Trump: Stronger Than Ever

Post 757 continued >>

Affidavits and statistical analyses allege more than 318,000 illegal ballots were counted, 15,000 mail-in ballots were lost, 18,000 were “fraudulently recorded” in the name of voters who never asked for mail-in ballots, 7,000 ineligible voters who had moved out of state voted illegally, Biden over performed in places using Dominion voting machines, and elections officials directed workers to "cure" or fix ballots with no witness address, or with voter certification missing on absentee ballot certificates and envelopes even though the law states such ballots are not to be counted, according to a lawsuit filed by Sidney Powell.

Read Sidney Powell lawsuit

A USPS subcontractor claims he was told the postal service planned. to improperly backdate tens of thousands of ballots after the Nov. 3 election.

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Elections officials twice found batches of missing ballots in voting machines.

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A disability service coordinator who works with adults in assisted living facilities and group homes in and around Milwaukee, says every one of her more than 20 clients told her that they were either pressured to vote for Biden or had a vote cast for Biden before they ever had a chance to see their ballot.

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There were illegally altered and illegally issued absentee ballots; and government officials gave illegal advice to voters. That’s according to a Trump campaign filing.

The Trump campaign questions an estimated 238,420 ballots from two counties, Dane and Milwaukee, where election clerks filled in missing information on the certification envelope; where voters declared themselves “indefinitely confined”; and roughly 69,000 absentee ballots cast in person before Election Day. Biden won Wisconsin by about 20,000 votes.

There was a suspicious spike in voters registering as “indefinitely confined,” which allows them to be exempt from presenting a photo ID to vote. Year to year, the number of voters calling themselves "indefinitely confined” increased 238% from 72,000 to 243,900. UPDATE: Wisconsin's Supreme Court ruled in favor of Republicans in a lawsuit stating that coronavirus and stay-at-home orders were not legitimate reasons for voters to vote without ID as "indefinitely confined."

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Nearly 400 absentee ballots that were not initially counted were later found. Officials blame "human error.”

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A trickle of votes that had Trump in the lead all night suddenly shifted when 170,000 votes, 5% of the total state count, came in one giant dump 17 times larger than average. Before the dump, Trump was ahead by 108,000 votes. He fell behind by 9,000 votes an instant later.
youre demonstrating copy & paste from a questionable source site. Why would anybody waste time reading something from a questionable source?
You don't have a shred of evidence for more than just a few of them.

I already got you to abandon your bullshit claim there were none.

I already got you to abandon your bullshit claim there were none.
Oh, aren't you clever ? So impressive. You don't have a shred of evidence for more than just a few of them.

Your airheady posts don't impress me, Faun. Post a vid of you playing Minuet # 3 (Bach/Petzold) in G Major on the violin. That will impress me. But you can't right ? Because you're just not impressive, Faun. :doubt::hellno:
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Oh, aren't you clever ? So impressive. You don't have a shred of evidence for more than just a few of them.

Your airheady posts don't impress me, Faun. Post a vid of you playing Minuet # 3 (Bach/Petzold) in G Major on the violin. That will impress me. But you can't right ? Because you're just not impressive, Faun. :doubt::hellno:

You were proven wrong, gramps. Deal with it.
You were proven wrong, gramps. Deal with it.
HA HA. In your little dream world, Fauny boy. Go back to sleep. If I actually HAD been "proven" wrong, you wouldn't need to be talking about it. :biggrin:
:puhleeze: You pretend that you have something to rub. Wow. Look at all the positive ratings you're getting. H H H H :laugh::muahaha:


Who needs ratings when I have your own words. First denying there were white supremacists there; and then admitting there were white supremacists there.


Who needs ratings when I have your own words. First denying there were white supremacists there; and then admitting there were white supremacists there.
Whatever white supremacists were there, they were FEW and far between, since there's only about 20 of them in the whole country. :lol:

The rest are leftist agent provocaturs, masquerading. Got any "proof" that isn't so, Mr Proof ? If not, you are cordially invited to :anj_stfu:............😐
Whatever white supremacists were there, they were FEW and far between, since there's only about 20 of them in the whole country. :lol:

The rest are leftist agent provocaturs, masquerading. Got any "proof" that isn't so, Mr Proof ? If not, you are cordially invited to :anj_stfu:............😐

Burden of proof is yours to prove your claims. Not mine to prove you're wrong just because you can't prove yourself right.

So where's your proof that there are only about 20 white supremacists in the entire nation?

And where's your proof there were leftist provocateurs there...?
Burden of proof is yours to prove your claims. Not mine to prove you're wrong just because you can't prove yourself right.

So where's your proof that there are only about 20 white supremacists in the entire nation?

And where's your proof there were leftist provocateurs there...?
Same amount of proof you have of the contrary, so you can get off your high horse now. Everybody who talks, has burden of proof.
Same amount of proof you have of the contrary, so you can get off your high horse now. Everybody who talks, has burden of proof.

Thanks for admitting you were full of shit when you said there were no white supremacists there.
Thanks for admitting you were full of shit when you said there were no white supremacists there.

If you want to shut him up and shut him down just ask him this simple question, which he is too scared to answer:

Is your big grand argument that Trump has evidence of election fraud, that will make him president, but all the courts in America, some with Trump appointed judges, won't hear this evidence because they are all in on this election fraud??
That is the most bat shit crazy bullshit ever, on top of that there is nothing to support it because nobody in America with real credibility has said there is any evidence of fraud.
AG Barr said no fraud
Election officials from GOP states have all said no fraud
Ivanka Trump said no fraud
People at Fox News said no fraud.
Trump appointed judges said no fraud.

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