Trump Says Roger Stone Has a Good Chance of Exoneration.


Always Faithful
Sep 28, 2018
Walker County, TX
President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly hinted that Roger Stone would not end up serving the 40-month prison sentence handed down by a federal judge, saying his former longtime political adviser “has a very good chance of exoneration.” But while Trump railed against the Justice Department during a prison graduation ceremony in Las Vegas, he added that he would not grant the convicted GOP operative a pardon at the moment because he wanted to “let the process play out,” an apparent allusion to Stone’s petition for a new trial.

Hours earlier, Stone had been sentenced to more than three years in prison on charges of lying to investigators, obstructing Congress and witness intimidation, immediately raising questions about whether the president will pardon his former confidant for what he’s decried as a miscarriage of justice.

More here:

Trump: Roger Stone has 'very good chance of exoneration' but will 'let the process play out'
President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly hinted that Roger Stone would not end up serving the 40-month prison sentence handed down by a federal judge, saying his former longtime political adviser “has a very good chance of exoneration.” But while Trump railed against the Justice Department during a prison graduation ceremony in Las Vegas, he added that he would not grant the convicted GOP operative a pardon at the moment because he wanted to “let the process play out,” an apparent allusion to Stone’s petition for a new trial.

Hours earlier, Stone had been sentenced to more than three years in prison on charges of lying to investigators, obstructing Congress and witness intimidation, immediately raising questions about whether the president will pardon his former confidant for what he’s decried as a miscarriage of justice.

More here:

Trump: Roger Stone has 'very good chance of exoneration' but will 'let the process play out'

Here is how it is going to play out
Stone won't get a retrial.

Trump will pardon another of his criminal buddies.
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.

I am far left and dislike Trump, but tell me what Stone is supposed to be guilty of?

Stone never threatened anyone, and the reporter the court claimed he threatened is on record saying he never felt threatened or that there was any actual intent of a threat.

The supposed obstruction of justice is over wikileaks, and no reporter or anyone has ever been forced to reveal a whistleblower yet.
So this prosecution is absurd, illegal, and totally political.
Wikileaks is good, and protected.

Just as conservatives have convinced themselves that the rigged trial and jury in the Senate "acquitted" the impeached president trump, there can be no doubt they will believe the impeached one's pardons of the corrupt crooks "exonerates" them. No, all of them remain guilty (especially Rod Blagojevich), ALL OF THEM, including the impeached president trump.

The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
The whole investigation is falling was un warranted from the start....he lied to a corrupt person over a stupid wikilinks thing...he didn't run someone over or shoot someone or rape someone....and yet libs are so utterly hateful that they want to see this friend of Trump burn in can you live with yourself?...
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Guilty of what? Fucking with democrats? Lol process crimes?
President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly hinted that Roger Stone would not end up serving the 40-month prison sentence handed down by a federal judge, saying his former longtime political adviser “has a very good chance of exoneration.” But while Trump railed against the Justice Department during a prison graduation ceremony in Las Vegas, he added that he would not grant the convicted GOP operative a pardon at the moment because he wanted to “let the process play out,” an apparent allusion to Stone’s petition for a new trial.

Hours earlier, Stone had been sentenced to more than three years in prison on charges of lying to investigators, obstructing Congress and witness intimidation, immediately raising questions about whether the president will pardon his former confidant for what he’s decried as a miscarriage of justice.

More here:

Trump: Roger Stone has 'very good chance of exoneration' but will 'let the process play out'
A good chance, but not an honest one.
President Donald Trump on Thursday strongly hinted that Roger Stone would not end up serving the 40-month prison sentence handed down by a federal judge, saying his former longtime political adviser “has a very good chance of exoneration.” But while Trump railed against the Justice Department during a prison graduation ceremony in Las Vegas, he added that he would not grant the convicted GOP operative a pardon at the moment because he wanted to “let the process play out,” an apparent allusion to Stone’s petition for a new trial.

Hours earlier, Stone had been sentenced to more than three years in prison on charges of lying to investigators, obstructing Congress and witness intimidation, immediately raising questions about whether the president will pardon his former confidant for what he’s decried as a miscarriage of justice.

