trump responded to Garland's statement about the warrant

Obama did far worse than that.

"The Obama administration itself engaged in the wholesale destruction and “loss” of tens of thousands of government records covered under the act as well as the intentional evasion of the government records recording system by engaging in private email exchanges. So far, former President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Attorney General Lynch and several EPA officials have been named as offenders. The IRS suffered record “losses” as well. Former federal prosecutor Andrew McCarthy called it “an unauthorized private communications system for official business for the patent purpose of defeating federal record-keeping and disclosure laws.”
Pathetic Obama whataboutism will not help you or the orange pile.
Funny you bring that up. We have had several shared password accounts on this board over the years. I thought I was the only one that noticed that .
O No, my friend.
Not only that, but Jim is up in the top 2 or 3 for STUPID OF FOREVER AWARD.
So Obama is stupid?

How about Hillary? Is she stupid too, for running an unsecure server in her house, erasing 30-something thousand emails, and destroying all those cell phones and sim cards?
Don't even waste your time, they are impossibly fucking stupid and hopefully most of them will be dead over the course of the winter, they think they are on the team, there is no evil fucking thing/tactic they will not embrace, a very special place for such animals awaits them. Just advise them to Booster Up as often as they can, and let Gates and Fauci kill them off for us....:wink:
I can feel it in the air that RWer is consulting with his Democrat Club leader right now.
It embarrasses itself. 🤷

"I continue to ask, what happened to the 33 Million pages of documents taken to Chicago by President Obama?" Trump raged on his social media site. "The Fake News Media refuses to talk about that. They want it CANCELED!"
It embarrasses itself. 🤷

"I continue to ask, what happened to the 33 Million pages of documents taken to Chicago by President Obama?" Trump raged on his social media site. "The Fake News Media refuses to talk about that. They want it CANCELED!"
It’s actually a perfectly reasonable question.
O No, my friend.
Not only that, but Jim is up in the top 2 or 3 for STUPID OF FOREVER AWARD.
They have all been pretty stupid. One min you are talking to a poster that can post coherently…next min a poster that acts like english is foreign to them. One min…you are talking to a male…later they start posting like a woman.

I’m surprised mods allow it…well…actually I’m really not. 😗
They have all been pretty stupid. One min you are talking to a poster that can post coherently…next min a poster that acts like english is foreign to them. One min…you are talking to a male…later they start posting like a woman.

I’m surprised mods allow it…well…actually I’m really not. 😗
They're a bunch of wimps in real life; I've made every LibTard I ever met face to face walk away in shame.
When they start blurting out bullshit ask them if you can video them.
They're a bunch of wimps in real life; I've made every LibTard I ever met face to face walk away in shame.
When they start blurting out bullshit ask them if you can video them.
Yeah… doubt that would have worked on a message board on posters that share the same account.
So Obama is stupid?

How about Hillary? Is she stupid too, for running an unsecure server in her house, erasing 30-something thousand emails, and destroying all those cell phones and sim cards?
That puts Trump where?
Don't even waste your time, they are impossibly fucking stupid and hopefully most of them will be dead over the course of the winter, they think they are on the team, there is no evil fucking thing/tactic they will not embrace, a very special place for such animals awaits them. Just advise them to Booster Up as often as they can, and let Gates and Fauci kill them off for us....:wink:
I guess the Hayward militia fools go right along with that. Are you still making threats?

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