Trump says "We Fell In Love" about Kim Jong Un


Diamond Member
May 7, 2017
Midwest - Trumplandia
No, I'm not making this up. At his Hillbilly Nuremberg rally last night, this is what Trump said about the most brutal dictator on the planet:

I was really being tough and so was he. And we would go back and forth. And then we fell in love. No really. He wrote me beautiful letters. They were great letters. And then we fell in love.”

I'm just wondering what his fan base thinks of this. I know that Trump is mentally defective, but saying he "fell in love" with Kim Jong Un? Was it an erotic kind of love? Did he have wood for Kim? Or is he just in love with someone who makes critics disappear and murders entire families of those who displease him?

Can someone translate?

Trump On Kim Jong Un: 'He Wrote Me Beautiful Letters. We Fell In Love.'
Let it go lefties, you only look like fools when you try to convince yourselves that you hate the only freaking foreign policy that a president dared to engage with N.K. in the last 65 years.



Let it go lefties, you only look like fools when you try to convince yourselves that you hate the only freaking foreign policy that a president dared to engage with N.K. in the last 65 years.
But no president ever fell in love with their leader before. We know it’s true, he told us in public, right?
Trump doesn’t lie.
Putin has some competition - this could be the start of an international dictator 3-way and Goldilocks is the pivot man.

fix your hair and make up old man, you're going around the world x 2 !!

You know, I think Trump is caught up with the cooler temps., the fall colors and a growing divide with Melania, all of which happened at the time he was thinking of Kim, and his true feelings just spilled out. It’s beautiful to see, isn’t it?

I wonder if Kim has considered the age difference?

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