Trump supporters, let's make this official

Because there is a civil war in the Repblican party, because the insurgent Tea Party is at war with the establishment Republicans and the AltRight is at war with everyone, because Trump is not a Republican in any real sense other than being their nominee, everyone can be considered a RINO and everyone can be seen as a true Republican.

There are plenty of chips to land where they may. Until then, as Napoleon once said 'When your enemy is making a mistake, don't help them'.
The Republican civil war also illustrates that starting a ‘revolution’ is easy, actually governing is hard.

It’s easy to be the insurgent bomb-throwing rebel Trump supporter during the primary skirmishes.

But when it came time to run an actual National campaign for president, the insurgent bomb-throwing rebels were clueless as to how to go about such a task, realizing that to advance their candidate they would need to rely on conventional, ‘establishment’ tactics and procedures, and abandon their childish notion of the ‘outsider’ president.

The idealistic, naïve, sophomoric Trump ‘revolution’ fell prey to the truth and reality of modern American politics, and thankfully so.
There are NO Conservatives in the Republican party.
True, it's impossible to be a real conservative and be a career politician at the same time...

What's the estimated viable life for conservative once elected?
That is why there should be a one term limit on all elected offices. And a Requirement they have to work a real job not a civilian federal job all along...

Why only one term? That's only two years for the house members. Hardly enough time for the learning curve. Should we always have novice representation?

That should be plenty of time given that the goal is to do away with government completely.
Term limits to one would be a great thing, learning curve? What is there to learn, now that is funny - vote you feel and believe. Lol
Because there is a civil war in the Repblican party, because the insurgent Tea Party is at war with the establishment Republicans and the AltRight is at war with everyone, because Trump is not a Republican in any real sense other than being their nominee, everyone can be considered a RINO and everyone can be seen as a true Republican.

There are plenty of chips to land where they may. Until then, as Napoleon once said 'When your enemy is making a mistake, don't help them'.
The Republican civil war also illustrates that starting a ‘revolution’ is easy, actually governing is hard.

It’s easy to be the insurgent bomb-throwing rebel Trump supporter during the primary skirmishes.

But when it came time to run an actual National campaign for president, the insurgent bomb-throwing rebels were clueless as to how to go about such a task, realizing that to advance their candidate they would need to rely on conventional, ‘establishment’ tactics and procedures, and abandon their childish notion of the ‘outsider’ president.

The idealistic, naïve, sophomoric Trump ‘revolution’ fell prey to the truth and reality of modern American politics, and thankfully so.
The establishment republicans needs to go the way of the dodo... They have no purpose on this planet
This isn't going very well. Lemme try to kickstart this sucker.

Pence? Rudy?

Oh, Pence and Gulianni are Rinos. But we were able to buy them at a reasonable price, so that puts them in the circle of trust.
True, it's impossible to be a real conservative and be a career politician at the same time...

What's the estimated viable life for conservative once elected?
That is why there should be a one term limit on all elected offices. And a Requirement they have to work a real job not a civilian federal job all along...

Why only one term? That's only two years for the house members. Hardly enough time for the learning curve. Should we always have novice representation?

That should be plenty of time given that the goal is to do away with government completely.
Term limits to one would be a great thing, learning curve? What is there to learn, now that is funny - vote you feel and believe. Lol

I agree, the GOP should make a pact to limit all of it’s members to one term.
Because there is a civil war in the Repblican party, because the insurgent Tea Party is at war with the establishment Republicans and the AltRight is at war with everyone, because Trump is not a Republican in any real sense other than being their nominee, everyone can be considered a RINO and everyone can be seen as a true Republican.

There are plenty of chips to land where they may. Until then, as Napoleon once said 'When your enemy is making a mistake, don't help them'.
The Republican civil war also illustrates that starting a ‘revolution’ is easy, actually governing is hard.

It’s easy to be the insurgent bomb-throwing rebel Trump supporter during the primary skirmishes.

But when it came time to run an actual National campaign for president, the insurgent bomb-throwing rebels were clueless as to how to go about such a task, realizing that to advance their candidate they would need to rely on conventional, ‘establishment’ tactics and procedures, and abandon their childish notion of the ‘outsider’ president.

