Trump supporters: If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?

A. He ONLY added "not a source". There is no accusation that he altered any other he did not CHANGE "was a source..." We don't know what the reply said. Only that he took it upon himself to ADD "not a source"
So . . . you're fine with that?

Either way, you are factually incorrect, again.

The document was altered to show that Page was "not a source" for the CIA, even though the original message from the CIA indicated otherwise. The CIA had earlier told investigators in a memo that Page was an "operational contact" for the agency from 2008 to 2013 and provided information about his contacts with Russian intelligence officers.

Kevin Clinesmith plans to admit to one charge of altering an email to another official in 2017 that said Page wasn't a previous government source, when he had been one.
Clinesmith had also been critical of President Donald Trump when he worked for the FBI.

The lawyer, Kevin E. Clinesmith, who was working at the time with the F.B.I.’s Trump-Russia investigation team, admitted to a judge that he had intentionally inserted words into the text of the email, which discussed past relations between the C.I.A. and Carter Page, the former Trump campaign adviser.

The alteration was uncovered last year by an inspector general report laying out a litany of errors and omissions in the Page wiretap applications. They included the F.B.I.’s failure to tell judges about Mr. Page’s history of talking to the C.I.A. about his interactions with Russian intelligence officials, a fact that might have made him look less suspicious. The report suggested that Mr. Clinesmith’s move prevented a colleague from recognizing the problem.

I'm actually surprised that you are prompting me to go over this again. I would think you would want it forgotten.

B. The FISA warrant would still likely been granted since being a source or not...years prior had no bearing on what "Individual 1" was doing currently
Let's look at the part I quoted for you again:

Relying on the altered email, on June 29, 2017, the SSA signed and submitted the fourth FISA application to the U.S. Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court. The application did not include Individual #1’s history or status with the OGA.

So without the altered email, the Supervisory Special Agent would not have approved the application in the first place. It's lucky for that SSA that he had the altered email to prove that TDS-addled Clinesmith deceived him.
As noted...lotsa folks don't see that equal justice.

Does that mean they can ignore the law?

What's "unequal" here?
I don't follow your thinking, Lesh. When the Left ignores the concept of equal justice don't you grasp how damaging it is to the country? I don't trust the FBI. I don't trust the Justice Department. I honestly feel like they've been corrupted. If you can't trust the "referees" then the game turns into a free for all!
This is a pretty freakin' easy question for anyone who values the rule of law more than partisan politics.

All these non-answers are no surprise, though.
Since Hillary, Hunter, obama, Joe, and others DID break the law, shouldn't they be punished?
When the Left ignores the concept of equal justice don't you grasp how damaging it is to the country?
When the right ignores the concept of equal justice for folks of color...that doesn't bother you though
I don't trust the FBI.
Tough shit
I don't trust the Justice Department.
Tough shit
I honestly feel like they've been corrupted.
Criminals and those who support them often say that
If you can't trust the "referees" then the game turns into a free for all!
see above in bold. Losers always bitch at the refs
When the right ignores the concept of equal justice for folks of color...that doesn't bother you though

Tough shit

Tough shit

Criminals and those who support them often say that

see above in bold. Losers always bitch at the refs
It bothers me when anyone ignores the concept of equal justice, Lesh. That goes for people of color. That applies to everyone. Your claim that the Right doesn't believe in equal justice is a lie. The Right believes in the Constitution. The Right believes in the rule of law. The Right believes in free speech. Democrats have abandoned all of those things if they get in the way of their agenda!
Classified after the fact. Only three were marked with that "C" designation
Actually they found over 2,000 "Classified" documents on Hillary's servers. They found 6 that were marked "Top Secret"! But when you consider that Hillary paid someone to professionally "bleach" her servers it begs the question of how many others were on those servers but were lost because of her actions to hide what she'd done!
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Can you tell us what they were charged for?

Can you tell us what court they were in?

The question not to say if Trump is innocent or guilty, He innocent until proven guilty by the way.

The question is should Trump be accountable for breaking the law...

At the moment he is under investigation by the FBI led by a director he appointed and search warrant was signed by a judge he appointed...

So should Trump be held accountable?
What was Trump charged for, you dumb fuck?

What was Trump in court for?

The exact same standard you use to exonerate Hillary and Hunter you use to condemn Trump.

You're a just another prog with a double standard, and you're too fucking stoopid to see iit.
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It bothers me when anyone ignores the concept of equal justice, Lesh. That goes for people of color. That applies to everyone. Your claim that the Right doesn't believe in equal justice is a lie. The Right believes in the Constitution. The Right believes in the rule of law. The Right believes in free speech. Democrats have abandoned all of those things if they get in the way of their agenda!
His problem is that the right does believe in equal justice, and they want to apply it to the left. He wants the double standard. He wants one standard for the left, where they get off scot free, and another where the right goes to prison.

Leftwingers are vermin. I hope when Trump gets selected in 2024 that he puts all these scum in prison where they belong.
Actually they found over 2,000 "Classified" documents on Hillary's servers. They found 6 that were marked "Top Secret"! But when you consider that Hillary paid someone to professionally "bleach" her servers it begs the question of how many others were on those servers but were lost because of her actions to hide what she'd done!
Almost all were retroactively classified. They were not classified at that time.

There was a small number marked classified and NONE marked "Top secret" or even "Secret".

Of course feel free to provide a source that proves otherwise


If Trump broke the law, should he be held legally accountable?​

Yes... but why are you asking?
And why are you such a democrat supporter when their lies, scandals and crimes are so much more egregious and harmful to the American public? ---- and always go unpunished? . . IOW, how do you sleep at night?
Like *Vampires is how.Or as Alex Jones explains the motives behind
New World Order Oligarchs.To maintain their Dynasties.
Many of who believe in the rituals of Bilderberg { which the liars
in the MSM told us } never existed.Until it got proven.
Obama and Hillary snuck off to a Bilderberg gathering in Chantilly,Va.
in June of 2008.The giveaway.Obama pretended to be arriving at Dulles
airport for a Press Flight aboard his mock Air Force Campaign Jet.
He wasn't late.He snuck off to that Bilderberg.

*Going back to Vlad the Impaler.Or those in the middle ages who
ruled parts of Europe.Notably Romania and Hungary.
Almost all were retroactively classified. They were not classified at that time.

That's pure horseshit. One was a photograph from a spy satellite, and those are automatically classified top secret.
There was a small number marked classified and NONE marked "Top secret" or even "Secret".

Of course feel free to provide a source that proves otherwise

The SOS is supposed to know that certain documents (like photos from spy satellites) are classified. She has no excuse, and neither do you. You're regurgitating Dim propaganda.
That's pure horseshit. One was a photograph from a spy satellite, and those are automatically classified top secret.

The SOS is supposed to know that certain documents (like photos from spy satellites) are classified. She has no excuse, and neither do you. You're regurgitating Dim propaganda.
Let's Get real.I mean,for the heck of it.When { and be specific }
does a Democrat NOT engage in propaganda in some fashion.
The theory is no longer a Theory.
Today's Left Does Not value TRUTH
I find the Democrats repulsive. I just find the GQP, in its current condition, a bit more so.

So a pox on both houses, and anyone who attacks for, or ignores, or enables them. Either party.

I hope that's clear.
You find the Democrats repulsive yet you work for them. What an intetesting concept.

Do you also eat haggis every day because you hate it by any chance?
Almost all were retroactively classified. They were not classified at that time.

There was a small number marked classified and NONE marked "Top secret" or even "Secret".

Of course feel free to provide a source that proves otherwise

Things are classified when produced, Moron.

Ever heard of SAP info, Simp?

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