Trump says he ‘will never concede’ and transition process has nothing to do with election result

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
I don't care if he concedes. Just get the fuck out of the way and if you have no interest in the job...then get the fuck out!
Time for Democrats to start turning the heat up on the Republicans who are enabling this BS and ignoring pandemic relief.
If only the baby boomers at the top of the Democratic party leadership could get out of their own way.

Its not like he needs to concede for the transition to go through but he's throwing one hell of a tantrum to please his base.
That's nice...


Its not like he needs to concede for the transition to go through but he's throwing one hell of a tantrum to please his base.

It's not for his base. It's for his pathetic arrested-development ego. The one that can't handle being a LOSER.

Its not like he needs to concede for the transition to go through but he's throwing one hell of a tantrum to please his base.
And us 74 million supporters won't let him concede.

Who cares as long as he's out of office and was voted out by 80 million people?

Its not like he needs to concede for the transition to go through but he's throwing one hell of a tantrum to please his base.
And us 74 million supporters won't let him concede.

Who cares as long as he's out of office and was voted out by 80 million people?
The investigation will continue despite your anxiousness to sweep all of the election tampering under the rug. We have to restore confidence in our election system which has been shredded by the Democrats.

The head of a government agency that helps presidential transitions said she was threatened because of a lack of ascertainment that Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden won the Nov. 3 election.

The General Services Administration (GSA) held off on ascertainment because there was no “clear winner” of the election, a spokesperson told The Epoch Times earlier this month. Administrator Emily Murphy informed Biden on Monday that some transition resources are available, including $7.3 million.

In the letter, Murphy defended her actions and revealed that she’d been threatened.

“I have dedicated much of my adult life to public service, and I have always strived to do what is right. Please know that I came to my decision independently, based on the law and available facts. I was never directly or indirectly pressured by any Executive Branch official—including those who work at the White House or GSA—with regard to the substance or timing of my decision,” Murphy wrote.

“To be clear, I did not receive any direction to delay my determination. I did, however, receive threats online, by phone, and by mail directed at my safety, my family, my staff, and even my pets in an effort to coerce me into making this determination prematurely. Even in the face of thousands of threats, I always remained committed to upholding the law.”

While Biden has declared victory in the election, litigation in battleground states is ongoing. The Epoch Times is not calling the race until the legal battles are resolved.

Its not like he needs to concede for the transition to go through but he's throwing one hell of a tantrum to please his base.
He’s also exhibiting his contempt for our democratic institutions and the will of the people.

Are you a thief in teal life.
Or do you just play one on the internet?

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