Trump responds to classified docs found@Biden private office:“When's the FBI going to raid the many homes of Joe Biden, perhaps even the White House?"


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
Trump is vindicated! VINDICATED! and he will be our next president. make Trump great again!


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When did the archives ask for the documents and how long did Biden refuse to give up said documents?
When did the archives ask for the documents and how long did Biden refuse to give up said documents?
Wait, the super secret nuke docs (all of that is made up commie propaganda) that Trump had was fine until the archives wanted them? So selling nuclear secrets (the left's explanation, not mine) was ok until the archives asked for them? Stay off the weed bro.
Wait, the super secret nuke docs (all of that is made up commie propaganda) that Trump had was fine until the archives wanted them? So selling nuclear secrets (the left's explanation, not mine) was ok until the archives asked for them? Stay off the weed bro.
I suppose it is ok if they don't mind. I figured yous guys would be defending Biden like yous did Trump.
I suppose it is ok if they don't mind. I figured yous guys would be defending Biden like yous did Trump.
Not after how he was treated, you guys are the ones that love to raid and violate peoples privacy and civil rights......
The documents were found today.

Classified documents from when Biden was VP are found in HIS think tank's Washington office: Ten files were found six days BEFORE midterms - but Department of Justice investigation has only just been made public​

  • Files found at the Penn Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement
  • The Washington D.C. think tank office is a mile away from the White House
  • Folders containing the classified documents were said to be in a locked closet
  • Merrick Garland has asked U.S. attorney in Chicago to review the 10 documents
Biden said of the Trump documents:
"'How that could possibly happen? How anyone could be that irresponsible, and it just — totally irresponsible'."

White House special counsel said in a statement on Monday: 'The White House is cooperating with the National Archives and the Department of Justice regarding the discovery of what appear to be Obama-Biden admin records, including a small number of documents with classified markings'.

Prediction...SUDDENLY, the media and dems will claim that the Pres/VP have the right to determine what is classified and what is not...and it is no big deal for the Pres/VP to retain copies of documents from their time in office in UNSECURED locations.
Trump is vindicated! VINDICATED! and he will be our next president. make Trump great again!



It was Biden's lawyers who informed the National Archives that there were classified documents. They are working with investigators.

The New York Post is hardly unbiased.
This whole thing is stupid.

Did Biden refuse the return? No.
Did Bidien refuse to cooperate with the Justice Department? No
Is Classified always Secret or Top Secret? No.

These were discovered by the Biden Camp. They could easily have snuck them back into the white house but didn't. There is a problem here but, unlike the criminal rump, it just shows that a prevention needs to be done.

Okay, Republicans, you own the House. It's time for you to stop with the criminalality of all this and get to business. It's time to stop with spending all your time trying to bury the "Other Side". That's not what you are paid to do.
Is Classified always Secret or Top Secret? No.

The classified materials included some top-secret files with the “sensitive compartmented information” designation, also known as SCI, which is used for highly sensitive information obtained from intelligence sources.

(According to CNN, that's key words for nuclear codes, LOL)
:eek: 💥:FIREdevil:


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