Trump sets a "pattern of behavior" with his pardon....

And likely grab a couple more states. In retrospect she has been shown to be even more a lunatic than was previously suspected, and his accomplishments already overshadow his seat-warming predecessor.

Very good, billy..........
If a thread is injurious to your orange clown, QUICKLY divert it to your usual, "I hate Hillary"

I don't hate Hillary.

I hate the totalitarian nonsense she and her Democrat supporters are trying to foist upon a nation which they by conscious act have rendered half-ignorant.

Your post is total nonsense.
Billy has a guy that might not last 4 years, a total moron and he's talking poorly of Clinton???

Well, at least he's not a wino.
Right he has that going for him Ever tell you I sat at the same table with him in AC in the 90's when he was into the fight game??
In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons; the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Trump started this pattern when he asked Comey for his loyalty. Not to the country, but to him personally. This pardoning of Arpaio underscores and confirms Trump's need for a pledge of loyalty to HIM, just like most mob bosses demand.
Most of them do it in their last days to avoid the fallout, being the politicians they are.

trump HAD to do it now......He needs to send a message to all those underlings who are compelled to testify before the grand juries, that he is willing to pardon them AS LONG AS THEY KEEP THEIR MOUTH SHUT about him.

I think you are 100% spot on.
In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons; the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Trump started this pattern when he asked Comey for his loyalty. Not to the country, but to him personally. This pardoning of Arpaio underscores and confirms Trump's need for a pledge of loyalty to HIM, just like most mob bosses demand.
And the pos trump is no better than a mob boss and his followers kiss his ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ass
No, moron. He said there were some good people at the protest. He didn't say they were neonazis or KKK. That's purely the left's sleazy lying dishonest spin.

Can you (AND Trump) identify the FINE PEOPLE in these pictures???

No, but I can identify the moron who posted the pic and asked the stupid question.
Are all snowflakes as f*ing STUPID as you (the OP) are?

Presidents have been pardoning people for a long time. ..Trump just decided to break from Democrat tradition by pardoning an over-zealous law ENFORCER instead of TERRORISTS and violent criminals as did Clinton and Obama.
It's so cute how the thin skinned shill calls everyone else snowflakes.

Now be quiet hack
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Very good, billy..........
If a thread is injurious to your orange clown, QUICKLY divert it to your usual, "I hate Hillary"

I don't hate Hillary.

I hate the totalitarian nonsense she and her Democrat supporters are trying to foist upon a nation which they by conscious act have rendered half-ignorant.

Your post is total nonsense.
Billy has a guy that might not last 4 years, a total moron and he's talking poorly of Clinton???

Well, at least he's not a wino.
Right he has that going for him Ever tell you I sat at the same table with him in AC in the 90's when he was into the fight game??

I'll see if he remembers you.

In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons;the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Agree, however at this point did Trump have any other option? He only has his base at this point and they would have been constantly on his ass about it. He is beholden to Breitbart and the alt-right/racists of his party.
Trump actually has more broad support now than he did during the campaign.

What are you talking about nutter butter? Trump has the support of about a third of the country and only about 60 percent of republicans. You loons need to stop making up garbage. :cuckoo:
I don't hate Hillary.

I hate the totalitarian nonsense she and her Democrat supporters are trying to foist upon a nation which they by conscious act have rendered half-ignorant.

Your post is total nonsense.
Billy has a guy that might not last 4 years, a total moron and he's talking poorly of Clinton???

Well, at least he's not a wino.
Right he has that going for him Ever tell you I sat at the same table with him in AC in the 90's when he was into the fight game??

I'll see if he remembers you.

lol I didn't introduce myself didn't shake his small hands , the guy I was with was talking business with him and I butted out
In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons; the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

Trump started this pattern when he asked Comey for his loyalty. Not to the country, but to him personally. This pardoning of Arpaio underscores and confirms Trump's need for a pledge of loyalty to HIM, just like most mob bosses demand.
And the pos trump is no better than a mob boss and his followers kiss his ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,ass
You're delusional if you think Obama didn't ask the same from his AGs. The only difference is that he didn't have it leaked to the press.
Your post is total nonsense.
Billy has a guy that might not last 4 years, a total moron and he's talking poorly of Clinton???

Well, at least he's not a wino.
Right he has that going for him Ever tell you I sat at the same table with him in AC in the 90's when he was into the fight game??

I'll see if he remembers you.

lol I didn't introduce myself didn't shake his small hands , the guy I was with was talking business with him and I butted out

Wow. I'd have made damn sure he met me. :deal:
No, moron. He said there were some good people at the protest. He didn't say they were neonazis or KKK. That's purely the left's sleazy lying dishonest spin.

Can you (AND Trump) identify the FINE PEOPLE in these pictures???

No, but I can identify the moron who posted the pic and asked the stupid question.
Bri would you mind if I call you by your company name KLEAGLE??
It looks like the cockroach has self-identified.
In law, its called a pattern of behavior or a pattern of conduct when someone establishes a recurring event that distinguishes it from an "isolated instance"....

Of course we are here talking about Trump's recent pardon of the sheriff which resembles what Trump tried to accomplish through Comey regarding Mike Flynn.

