Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

In 2000 the organization "Angel Moms" was founded, a group of mothers whose child had died, not limited to a specific cause

Trump is playing on one specific cause for political purposes

This is an organization that has mothers who have lost children to many causes ( fires, Cancer, MV accidents, just to name a few) and not specific to one agenda as trump is playing it out on.

Why doesn't he mention the other cause of children dying?

This is Trump and republican playing on mothers who have lost a child for political purposes

Why not have all of them tell there individual story

You can feel for them but there are many reasons children die before their mothers

Mothers Together Forever Bonded - Angel's Moms

Trump has figured out you dimtards game and he is better at it than you...

It helps that the truth is on his side.
CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
who by snopes? A Liberal think tank.

Trump is a liar and so are you. You think people are dumb enough to believe that. You are the one who is dumb.
38% of Americans are stupid and love trumps bullshit. They are like a cult, don't underestimate them.

This coming from someone that supported the Community Organizer…..

OH’ the irony…………
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.
Liar! The Angel mom's and Trump are correct.

You are the liar. The so-called angel moms are in league with the devil and are liars to boot.

No... it's you and yours that are in league with the devil......
Couple years with republican control of the house and senate. They could have passed anything and trump would likely sign. All of a sudden its an emergency now, good luck with that.

This reminds me of the Community Organizer and the dreamers...………..
Can we call everything bad that happens a national emergency now?

Getting that way. Matter of fact, this “national emergency” shit has been abused for years. I’m with AOC, take the power back, but they won’t.
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It's sad what happened to their kids, but anecdotal incidents don't make something a reality. Are guns a national emergency because David Hogg knew a few people who were shot?

Guns are in the 2nd Amendment. Illegal immigration is not. Have a nice day, dumbass!

Congress' power of the purse is in the Constitution as well. You don't care about that. If that can be overridden then so can the 2nd amendment.

You are a complete idiot......
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border
But it's not a National Emergency when American citizens kill their fellow citizens?
Man, Trump has done a thorough job of convincing the Little Trumpsters with his targeted minimal view of the big picture of murder in the US.
According to the US Department of Justice, African Americans accounted for 52.5% of all homicide offenders from 1980 to 2008, with European Americans 45.3% and "Other" 2.2%. The offending rate for African Americans was almost 8 times higher than European Americans, and the victim rate 6 times higher. Most homicides were intraracial, with 84% of European Americans victims killed by European Americans, and 93% of African Americans victims were killed by African Americans.[49][50][51]

In 2013, number and percentage of murder arrests by race were:

Black or African Americans 4,379 = 51.3%
White Americans (non-Hispanic Americans) 2,861 = 33.5%
Hispanic Americans 1,096 = 12.8%
American Indians or Alaska Natives 98 = 1.14%
Asian Americans 101 = 1.18%[52][53]
Race and crime in the United States - Wikipedia
Then there's the population thing.

The National Emergency thing is a hoax because of Trump wanting to fulfill a campaign promise with tax payer money and the pain inflicted on 800,00 government employees and an addition 580,000 government contractors. SAD.
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Was Obama lying about the crisis also?
And trump said of this "great" crisis he could have done it right away but didn't see the need?
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Was Obama lying about the crisis also?
And trump said of this "great" crisis he could have done it right away but didn't see the need?
He tried to get the wall in his first year. The only reason he signed the bill then was because it helped our troops.
Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

The idea of a Trump supporter calling ANYONE else a "twat" is hysterically funny.

Rave on you idiot….

We all know you twats are easily amused……

It’s what lefties do. They can’t argue facts. They change the argument and cry about irrelevant bullshit.

Illegal Immigrants committ SIGNIFICANTLY more crimes than US citizens.

Straight up fact.
ColonelAngus, post: 21831796
Illegal Immigrants committ SIGNIFICANTLY more crimes than US citizens.

Straight up fact.

Freakin liar.

