Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?

Are you really this dense?
The answer is obvious to those of us with a brain.

I find it really telling that you think the deaths of innocent children in school shootings are FUNNY, you stupid asshole.
Trump declares a national emergency, then says he didn't need to declare it
In his remarks declaring a national emergency at the border over his plan for a wall, Pres. Trump said, “I didn’t need to do this, but I’d rather do it much faster.”

lawyers won feast on that - nah, not at all.
The only national emergency we have ,,,is Trump is an idiot
Ann Coulter
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Trump was stating facts. We have an invasion of drugs and murdering illegals at the border. It's a national emergency!

Trump was lying through his teeth. There is NO INVASTION. There were a handful of people who lost children to illegals. 14,000 people were murdered in the US last year. I've got 2 killed by illegals.

Why do the handful of deaths by illegals matter more than the PARKLAND KIDS?
Trump shoots off his fat mouth without offering ANY facts When called on that he says his facts are better GOD save us
I agree. I loved the way Trump made all of America understand that our families are in real immediate danger of being killed or raped by an undocumented immigrant. His wall idea will now grow in popularity. And having done this hard work for America and after solving this crisis, Mr. Trump deserves a nice vacation.
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Trump was stating facts. We have an invasion of drugs and illegals at the border.

Trump was lying through his teeth. And reporters called him out on his lies. He's lying about the crime, the drugs, and the gangs. Illegal immigrants have lower rates of violent crimes than natural born Americans. There is no security threat on the Southern Border.

Now you are lying.

Legal immigrants have lower rates of crime, not illegal immigrants.

Either way, it’s fucking incremental, if they don’t enter, there are no additional crimes.

You really think no drugs cross the border? You really think we have no MS13 members here?

Are you willfully ignorant?

Here is some reading for you...

Safe Search: Moderate
Any Time

Illegal drugs flow over and under U.S. border - US news ...
Farther west in the vast and rugged Arizona desert, smugglers are also busy and routinely take advantage of what U.S. drug agents describe as wide gaps in the border security system there.

Drug Smugglers From Mexico Use Border Crossings in ... - NBC News
Drug Smugglers From Mexico Use Border Crossings in Spite of Walls. Customs agents at the San Ysidro Port of Entry, the busiest land border crossing in the world, check 50,000 vehicles and 20,000 pedestrians on an average day — and they do it 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Located just south of San Diego and a few miles north of Tijuana,...
Will a wall stem the flow of drugs from Mexico as Trump promised?
Crossing the Border - Drug Arrests Across the US - Addictions
Top 10 Areas for Drug Arrests. Drug arrests in the United States are by and large concentrated around the southern border, in the same area drug cartels are known to conduct their black market trade. The highest number of drug-related arrests occur in Dennis DeConcini, a U.S. port of entry located between Mexico and Arizona.
Crossing The Border: How Bad Are The Drug Arrests In The US.
Drug Trafficking Across Borders - Drug Abuse Treatment
drugs at the border In 2010, the FBI released a statement detailing the southwestern border and Mexico's involvement in the illicit drug trade within the United States. At the time, Mexico was the No. 1 foreign supplier of marijuana.
Drug Trafficking Across Borders
5 Clever Ways Mexico Cartels Move Drugs Across US Border
Drones. Federal authorities told the Los Angeles Times that the case was "the first cross-borderseizure by US law enforcement involving the new smuggle-by-air tactic." Earlier that year, a drone carrying six pounds of methamphetamine crashed in Mexico just south of the US border. And according to Popular Mechanics,...
5 Clever Ways Mexico Cartels Move Drugs Across US Border

El Chapo trial shows why a wall won't stop drugs from crossing the US-Mexico border
By Land, Sea or Catapult: How Smugglers Get Drugs Across the ...
Jul 25, 2017 · By Land, Sea or Catapult: How Smugglers Get Drugs Across the Border. Video. ... Smugglers also dig cross-border tunnels, primarily to move large volumes of marijuana. While many tunnels are ...
By Land, Sea or Catapult: How Smugglers Get Drugs Across the Border
Fact-checking Trump team: most drugs enter U.S. through ports ...
Jan 16, 2019 · Fact-checking Trump officials: Most drugs enter US through legal ports of entry, not vast, open border. Vice President Mike Pence said a border wall is needed, in part, to stop drugsfrom crossing ...
Fact-checking Trump officials: Most drugs enter US through legal ports of entry, not vast, open border
DEA: Most Illegal Drugs Enter via Mexico, Cartels Greatest ...
DEA: Most Illegal Drugs Enter via Mexico, Cartels Greatest Criminal Threat to U.S. Boston is receiving cocaine directly from Mexican organizations based in Border States, the report says, and Mexican organizations dominate the wholesale distribution of cocaine, methamphetamine, Mexico-produced marijuana, and heroin.
DEA: Most Illegal Drugs Enter via Mexico, Cartels Greatest Criminal Threat to U.S. - Judicial Watch
Will Trump's Wall Stop Drug Smuggling? -
Here's what we know about drug seizures, based on CBP data over the last six years, and the most common way the drugs cross the border, based on the 2015 DEA report: Methamphetamine, up 347 percent: In fiscal 2016, border patrol agents seized 8,215 pounds of methamphetamine — up from 1,838 pounds in fiscal 2011.
Will Trump's Wall Stop Drug Smuggling? -
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Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

Even is useless twat is better than a Dumb Man with tiny hands.

Educate yourself.

