Why does jack3 have a swastika as his avatar?

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Maybe I should lighten up on their misuse of the term “Nazi” as they deliberately misuse it against others.

But yeah. They are the actual fascists.
Yes great point … the left often calls people racist or nazi for no good reason.. it’s a shame as the blue collared democrats of the middle 20th century would be offended by many modern day democrats.
He has ducked answering in prior threads, too.
His avatar is for one reason. Hitler lover. Period. No ands ifs or buts about it. Of all the avies he could have chosen, he chose the one that is most disgusting so I don't buy it that he uses it for religious purposes from thousands of years ago.
If he wants attention, he got it. That symbol represents all that is wrong and he knows it.

So...and I say this kindly.....FUCK HIM. He's a chickenshit coward for not responding. But, all Nazi's are chickenshit cowards.

Just finished watching Boy In Striped Pajamas. Nazi's always get their due. Just takes a bit of time. And, since it IS attention he craves, it ain't coming from me as of now. On iggie he goes.
His avatar is for one reason. Hitler lover. Period. No ands ifs or buts about it. Of all the avies he could have chosen, he chose the one that is most disgusting so I don't buy it that he uses it for religious purposes from thousands of years ago.
If he wants attention, he got it. That symbol represents all that is wrong and he knows it.

So...and I say this kindly.....FUCK HIM. He's a chickenshit coward for not responding. But, all Nazi's are chickenshit cowards.

Just finished watching Boy In Striped Pajamas. Nazi's always get their due. Just takes a bit of time. And, since it IS attention he craves, it ain't coming from me as of now. On iggie he goes.
I’m waiting for his response, but apparently he has ignored peoples questions about his avatar in numerous threads and that is a major red flag.

Long live the Allie’s of WW2. As an American I can’t imagine supporting the flag of hitler.
I’m leaning toward jack3 being a leftist attempting to provoke things ….lets see what he says tho

Lefties have been known to misrepresent who they are online often going “undercover”…. saying provocative or racist things to rile people up, fishing for racism , etc.

You're doing exactly as you claim "Lefties" do:

.....saying provocative or racist things to rile people up, fishing for racism , etc.

I don't know who jack3 is and don't care what he choses to use as an avatar.

The purpose of your thread is obvious virtue signaling / baiting and now becoming a personal attack because you're "leaning toward "jack3" being a leftist ..."

If you really wanted to know about someone's avatar, why not just use PM?
You're doing exactly as you claim "Lefties" do:


I don't know who jack3 is and don't care what he choses to use as an avatar.

The purpose of your thread is obvious virtue signaling / baiting and now becoming a personal attack because you're "leaning toward "jack3" being a leftist ..."

If you really wanted to know about someone's avatar, why not just use PM?
Not the case.

It is a fact that various left-wingers have gone online and made racist comments or posed as a Nazi in order to rile people up. That has been proven in various reports. is there a possibility this is what is doing… until we hear from him who knows. It’s possible that right wingers also pose as leftists in order to rile people up. But they have actually already been reports in the media about left wingers going on forms and other online avenues to pose as racists in order to rile people up…

also apparently the FBI and others have posed as racist or Nazis in order to investigate. And that’s probably a waste of time and money because there’s basically no white supremacists in the USA..

I’m simply interested in why he chose a swastika as his avatar. It has nothing to do with virtue signaling or anything like that. There’s a genuine interest on my part to see if he supports Hitler. And other posters have similar interests in finding out why he chose his avatar. You can believe whatever you want …I know why i made this thread edit It is not for the reasons that you suggest.

Other posters have asked him as well. So there’s nothing wrong with asking this on the open form. Also, it’s the US message board and we lost a lot of Americans fighting the third Reich. I am for free speech, unlike the far left and neoconservatives.
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To visitors of the US message board, please understand that I have never seen somebody with a swastika as their avatar. And all of us Americans on this form united stand against the third rank. I’ve never even seen somebody praise Hitler on this form. If they have I missed it.

I find this to be a very important topic. As somebody who supports free speech, I welcome the guy with the swastika avatar. We have a right to disagree with it and he has a right to have that anti-American avatar.

But I want to make this very important point to visitors of the US message board… Nazism is not appreciated by any of the form members. There are those who would say that the US message board is like storm front or something. I’ve seen a lot of lefty say that. But that is clearly an undeniable not the case.
Not really a feedback thread.
either this thread or the so-called basement was appropriate. Seems appropriate here because there’s a lot of people who visit the US message board who don’t post. And so for them to see somebody with a Nazi swastika well something needs to be said about it.

It’s important to concentrate on the topic. Understand friend that if a random visitor sees his avatar, they might think that many posters here support Hitler, or that the form is storm-front “lite”, which is clearly and unequivocally not the case.
You're doing exactly as you claim "Lefties" do:


I don't know who jack3 is and don't care what he choses to use as an avatar.

The purpose of your thread is obvious virtue signaling / baiting and now becoming a personal attack because you're "leaning toward "jack3" being a leftist ..."

If you really wanted to know about someone's avatar, why not just use PM?
Lefty righty uppie downie innie outtie. Slap a label on it, see if it sticks, right?

Hows this for a personal attack: You are as much of a fucktard that Jack3 is. But at least you had the balls to respond. Tiny ones, but still.....

Uh. Yeah, there are.
Yes, but I believe it’s a tiny amount. Same with black supremacists. I fully believe and feel confident saying the great great majority of Americans are nice people. I’ve traveled across the country and feel like there’s no racism… but it’s the media and Hollywood who are creating or whipping up the racism.

Give yourself time. A few here have...and the same ones say the holocaust didn't happen. I have most on ignore.
Now that I think about it, I believe I’ve seen one poster deny or question the holocaust. But I haven’t seen anybody praise Hitler.
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