Trump Seeks To Calm Markets

Well, in the spirit of continuing Obama's policies he just gave the Ukraine 125 million dollars for new anti-artillery radar and military patrol ships.

Perhaps a military distraction will take everyone's mind of the market and the corona.
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The last thing we need is "help" from the government. Let the market be the market.

The market today reflected the oil war between Russia and Saudi Arabia. The market decline would have happened if we solved the coronavirus last week.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
The problem I see, is the Republicans already did a huge tax cut package early in Trump’s term, and that loss in revenue has added to the looming deficit. Which also negatively affects the adding yet another tax cut might be too much.
A payroll tax cut puts a little more money in the working man's pocket. If you give a guy an extra 20 bucks, he will spend it instead of hoarding it. So that's a boost to the consumer economy, unlike the prior Trump tax cut.

It does, of course, shortchange the Social Security and Medicare systems.

Unlike the prior Trump tax cut? Well I'm just a middle-class working guy, and I got a considerable tax cut, not only a small part in my paycheck, but a larger amount when I filed my returns.

Gasoline is going to dip below $2.00 a gallon. That's what will help the economy if anything.
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
Nah. You're reading too much into this. Between 50,000 and 70,000 people die from the flu every year. And yet life goes on.
Covid-19 is at least ten times more fatal than the flu.

If it is not contained, or does not die out on its own, we are looking at millions of deaths in the US.

Much like the flu, the people at risk for death are the elderly and those that have chronic diseases. Millions? I don't think so. I also watched some of Lou Dobbs tonight, and one guest claims a company has a vaccine, however it takes almost a year of red tape to have it approved for the market. I'm just assuming they are working 24/7 to get all the testing and paperwork completed.
You can be 99 percent sure anything you hear on Lou Dobbs is unadulterated horseshit.

A guest doctor is horse shit?
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
Or not:

“Senate Republicans are cool to new economic stimulus proposals the Trump administration is planning to roll out as they await a briefing from top White House economic officials on potential next steps.


it was clear from Senate Republicans coming out of the meeting that there is little appetite to tackle wide-scale economic stimulus at the moment and there is concern that some of the proposals that have been floated by White House officials in recent days, from the payroll tax cuts to more direct spending measures, represent potential problems for the conference in the weeks ahead.”

Senate GOP cool to new economic stimulus measures - CNNPolitics
And Senate Republican aren’t going to go along with what Democrats want to do:

“House Speaker Nancy Pelosi will meet with her committee chairs Monday night to talk through potential options, and the California Democrat and Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer laid down a marker Sunday night for what any package should include, including paid sick leave, enhanced unemployment insurance and widespread, free coronavirus testing.” ibid
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak

The fact is nothing will happen without congress.

we speak of america as a free market and a haven for capitalism. nothing could be further from the truth!
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.

Has a familiar ring to it...doesn't it????? Welfare maybe??

*newsflash* Trump doesn't make those tests

After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
Nah. You're reading too much into this. Between 50,000 and 70,000 people die from the flu every year. And yet life goes on.
Covid-19 is at least ten times more fatal than the flu.

If it is not contained, or does not die out on its own, we are looking at millions of deaths in the US.

Oh FFS,,,,,,,stay away from the headlines from the lying MSM. That shit will rot your brain from the inside out.

Those at high risk from CDC AKA Center for Disease Control

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Early information out of China, where COVID-19 first started, shows that some people are at higher risk of getting very sick from this illness. This includes:

  • Older adults
  • People who have serious chronic medical conditions like:
    • Heart disease
    • Diabetes
    • Lung disease
Take a look at the actual numbers by comparison from John Hopkins...….

Coronavirus Disease 2019 vs. the Flu

COVID-19: Approximately 113,579 cases worldwide; 607 cases in the U.S. as of Mar. 9, 2020.

Flu: Estimated 1 billion cases worldwide; 9.3 million to 45 million cases in the U.S. per year.

