno:
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

I do ALL the grocery shopping (and cooking). Also pay all the bills. So you're wrong. Also have a daughter in Grad School that does fine with her roommates on combined income of not much more $25,000 per year. I admit, they like to come for dinner here. But they are doing fine.

Point is -- the ELIGIBILITY has been expanded unreasonably. Which saps the ability to fund programs for the TRULY needy. It's a mathematical reality that raising the qualifying income even a TINY bit -- brings larger and larger POOLS of folks into the program. The "pool" at $23K to $25K/yr is probably 2 or 3 times the size of the pool at $18K to $21K/yr..

It's those mathematical/demographical equations that seem to stump folks that just want to pile on more money..
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"
Trump budget will reportedly cut food stamps by 25 percent

The above isn't the only news source I found with the same story.
President Trump's budget proposal - set to be unveiled Tuesday - will cut the food stamp program by more than 25 percent.

The 2018 budget outline would take about $193 billion out of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, commonly known as food stamps, over the next 10 years. The reductions would take place through changes in who is eligible to receive assistance and additional work requirements, the AP reported.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, some 44 million people are currently served through SNAP, with the average household receiving $258 per month in benefits. The total annual cost of the food stamp program is around $70 billion a year, with 93 percent of that going directly to beneficiaries and the remaining amount for administrative, education and training costs.

Close to 70 percent of SNAP participants are in families with children; more than one-quarter are in households with seniors or people with disabilities.

In Alabama, a family of two people must earn less than $20,826 to qualify for SNAP


After Obama stellar economy why would people need food stamps?

Are you telling us Obama's economy sucked?

Are you telling us Obama only provided low paying part time jobs?


You mean after the Obama economy dug US out of the Bush recession after 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policies BUT we're still not where BJ Bill left US?


So --- are you THAT MUCH of complete ass hypocrite to not realize the extreme IRONY of that meme today?

I'm doubting you truly have an effect on the convo if you don't mind DISPLAYS of stupidity and hypocrisy like the one you just posted..

Care to point to things that the Dems were for UNTIL Cheeto was for them like how the GOP did with Obama? Oops

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President

1. The Obamacare individual mandate. Before they became obsessed with bringing down Obamacare, Republicans had the idea of a free-rider fee for people who can afford health insurance but refuse to buy it, also known as the individual mandate. The free-rider fee is part of “Romneycare” in Massachusetts.

2. End-of-life counseling.

3. Donor disclosure. Before they opposed the DISCLOSE Act, Republican Congressional leaders were all for transparency in campaign contributions. How can we forget House GOP leader John Boehner proclaiming that “sunlight is the best disinfectant”?

10 ideas Republicans loved until Barack Obama became President | Eclectablog

24 Policies That Republicans Supported BEFORE They Were Against Them

Doesn't work with me Pal. I'm not a Dem or Rep. Largely BECAUSE of the stinky hypocrisy you just displayed here.

This SNAP issue is not about "starving" anyone. It's about growing the eligibility by a factor of 3 until TODAY -- 1 out of every SEVEN Americans receives food assistance from the Fed Budget. It's a matter of being frugal so that safety nets really work for the folks in true need.
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

I do ALL the grocery shopping (and cooking). Also pay all the bills. So you're wrong. Also have a daughter in Grad School that does fine with her roommates on combined income of not much more $25,000 per year. I admit, they like to come for dinner here. But they are doing fine.

Point is -- the ELIGIBILITY has been expanded unreasonably. Which saps the ability to fund programs for the TRULY needy. It's a mathematical reality that raising the qualifying income even a TINY bit -- brings larger and larger POOLS of folks into the program. The "pool" at $23K to $25K/yr is probably 2 or 3 times the size of the pool at $18K to $21K/yr..

It's those mathematical/demographical equations that seem to stump folks that just want to pile on more money..

MORE opinion from CONservatives who are NEVER on the correct side of US history and fail math.

ONE time CONservatives were on the correct side of US history?
SNAP was originally created to keep the families of soldiers, who died or were disabled in WAR, from starving.

That's it! It was not a program to subsidize drug use or alternative lifestyles, or even the families of convicts and immigrants (let alone illegal immigrants).

the program has been subverted and warped out of all reason. Get rid of it.
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

"On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal"

They are pooing the money together, not eating every meal at McDonald's.
*Gross Income Limit If not Elderly or Disabled *Max F.S. Benefit for Everyone
1 person: $1,265 $194
2 people: $1,705 $357
3 people: $2,144 $511
4 people: $2,584 $649

I think there is a problem here. A family of 3 making $2144 a month getting $511 a month or 27% of their income in Food Stamps. That's not saving folks from starvation. It's making them comfortable in a lesser job. And THAT is why "participation rate" has more than doubled in 10 years. It's not subsidence --- it's redistribution..

A lot of smart Liberals realize you can't be EXPANDING enrollment on programs just to win constituents AND truly help the needy at the same time. When you start putting 15% of America on Food Stamps, that's a lot less money available for the TRULY needy on MediCaid, Housing, Education, etc..


For example, a household of 3 with a net income of $1,500 must subtract $450 (30 percent of $1,500) from the maximum allotment for their household, which is $511 per month. They then subtract the $450 from the $511 maximum. The household will receive a food stamp allotment of $61 for the month.

How to Calculate Amount of Food Stamps

On average, SNAP households currently receive about $255 a month. The average SNAP benefit per person is about $126 per month, which works out to about $1.40 per person per meal

A Quick Guide to SNAP Eligibility and Benefits
Apparently you dont shop for food....if you don't think people can feed themselves with $255.00 a month.

I do ALL the grocery shopping (and cooking). Also pay all the bills. So you're wrong. Also have a daughter in Grad School that does fine with her roommates on combined income of not much more $25,000 per year. I admit, they like to come for dinner here. But they are doing fine.

Point is -- the ELIGIBILITY has been expanded unreasonably. Which saps the ability to fund programs for the TRULY needy. It's a mathematical reality that raising the qualifying income even a TINY bit -- brings larger and larger POOLS of folks into the program. The "pool" at $23K to $25K/yr is probably 2 or 3 times the size of the pool at $18K to $21K/yr..

It's those mathematical/demographical equations that seem to stump folks that just want to pile on more money..

MORE opinion from CONservatives who are NEVER on the correct side of US history and fail math.

ONE time CONservatives were on the correct side of US history?

Where did I hear that from before...Daniel.... Your not a Daniel sock are you?


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