Predict the Trump verdict. (Poll)

How many jurors will find Trump NOT guilty of ANY super-secret felony counts?

  • 0 Meaning Trump is guilty of a felony and could face prison time

    Votes: 25 43.1%
  • 1 not guilty, meaning a "hung jury", and Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 2 not guilty, same hung jury, Trump walks

    Votes: 9 15.5%
  • 3+ not guilty, Trump walks

    Votes: 15 25.9%

  • Total voters

Closing arguments start Tuesday morning, then the jury instructions, then the jury decides the verdicts.

So my take on it is that Trump will be found guilty of the misdemeanor bookkeeping counts, and not guilty on the any of the (3) "super-secret felonies"

So Trump walks, since the misdemeanor counts all expired (unless they hid one of the "super-secret felonies", which was a "no")

I'm betting that "innocent until proven guilty" holds serve in the jury, for the "super-secret felonies"
Plus, the judge said it doesn’t have to be unanimous. They can each decide on different “crimes” he’s guilty of INTENDING to commit, but as long as everyone thinks he’s guilty of at least something, he’ll call it guilty.

I’ve never seen such a perversion of the law in my life, arranged by the Democrats to take down their opponent - and the man mosr voters want.
/-----/ Unbelieveable.
...I’ve never seen such a perversion of the law in my life, arranged by the Democrats to take down their opponent...
You also need to ask yourself WHY they're hammering on Trump so hard...

It's not merely because he's their opponent...

It's not merely because he's an advocate for policies that differ from theirs...

It's ALSO because he is a dictator-in-the-making who represents an existential threat to American representative democracy...

THAT is the MAIN reason why they're hammering on him so hard...
it specifically does not state Trump would have needed to be charged for the additional crime....can you show where it says that?
Then it should be no problem to show how it has ever been used this way. It hasn't, because no previous DA was so corrupt as to say, there's an additional crime because I say so, along with a judge so corrupt as to allow it. Until someone can show a previous case that was successfully prosecuted under the same standards, this a novel legal theory that's never been tested. As such it will be eviscerated in the appellate courts.
You also need to ask yourself WHY they're hammering on Trump so hard...

It's not merely because he's their opponent...

It's not merely because he's an advocate for policies that differ from theirs...

It's ALSO because he is a dictator-in-the-making who represents an existential threat to American representative democracy...

THAT is the MAIN reason why they're hammering on him so hard...
Are you being sarcastic? The threat to democracy is happening under Biden, who is using the legal system to politically persecute his #1 opponent, the one who is likely to win, and falsely brand him a convicted criminal.
Then it should be no problem to show how it has ever been used this way. It hasn't, because no previous DA was so corrupt as to say, there's an additional crime because I say so, along with a judge so corrupt as to allow it. Until someone can show a previous case that was successfully prosecuted under the same standards, this a novel legal theory that's never been tested. As such it will be eviscerated in the appellate courts.
The problem is that nobody is stepping in at this point, and instead allowing this farce to continue. It’s election interference, pure and simple. By the time it is overturned, the damage will have been done.
12 jurists finding that Trump is guilty of Falsifying Bussiness Records in First Degree is OF COURSE a unanimous descision dummy.
Stop proving how stupid you are.
The business record crime is an expired misdemeanor. Its a nothingburger.

Its the mysterious/secret crime being "covered up" that turns that misdemeanor into serious felony.
That is the crime that is total bullshit, since Trump was never charged nor convicted of any other crime.
Do try to keep up.
The business record crime is an expired misdemeanor.

Trumpw wasn't charged with a misdemeanor, he was charged with a criminal offense.

How many times does that need to be explained for you to finally get it and start to make arguments that reflect this understanding?

Call me stupid while saying…really stupid things is not very convincing.
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Why Trump’s team thinks he can survive any verdict​

The former president’s advisers and allies plan to situate any outcome within the same grievance narrative he’s been cultivating for years.

Donald Trump’s pollsters have been tracking the impact of his indictments throughout his first trial and, moving to get ahead of events, are arguing that regardless of the verdict in the New York hush-money case, they can spin it in his favor.

In the campaign’s internal polling, two-thirds of respondents say politics played a role in his criminal indictments.

That is at odds with public polling, which has found that somewhere between a plurality and a majority of Americans believe the case has been handled fairly, with a sharp partisan split. Some 60 percent of voters have said they think the charges are very or somewhat serious. Even 6 percent of Trump voters say they would be less likely to back him if convicted.

Like I said yesterday, if he is convicted he will whine about the system being unfair to him. If he is acquitted he will whine about the system being unfair to him. It's all the same to The Following.

In Trumpworld there is no possibility of him being treated fairly. No matter what, they have been brainwashed in to believing in the fundamental corruption of the system. Just the way Trump wants them to think.

Why Trump’s team thinks he can survive any verdict​

The former president’s advisers and allies plan to situate any outcome within the same grievance narrative he’s been cultivating for years.

Donald Trump’s pollsters have been tracking the impact of his indictments throughout his first trial and, moving to get ahead of events, are arguing that regardless of the verdict in the New York hush-money case, they can spin it in his favor.

In the campaign’s internal polling, two-thirds of respondents say politics played a role in his criminal indictments.

That is at odds with public polling, which has found that somewhere between a plurality and a majority of Americans believe the case has been handled fairly, with a sharp partisan split. Some 60 percent of voters have said they think the charges are very or somewhat serious. Even 6 percent of Trump voters say they would be less likely to back him if convicted.

Like I said yesterday, if he is convicted he will whine about the system being unfair to him. If he is acquitted he will whine about the system being unfair to him. It's all the same to The Following.

In Trumpworld there is no possibility of him being treated fairly. No matter what, they have been brainwashed in to believing in the fundamental corruption of the system. Just the way Trump wants them to think.
More copy and paste from Stalinberg80 the #1 stage four TDS foamer.
Pathetic Marxist SCUMBAG.
Plus, the judge said it doesn’t have to be unanimous. They can each decide on different “crimes” he’s guilty of INTENDING to commit, but as long as everyone thinks he’s guilty of at least something, he’ll call it guilty.

I’ve never seen such a perversion of the law in my life, arranged by the Democrats to take down their opponent - and the man mosr voters want.
It's absolutely insane, Dems are that desperate to convict Trump of something.
It's absolutely insane, Dems are that desperate to convict Trump of something.
Yup, and Biden is all set to gloat as soon as the verdict comes in. His speech is already written. Might even be tonight.

Marchin had orders from the WH to bring in a conviction.
With the intent to influence the election.
Lots of legal things are done with the intent to influence the election. And besides, that would be a violation of federal law. No federal prosecutor took the case because there was no violation.

What about the 51 former intelligence officers coerced into lying about the laptop being Russian information. Now THAT was intended to help Biden, which of course it did.
Would it kill you to look it up? How are you rwingers this helpless?

Falsifying Bussiness Records in the First Degree

That’s what is charged 34 times in the indictment.
It’s first degree if it’s done to conceal or commit another crime. There has been no crime identified. Just a bunch of “possibilities” - and now the corrupt judge says the jury doesn’t even have to agree on which possibility he’s guilty of.

And 34 times is ridiculous. It’s all connected to the same payoff to the slut.

If you get a jaywalking ticket, do you get 34 misdemeanor charges because it took you 34 steps to get across the street?!

This whole thing is so ridiculous it is helping Trump, not hurting him.

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