The idealistic, naïve, sophomoric Trump ‘revolution’ fell prey to the truth and reality of modern American politics, and thankfully so.
Trump is a byproduct of what is wrong with the establishment Republican party, they have no spine they have no purpose they have no morals they have no ability whatsoever…
See Iceweasel , it's quite possible to have civil, mature, adult conversations here.

In another thread, Kondor3 provided the best explanation of what is going on within the GOP that I've seen yet: Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

And in this thread, Rustic was kind enough to answer a couple of other questions for me.

Interesting stuff. I understand a bit more than I did before.

Meanwhile, you've been doing what you normally do: Just attacking and insulting and offering zero substance or constructive input.

Fortunately not everyone here is like you.
See that's the problem with the career politician - you never know were they really stand because they are, career politician.
Yup. That's why I'm for term limits, too.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

That some don’t like the outcome of elections doesn’t warrant ‘term limits.’

The American people have the right to elect whomever they wish for as long as they wish, it’s a fundamental tenet of representative democracy.

Politics is a profession, best left to professionals who understand how to implement and pursue sound, responsible governance at the behest of the people, subject to the will of the people.

This is why we are thankfully not a democracy, and why ‘term limits’ are anathema to our republican form of government.
Because there is a civil war in the Repblican party, because the insurgent Tea Party is at war with the establishment Republicans and the AltRight is at war with everyone, because Trump is not a Republican in any real sense other than being their nominee, everyone can be considered a RINO and everyone can be seen as a true Republican.

There are plenty of chips to land where they may. Until then, as Napoleon once said 'When your enemy is making a mistake, don't help them'.
The Republican civil war also illustrates that starting a ‘revolution’ is easy, actually governing is hard.

It’s easy to be the insurgent bomb-throwing rebel Trump supporter during the primary skirmishes.

But when it came time to run an actual National campaign for president, the insurgent bomb-throwing rebels were clueless as to how to go about such a task, realizing that to advance their candidate they would need to rely on conventional, ‘establishment’ tactics and procedures, and abandon their childish notion of the ‘outsider’ president.

The idealistic, naïve, sophomoric Trump ‘revolution’ fell prey to the truth and reality of modern American politics, and thankfully so.
Trump is a byproduct of what is wrong with the establishment Republican party, they have no spine they have no purpose they have no morals they have no ability whatsoever…
It's just like being a professor, it's just someone that could not make it in the real world.
See Iceweasel , it's quite possible to have civil, mature, adult conversations here.

In another thread, Kondor3 provided the best explanation of what is going on within the GOP that I've seen yet: Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

And in this thread, Rustic was kind enough to answer a couple of other questions for me.

Interesting stuff. I understand a bit more than I did before.

Meanwhile, you've been doing what you normally do: Just attacking and insulting and offering zero substance or constructive input.

Fortunately not everyone here is like you.
See that's the problem with the career politician - you never know were they really stand because they are, career politician.
Yup. That's why I'm for term limits, too.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

That some don’t like the outcome of elections doesn’t warrant ‘term limits.’

The American people have the right to elect whomever they wish for as long as they wish, it’s a fundamental tenet of representative democracy.

Politics is a profession, best left to professionals who understand how to implement and pursue sound, responsible governance at the behest of the people, subject to the will of the people.

This is why we are thankfully not a democracy, and why ‘term limits’ are anathema to our republican form of government.
This country is supposed to be a republic not a shit eating democracy of spineless blow in the wind progressives
.....So, who is NOT a RINO?

1. Donald Trump

There are NO Conservatives in the Republican party.
True, it's impossible to be a real conservative and be a career politician at the same time...

Rustic is one of that special breed of moron who believes that our government would be more effective if it was run by a bunch of inexperienced newbies who don't know what they fuck they are doing.
See Iceweasel , it's quite possible to have civil, mature, adult conversations here.

In another thread, Kondor3 provided the best explanation of what is going on within the GOP that I've seen yet: Has Donald Trump Permanently Altered The Republican Party's DNA?

And in this thread, Rustic was kind enough to answer a couple of other questions for me.