What do you do? Count illegal border crossing as a crime and then count things like Sandy Hook, Parkland and the Los Vegas massacre each as one crime.

Whatever you are doing you are lying.
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Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing that 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.
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Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing in 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.
Illegals are creating White-Genocide. Having a Wall will help stop the browning of America.
White_MAGA_Man, post: 21832140
Illegals are creating White-Genocide. Having a Wall will help stop the browning of America.

Do you know what ‘genocide’ is?

Not sure how the ‘brown’ people have slowed the purified ‘whites only’ procreation process in your MAGA hat wearing white head, but it sure ain’t genocide.

“Hispanics are more than a quarter of the nation’s youngest residents, according to the new population estimates, accounting for 26.3% of the population younger than age 1. Among other major non-Hispanic groups, the share for whites is 49.6%; for blacks, 13.7%; and for Asians 4.4%.

The long-term result of these changes among younger age groups is that non-Hispanic whites are projected to become a minority of the population (47%) by 2050, according to Pew Research Center population projections. (Census Bureau projections say the change will occur in 2042). Hispanics, already the nation’s largest minority group, are projected to continue to account for most population growth by that year.”

Explaining Why Minority Births Now Outnumber White Births

Perhaps you can explain what you mean by genocide being waged against you by brown people.
Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing in 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.

The fact that pelosi has refused to meet with the Angel Mom’s

Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Meet with Angel Moms Protesting Inside Her Office

The fact that even in your reply you try to minimize the Angel Mom's plight with

your snide remark about what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically

proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

You libtards prove day in and day out you care more about illegals

than you do American Citizens….

And as far as bigotry goes, you tards take the cake….

I don’t claim to wear a halo, but I know evil when I see it…….:fu:
Deno, post: 21830166
It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

What makes you think you care about the Angel Mom’s more than anyone who has not been conned into believing that pussy grabber Trumpo’s racist fearmongering ‘build the wall’ campaign is going to prevent a future tragedy, similar to what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

And now we know that Trumpo and his moron base has accepted the fact that 2/3 of the ‘wall’ has already been built.

So if 2/3 of the wall was there when one illegal got into the US somehow, around the fence, and then ended up getting drunk and killing an Angel Family kid, it makes it statistically more out of reach to conclude that 300 miles of additional “emergency” fence for $8 billion dollars is going to prevent a similar tragedy in the future.

Don’t run from this post you deplorable Trumpo loving bigot.

Blaming the entire population of illegals that may have or may not have illegally crossed the southern border to get here for the deaths involved in the Angel Family cases is deplorable. Believing in 300 miles of additional fence is a suitable $8 billion solution is stupid.

Take your fake halo off. You are no saint.

The fact that pelosi has refused to meet with the Angel Mom’s

Nancy Pelosi Refuses to Meet with Angel Moms Protesting Inside Her Office

The fact that even in your reply you try to minimize the Angel Mom's plight with

your snide remark about what the handful of Angel Families experienced, in a statistically

proportional way to the billions of dollars spent?

You libtards prove day in and day out you care more about illegals

than you do American Citizens….

And as far as bigotry goes, you tards take the cake….

I don’t claim to wear a halo, but I know evil when I see it…….:fu:

Same old accusatory trash we only get from Trumpers.

No response to my point about two thirds of fence was built before Trump started his racist border wall push.

Statistically 300 miles of additional fence won’t have a noticeable impact in the future on what Angel families have suffered.

Do you agree? 2/3 of fence predates Trumpo.

Angel Families sufferered their loss anyway.

The killers may have overstayed their visas.

I care about Angel families the same as I care about families that lost Kids to gun violence.

I’d like to see none if ever happen again.

It’s that Trumpo’s 300 miles of fence is not money well spent. It is stupid and only for Trumpo’s desire for re-election to feed his massive ego.

Shame on you for using Angel Families for your depraved political dreams.

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