The rule of law is a foreign concept for Trump......In his business dealings, Trump was used to simply issue a mandate (remember in his businesses he never had a board to curb his actions) and folks either fell in line of were fired..............Unfortunately for Trump, government does NOT work that way.

Rest assured that Trump's recent pardon will not go unnoticed by Mueller's investigators in advising the current grand juries that this guy has established a pattern of behavior that places him above the rule of law.....or, at least, a pattern that he thinks is acceptable.....It is not.

The issue is NOT whether Trump has the authority to grant pardons; the issue is whether a president can circumvent the legal procedures just because he wants to avoid an investigation of his own misdeeds,as he tried to do by getting Flynn "off the hook."

When I first heard about the pardon of Arpaio, there were quite a few pertinent facts I didn't realize.

First of all, Arpaio had yet to be sentenced.

Secondly, and more importantly, Trump circumvented the normal pardon process which follows the pattern of allowing the judicial process to be completed, at which point, a convicted person applies for a pardon. That in turn is followed by a review of the case and normally requires the convicted person to show remorse or contrition prior to being granted a pardon or clemency. Instead, Arpaio was actually quite defiant about everything and never once displayed any remorse for his actions which cost the taxpayers some $150 million in lost lawsuits due to his actions. Additionally, Arpaio never even applied for a pardon or had a review of his case. Instead Trump merely offered it to him. Furthermore, Arpaio was not an unknown person to Trump. Arpaio was, in fact, a long-time friend and ally of Trump who participated with Trump in the whole birtherism nonsense about Obama in past years. If this is any indication of what's to come, Trump will be offering pardons to former allies and appointees who find themselves in legal jeopardy, and this might even happen before any conviction and possibly even before any trials takes place, thereby shutting down the process of reviewing the evidence of any alleged crime.

On a side note, Trump is playing with fire if he thinks he can continue to thumb his nose at any and all conventions as well as any and all elected officials from both parties and do so without any consequences to himself month, after month, after month. Sooner or later, the collective powers that be in DC are going to push back hard on Trump, and it's going to be a rude awakening for him when he finds no one in his corner and then realizes he brought it all on himself.

I look forward to that day. But don't worry. Trump will blame others for what he's wrought on himself (and us).
First of all, Arpaio had yet to be sentenced.

True, Arpaio's sentencing was to occur on October 5th; although it was a foregone conclusion that he would face 6 months in the same infamous jail where he had sent thousands of others.
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First of all, Arpaio had yet to be sentenced.

True, Arpaio's sentencing was to occur on October 5th;although it was a foregone conclusion that he would face 6 months in the same infamous jail where he had sent thousands of others.
The daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, like her father a Navy veteran, appears, in the rawest of terms, to have excoriated President Trump in a social media post after the announcement that transgender soldiers would be banned from the military,” the Billings Gazette reports.

Said Jennifer Detlefsen: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable… This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit.”
First of all, Arpaio had yet to be sentenced.

True, Arpaio's sentencing was to occur on October 5th;although it was a foregone conclusion that he would face 6 months in the same infamous jail where he had sent thousands of others.
The daughter of Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke, like her father a Navy veteran, appears, in the rawest of terms, to have excoriated President Trump in a social media post after the announcement that transgender soldiers would be banned from the military,” the Billings Gazette reports.

Said Jennifer Detlefsen: “This man is a disgrace. I’ve tried to keep politics out of my social media feed as much as possible, but this is inexcusable… This veteran says sit down and shut the fuck up, you know-nothing, never-served piece of shit.”
Why should anyone seriously consider her opinion? She's a nobody. She certainly isn't a member of the Trump administration. She's obviously a flaming snowflake.
you are not smart edds

in fact you have outed yourself on numerous occasions
I've cut ol Eddie to pieces many times. It's not hard to do.

indeed he exposes himself rather quickly

he used to claim he was a republican --LOL
I still do make that claim Even voted for the moron gwb in 2000 But since then came to my senses You haven't. Never thought we could get worse ,,Trump proved me wrong

you can "claim" all you want

it is more then obvious you are a liar
Well you're a trumpette so you know all about lies and lying liars

"trumpettes" as would call them are fed up with republicans and democrats

and especially leftist slime like you
Are all snowflakes as f*ing STUPID as you (the OP) are?

Presidents have been pardoning people for a long time. ..Trump just decided to break from Democrat tradition by pardoning an over-zealous law ENFORCER instead of TERRORISTS and violent criminals as did Clinton and Obama.
It's so cute how the thin skinned shill Valles everyone else snowflakes.

Now be quiet hack
Jill, if personal attacks are all you have, STFU. Let the adults discuss the issues.

Snowflakes? Yes I point out whiny, sore-loser Democrats are snowflakes. After being content with their Presidents pardoning, protecting, and releasing terrorists, enemies with whom we are at war, and those who prey on Americans, tou condemn a non-Liberal President for pardoning someone who ENFORCED laws.

I am sorry I offended you by pointing out that your 'dear leaders' were also found in Contempt of Court, like Arpaio, that they were spared prison sentences for their crimes, and that they pardoned terrorists.

Sucks for you that, no mattter how much you want, you can't change history or the facts. Guess you will just have to continue to attack anyone who reminds you of them.

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