More here:

Trump: Roger Stone has 'very good chance of exoneration' but will 'let the process play out'

Here is how it is going to play out
Stone won't get a retrial.

Trump will pardon another of his criminal buddies.
Roger Stone was accused because he is a Trump supporter. He was railroaded by an anti-Trumpster Obama ally who wants nothing but bad to happen to Trump and his friends. The fake impeachment fizzled, but the Demmies aren't done with their evil plans against conservatives yet. And yes, Stone will get a retrial, only at a higher level than scumbag democrat get-Trumpers. You're welcome.
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
The whole investigation is falling was un warranted from the start....he lied to a corrupt person over a stupid wikilinks thing...he didn't run someone over or shoot someone or rape someone....and yet libs are so utterly hateful that they want to see this friend of Trump burn in can you live with yourself?...
He lied to the Republican led House Committee on Intelligence. He lied multiple times. Then he threatened people who were going to testify truthfully and reveal those lies.

He deserves to go to prison. He did it to himself. Do you want me to feel bad that he did this to himself? I don’t.
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Guilty of what? Fucking with democrats? Lol process crimes?

Lying to Congress. Maybe we should just make that legal? Get rid of the law that says it’s illegal to lie to Congress. Might as well, right?
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Guilty of what? Fucking with democrats? Lol process crimes?

Lying to Congress. Maybe we should just make that legal? Get rid of the law that says it’s illegal to lie to Congress. Might as well, right?
It was a perjury trap.. they had the emails
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Guilty of what? Fucking with democrats? Lol process crimes?

Lying to Congress. Maybe we should just make that legal? Get rid of the law that says it’s illegal to lie to Congress. Might as well, right?
It was a perjury trap.. they had the emails

Prove it.
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.

I am far left and dislike Trump, but tell me what Stone is supposed to be guilty of?

Stone never threatened anyone, and the reporter the court claimed he threatened is on record saying he never felt threatened or that there was any actual intent of a threat.

The supposed obstruction of justice is over wikileaks, and no reporter or anyone has ever been forced to reveal a whistleblower yet.
So this prosecution is absurd, illegal, and totally political.
Wikileaks is good, and protected.
if you do not know the case, nor what stone was charged with and found guilty over, how can you have this opinion of yours, without knowing any of the facts?
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Guilty of what? Fucking with democrats? Lol process crimes?

Lying to Congress. Maybe we should just make that legal? Get rid of the law that says it’s illegal to lie to Congress. Might as well, right?
It was a perjury trap.. they had the emails

Prove it.
Are you saying Congress didn’t have the emails?
The lead juror misled the court to get a spot on the can anyone deny he is due a new trial?...The evil and angry lib media are salivating over an innocent man being sent to prison...someone has to stand for justice in this case...

Because he isn’t innocent. The evidence against him is overwhelming. If he gets another trial, he’s getting another conviction, so long as Barr doesn’t scuttle the whole thing for political reasons.
Mueller claimed to have "purviewed" Democrats saying their stuff that was irrelevant. That's a lie. Roger Stone had nothing to do with Russian collusion. Why was that not purviewed? Because he's a Trump supporter? That's exactly why. The Pendulum swings, Mr. Mueller. Either you purview all that has nothing to do with Russian Collusion or you don't. You aimed your hate-and-get Trump agitators at Trump, Trump's friend, Trumps' supporters, and your idiots wiped their boots all over Trump's family, yet YOU DIDN'T EVEN BOTHER YOURSELF ABOUT THE FINDINGS ON WHO STARTED THE LYING DOSSIER THAT SHOULD HAVE BEEN NAMED THE HILLARY CLINTON DOSSIER NOT THE STEEL DOSSIER.

Colfax, there are laws. If Clinton was out of Mueller's purview, so was Stone. You are not allowed to use the suit against one person to everyone he knows who is not in the least minor way guilty of colluding with Russia.

Hillary did collude with Russia and she did along with her boss, Barack Obama. The law says you can't use your office against your political rival. but they did, and Mudller did. All three of them ought to be behind bars for playing dirty politics.

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