Interesting stuff. I understand a bit more than I did before.

Meanwhile, you've been doing what you normally do: Just attacking and insulting and offering zero substance or constructive input.

Fortunately not everyone here is like you.
See that's the problem with the career politician - you never know were they really stand because they are, career politician.
Yup. That's why I'm for term limits, too.
We already have term limits – they’re called elections.

That some don’t like the outcome of elections doesn’t warrant ‘term limits.’

The American people have the right to elect whomever they wish for as long as they wish, it’s a fundamental tenet of representative democracy.

Politics is a profession, best left to professionals who understand how to implement and pursue sound, responsible governance at the behest of the people, subject to the will of the people.

This is why we are thankfully not a democracy, and why ‘term limits’ are anathema to our republican form of government.
You're right, a career politician as a profession of spineless cowards who will bend at the slightest wind of political correctness...
Let's build a roster of national political figures who deserve to be in, and represent, the GOP.

I've just seen Newt called a "progressive", I've seen Cruz called a RINO, and of course Ryan, McConnell, Christie, Jeb, Graham, Huckabee, Kasich, Rubio and the rest are all left wing pinko commies.

So, who is NOT a RINO?

1. Donald Trump


Rush Limbaugh
Ann Coulter
Tom Tancredo
Trey Gowdy
Bill Bennett
Sean Hannity
Ted Cruz
Marco Rubio
Marsha Blackburn
Sarah Palin
Rudy Guilliani
Newt Gingrich

Now for the RINO'S
Lindsey Graham
John Kasich
John Boehner
Mitt Romney

Fuck it I'm too tired to.list the rest
We know that the DNC cheated to award delegates to Hillary that should have gone to Sanders and the DNC fired it's chairperson likely because of cheating. That's a settled issue. Now if the choice for a democrat presidential candidate boils down to a socialist and a woman who never had a real job that wasn't arranged in some way by her husband. What the hell happened to the party of JFK (ask not what your Country can do for you) and what the hell is the criteria for a democrat candidate? Let's make it official and build a roster of democrats who hate Capitalism and are so incompetent that they are afraid to talk to the media. How about Anthony Weiner?
Please stay on topic. You're certainly welcome to start a new thread on that.
Yeah man. This is the little Macie smears Republicans thread, we can't veer off topic.

True, it's impossible to be a real conservative and be a career politician at the same time...

What's the estimated viable life for conservative once elected?
That is why there should be a one term limit on all elected offices. And a Requirement they have to work a real job not a civilian federal job all along...

Why only one term? That's only two years for the house members. Hardly enough time for the learning curve. Should we always have novice representation?

That should be plenty of time given that the goal is to do away with government completely.
Term limits to one would be a great thing, learning curve? What is there to learn, now that is funny - vote you feel and believe. Lol

So you believe you could walk onto the floor of the house or Senate and be an effective legislator and representative on day one?
The dysfunction in the Republican Party demonstrates that the term has lost all meaning.

It now means "Anyone in the Republican Party with whom I disagree or don't like."
I've seen a few interesting points made on this thread and others today.

This is now Establishment vs. Anti-Establishment. It's not about degree of conservatism.

If you're an elected official, or if you support elected officials, you are suspect.

They're serious about the populism part. The problem is that Trump has also attracted the nationalists, and that means a pretty rotten group has come along for the ride. Had this been a pure populist movement, given the reputation and lousy support for Congress, it could have gone somewhere.

It still could, I guess, but it's going to take some time for the stink of the David Duke types to wash away.
What's the estimated viable life for conservative once elected?
That is why there should be a one term limit on all elected offices. And a Requirement they have to work a real job not a civilian federal job all along...

Why only one term? That's only two years for the house members. Hardly enough time for the learning curve. Should we always have novice representation?

That should be plenty of time given that the goal is to do away with government completely.
Term limits to one would be a great thing, learning curve? What is there to learn, now that is funny - vote you feel and believe. Lol

So you believe you could walk onto the floor of the house or Senate and be an effective legislator and representative on day one?
There are some delusional, ridiculous conservatives who believe just that

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