COVID-19: Approximately 3,995 deaths reported worldwide; 22 deaths in the U.S., as of Mar. 9, 2020.

Flu: 291,000 to 646,000 deaths worldwide; 12,000 to 61,000 deaths in the U.S. per year.
This is what happens when you have a president that has no, make that, ZERO, credibility. No one believes a friggin word he says. The markets and most the world know just how inept and incompetent Trump is. Add that to Trump's propensity to prevaricate every time he opens his mouth and you have the making of a hollow presidency.
This is what happens when you have a president that has no, make that, ZERO, credibility. No one believes a friggin word he says. The markets and most the world know just how inept and incompetent Trump is. Add that to Trump's propensity to prevaricate every time he opens his mouth and you have the making of a hollow presidency.
I don't think the markets really listen to Trump any more. I think they figured out long ago he is a blowhard. So Trump can't really move the markets that much. Which, in a paradoxical way, is what is scaring the markets now.
This is what happens when you have a president that has no, make that, ZERO, credibility. No one believes a friggin word he says. The markets and most the world know just how inept and incompetent Trump is. Add that to Trump's propensity to prevaricate every time he opens his mouth and you have the making of a hollow presidency.
I don't think the markets really listen to Trump any more. I think they figured out long ago he is a blowhard. So Trump can't really move the markets that much. Which, in a paradoxical way, is what is scaring the markets now.

The only two things scaring the market are the coronavirus and the oil war.
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, media-averting Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak

If testing is available then that can cut down on fraud and abuse and on this I tend to take the side of precaution.

Payroll taxcuts I don't think will do much, sure it will temporarily boost the stock market but it doesn't resolve anything.

The other is just corporate bailouts.
I suspect the stock market will react positively to this development. I hope so.
From +950 to -150 to 162 up at 11:50....crazy markets Some one just said BUY when theres' blood in the streets,,,,,even if it's yours
After the 11th worst day in the history of the stock market, Trump was forced to take the stage yet again to attempt to calm the markets.

The plan has several elements. First, a payroll tax cut. Second, some kind of unspecified relief for businesses. And finally, some kind of relief for people who can't take time off from work if they come down with the bug because they live from paycheck to paycheck. Absolutely no details were given for what that third action item will be.

Of course, all of these plans are very big, huge, wonderful, terrific, and the best anyone has ever seen...

So, if you have to stay home because you *cough* might have *cough* the coronavirus *achoo!*, excuse me, and will get paid for it, that is not going to be *cough hack cough* wide open to fraud and abuse or anything...

Trump floats payroll tax cut, other financial relief amid coronavirus outbreak
It's irrelevant what Trump does, or wants to do, or doesn't do. The leftists will find fault with it.
In 2010, Obama cut payroll taxes by 2 percent to help recover from the recession. So the Left can't attack Trump for doing the same.

I wonder how the Right will twist their minds into accepting a government bailout of the corporate world...

It's the third plan which has me the most curious. How can you support people who have to stay home without being wide open to waste, fraud, and abuse?

There would have to be some kind of required proof. A positive coronavirus test result from your doctor or something.

So Trump better get those tests out there STAT.
Nah. You're reading too much into this. Between 50,000 and 70,000 people die from the flu every year. And yet life goes on.
Covid-19 is at least ten times more fatal than the flu.

If it is not contained, or does not die out on its own, we are looking at millions of deaths in the US.
You know what has a 100% Fatality Rate?

The Democrats Committing Infanticide at Planned Parenthood Extermination Centers.

They need to put a sign out in front of these Hell Houses

60 Million Served!
I suspect the stock market will react positively to this development. I hope so.
From +950 to -150 to 162 up at 11:50....crazy markets Some one just said BUY when theres' blood in the streets,,,,,even if it's yours

That's the attitude of investors. It's like the old saying of financial success, buy low--sell high. People are anxious as hell to get back into the game. This is a good thing.

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