Why does jack3 have a swastika as his avatar?

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/—-/ The Nazi swatika and the Hindu sign of peace are two different and distinct symbols.
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I understand

That said many people would feel the symbol on the upper right is a swastika. many folks(especially in the west) are unaware of what a Hindu/buddhist symbol is or that some are similar to the swastika in appearance.
I’m leaning toward jack3 being a leftist attempting to provoke things ….lets see what he says tho

Lefties have been known to misrepresent who they are online often going “undercover”…. saying provocative or racist things to rile people up, fishing for racism , etc.

Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
He refuses to answer. He’s a puss.
He refuses to answer. He’s a puss.
Let’s give him a chance itt


Why do you have a swastika as your avatar? This is a discussion board and it’s polite to answer to these concerns. I’m not here to judge you. But myself and another poster simply want to find out why you’re doing this. Are you a left-wing person who is trying to cause trouble or do you actually believe in the ideals of Hitler. Or maybe you are a Hindu/buddhist , which is why you are supporting the avatar.… the swastika was and is a religious symbol that was used many years before the rise of the third Reich in Germany.

or the other possibility is that maybe you are using the swastika as an avatar to troll other people.?? In any event I don’t judge you and I’m looking forward to your answer.

Please understand that if you do support Hitler, I’m not here to insult you or get into a debate about that, but it is simply a matter of why you have the swastika as your avatar.
The swastika is a symbol that has been used for thousands of years in various cultures as a symbol of good luck, well-being, or prosperity.

However, in the Western world, the swastika became most widely associated with the Nazi party in Germany during World War II. Due to its association with the atrocities committed by the Nazis, displaying the swastika is considered highly offensive and often illegal in many countries, including Germany and some other European countries.

In America, there are no federal laws specifically banning the swastika, but some states and local governments have passed legislation prohibiting its display in certain contexts, such as in schools or public buildings.

It is important to understand the historical significance and context in which the swastika is being used, as it can evoke strong emotions and be deeply hurtful to individuals and communities who were affected by the actions of the Nazis.

On social networks or websites, posters can include ordinary individuals, government officials, or even undercover law enforcement officers.

Ordinary individuals use these platforms to express their opinions, share experiences, connect with others, or promote their businesses. Government officials may also use social media to communicate with the public, share information, or engage in discussions on various topics.

In some cases, law enforcement agencies may use undercover officers to monitor online activities, gather intelligence, or investigate criminal activities. These officers may create fake profiles or personas to interact with individuals who may be involved in illegal behavior.

It is essential for users to be cautious about the information they share online and be aware that not everyone may be who they claim to be. Being mindful of privacy settings, verifying sources, and avoiding sharing sensitive information with unknown individuals can help protect one's online presence.

==>Honestly, I just focused on topics. Who cares about the Blue or the Red or avatars? Just window dressing! lol. :)
The swastika is a symbol that has been used for thousands of years in various cultures as a symbol of good luck, well-being, or prosperity.

However, in the Western world, the swastika became most widely associated with the Nazi party in Germany during World War II. Due to its association with the atrocities committed by the Nazis, displaying the swastika is considered highly offensive and often illegal in many countries, including Germany and some other European countries.

In America, there are no federal laws specifically banning the swastika, but some states and local governments have passed legislation prohibiting its display in certain contexts, such as in schools or public buildings.

It is important to understand the historical significance and context in which the swastika is being used, as it can evoke strong emotions and be deeply hurtful to individuals and communities who were affected by the actions of the Nazis.

On social networks or websites, posters can include ordinary individuals, government officials, or even undercover law enforcement officers.

Ordinary individuals use these platforms to express their opinions, share experiences, connect with others, or promote their businesses. Government officials may also use social media to communicate with the public, share information, or engage in discussions on various topics.

In some cases, law enforcement agencies may use undercover officers to monitor online activities, gather intelligence, or investigate criminal activities. These officers may create fake profiles or personas to interact with individuals who may be involved in illegal behavior.

It is essential for users to be cautious about the information they share online and be aware that not everyone may be who they claim to be. Being mindful of privacy settings, verifying sources, and avoiding sharing sensitive information with unknown individuals can help protect one's online presence.

==>Honestly, I just focused on topics. Who cares about the Blue or the Red or avatars? Just window dressing! lol. :)
Nobody asked you.

And his swastika happens to be the flag of Nazi Germany. So fuck off and let Nazi Jerk3 field this question.

He won’t.
The swastika is a symbol that has been used for thousands of years in various cultures as a symbol of good luck, well-being, or prosperity.

However, in the Western world, the swastika became most widely associated with the Nazi party in Germany during World War II. Due to its association with the atrocities committed by the Nazis, displaying the swastika is considered highly offensive and often illegal in many countries, including Germany and some other European countries.

In America, there are no federal laws specifically banning the swastika, but some states and local governments have passed legislation prohibiting its display in certain contexts, such as in schools or public buildings.

It is important to understand the historical significance and context in which the swastika is being used, as it can evoke strong emotions and be deeply hurtful to individuals and communities who were affected by the actions of the Nazis.

On social networks or websites, posters can include ordinary individuals, government officials, or even undercover law enforcement officers.

Ordinary individuals use these platforms to express their opinions, share experiences, connect with others, or promote their businesses. Government officials may also use social media to communicate with the public, share information, or engage in discussions on various topics.

In some cases, law enforcement agencies may use undercover officers to monitor online activities, gather intelligence, or investigate criminal activities. These officers may create fake profiles or personas to interact with individuals who may be involved in illegal behavior.

It is essential for users to be cautious about the information they share online and be aware that not everyone may be who they claim to be. Being mindful of privacy settings, verifying sources, and avoiding sharing sensitive information with unknown individuals can help protect one's online presence.

==>Honestly, I just focused on topics. Who cares about the Blue or the Red or avatars? Just window dressing! lol. :)
I appreciate that and I welcome free speech.

Myself and others are interested in why Jack 3 uses a swastika as an avatar. Especially considering US involvement in ww2
In case you live in a van down by the river, it's not the conservatives, Republicans, and Trump-supporters spewing all the vile anti-Semitic bile. It's you people. You liberals, progressives, left-wingers, and Democrats.
^^ As he spews bile. :auiqs.jpg: No self awareness whatsoever.
You scumbags are the Nazis
Lefties sure act like wrt their censorship on political platforms..

I mean I try not to use the word nazi lightly but lefties are proponents of blocking free speech …I’d just call them dumb, totalitarian or easily persuaded by their leaders on the view or in blm
Lefties sure act like wrt their censorship on political platforms..

I mean I try not to use the word nazi lightly but lefties are proponents of blocking free speech …I’d just call them dumb, totalitarian or easily persuaded by their leaders on the view or in blm
Maybe I should lighten up on their misuse of the term “Nazi” as they deliberately misuse it against others.

But yeah. They are the actual fascists.
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