Immigration and Crime

This study examines academic and government research on the question of immigrant crime. New government data indicate that immigrants have high rates of criminality, while older academic research found low rates. The overall picture of immigrants and crime remains confused due to a lack of good data and contrary information. However, the newer government data indicate that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities.
The Federal Bureau of Prisons reports that 26.4 percent of inmates in federal prisons are non-U.S. citizens. Non-citizens are 8.6 percent of the nation’s adult population.

What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.
Dude, you in fairytale land.

Nope, I watched it live. CNN totally debunked Trump's bullshit lies. Thoroughly fact-checked.

You are the perfect example of a know nothing idiot…

Thoroughly fact-checked.
Acosta is such a twat, it’s unreal.

Even is useless twat is better than a Dumb Man with tiny hands.

Educate yourself.

Immigration and Crime

This study examines academic and government research on the question of immigrant crime. New government data indicate that immigrants have high rates of criminality, while older academic research found low rates. The overall picture of immigrants and crime remains confused due to a lack of good data and contrary information. However, the newer government data indicate that there are legitimate public safety reasons for local law enforcement to work with federal immigration authorities.

I have. Immigrants commit crimes at much lower rates than native born Americans. THOSE are the real statistics. Trump is lying to you to frighten you into following his racist, white supremacist policies.

Even the figures from his own Department of Homeland Security show he's LYING. That's what Jim Accosta was questioning him on when Trump called it a "fake question". That's why Trump got angry.

I agree. I loved the way Trump made all of America understand that our families are in real immediate danger of being killed or raped by an undocumented immigrant. His wall idea will now grow in popularity. And having done this hard work for America and after solving this crisis, Mr. Trump deserves a nice vacation.
Did trump mention those who lost their lives or their mothers in the tragedy at Sandy Hook or other shootings?
It's sad what happened to their kids, but anecdotal incidents don't make something a reality. Are guns a national emergency because David Hogg knew a few people who were shot?

Apples and oranges…….

You can’t compare the two….
What a great comeback to Acosta for asking that stupid question. He got totally owned by Trump. The Angel mom's will all guarantee there's definitely a national emergency by these illegal Invaders.

Trump to CNN: ‘Ask the Angel Moms’ Whether I’m Making Up a National Emergency at the Border

CNN proved that Trump was lying out his ass.

So their loved one's didnt die at the hands of illegals?
Alright then,no indians died at the hands of the white man.

Why are these 4 or 5 deaths more important than the 14,000 other people who were murdered in the USA last year.

Why are these deaths more important than the Parkland kids who died? Or the kids from Sandy Hook? Why do the deaths of those people's children matter more than the people whose children are killed by white Americans? Why is their pain greater?

Amen! Trump and his moron base don't care about those "Angel Moms".

It's you and your Vile Vulgar Evil Ilk that don't care

about the Angel Moms, their children or the unborn.

You are truly Satan’s helpers…
I agree. I loved the way Trump made all of America understand that our families are in real immediate danger of being killed or raped by an undocumented immigrant. His wall idea will now grow in popularity. And having done this hard work for America and after solving this crisis, Mr. Trump deserves a nice vacation.
Did trump mention those who lost their lives or their mothers in the tragedy at Sandy Hook or other shootings?

Oops! You’ve failed to get your sarcasm meter tuned up.

Remember when Fake News Acosta assaulted that woman?

I remember when the White House released faked video to make it look like he did, but Trump got caught, and taken to court for it where he LOST, and had to apologize and re-instate Accosta.

Yeah. I remember when Trump got humiliated and lost that court case.

What a fucking loser he is.

Who left the door open at the nut house?
Acosta got his ass handed to him. Trump called CNN "fake news" for not understanding the emergency at the southern border, and calling it a "manufactured crisis".

You're too stupid to be one person. Trump called CNN "fake news" because Accosta called out the lies Trump was telling about crime at the border. When Accosta persisted, Trump got angry because he was caught.
Was Obama lying about the crisis also?
FACT: if Pelosi brings this to court or sues, then she will be forced to pay back the courts for wasting their time and even face abuse of power charges, because any good lawyer just has to submit Schumer, Pelosi and Obama the prior president's own words (videos) that it was an emergency and that was prior to it becoming worse by the hands of the Dem colluders.
FACT: Pelosi would be counter sued for using her position of power to gain financial benefit through the cheap illegal labor she gets for her vineyard and illegal cohersion in signing them up as Dems with prefilled voting forms against their knowledge and will.
SHE HAS THE NERVE TO CLAIM she will bring back democracy when her acts have been subversive to our democraric rights especially in the across the board obstruction voting the last 2+years. Telling your party to vote against things their States/voters want just to sabotage an opponent is not democratic. Making false reports to demonize the voters is not democratic.
ALLOWING socialism and abuses of power to creep throughout your party is not democratic.
SHE NEEDS TO BE FORCED out in handcuffs, any lawsuit she brings will allow her method of making millions fleecing Californians and putting America at risk open for review during any court doccumentation request swaps.

Your FACTS are exist only on Fantasy Island.

The courts will stop Trump and even Trump admits this.

There is no evidence a large number of illegals voting and all farmers use migrant labor. Many of them support Trump. Will they be sued as well?
The fact is that a majority of Americans support Pelosi not Trump.


Trump is the one who wants to abuse his authority. Sessions was fired because he refused to turn the DOJ into a political weapon to go after Trump's enemies.


Guess what shit for brains?

It will go to the Supreme Court……….

OH’, and by the way Dip Shit,

after RBG croaks Trump will get another pick….

Then when CT retires he will get another….

This will change the direction of our Great Country

For the next 30 years….

Is life good or what?

Thank you President Donald J. Trump:fu:

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