Trump Rallies Eerily Resemble Twilight Zone Hitler Episode


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Patriotism. Love of country. White people being discriminated.
All things you might hear at a Trump rally.
Compliments of Adolph Hitler.

Forgetting the fictional episodes of the Twilight Zone, let's talk Trump and by extension, his followers and Republicans in general.
You listed Patriotism, nationalism, love of country and discrimination.
First: Patriotism.
1. Are Indians patriotic about their nation of India? Of course they are. Gandhi was patriotic about his nation, India.
2. Are Russians patriotic about Russia? Of course they are. Stalin was patriotic. Putin is patriotic.
3. Are Brazilians patriotic about Brazil? Of course they are.
4. Are the Chinese patriotic regarding their nation of China? Of course, most are.
No matter what nation you live in, the citizens tend to be quite patriotic. This includes the United States.
Second: Nationalism.
There's nothing wrong with having and protecting your own nation. It's been that way since nation states were created. Nationalism is similar to patriotism. You've created a land in which people with similar beliefs have joined to be part of a land of those with like ideas.
In Islamic nations, they are joined by the same beliefs in religion and its tenets. In the United States, it has the concept of individualism, self-determination and freedom. Whether you look at Gandhi, Castro, Mao Zedong, Napoleon, Kennedy, Putin, Churchill or other leaders, they were all nationalists in their own way.
Third: Love of country.
It would make no sense to reside in a nation you hate. If you hate the nation you are in, seek out a nation that better fits your ideology and move to it. No nation is perfect. All nations had slavery and most had wars. The United States, however, is the only one that had a major war to end slavery as well as has admitted its historical mistakes and has always worked to improve itself. Millions have fled other nations to live under our Constitution and work free without much government interference. Basically, there is nothing wrong with loving your nation, as all nations are imperfect, you can only seek to improve it.
Fourth: Discrimination.
Racism and discrimination exists EVERYWHERE on this planet. I've travelled all over and have seen it. All anyone can do is treat others the way they would want to be treated. That's all I have to say on the matter.
Patriotism. Love of country. White people being discriminated.
All things you might hear at a Trump rally.
Compliments of Adolph Hitler.

And people wonder why hate crimes went up 300% during trump's watch. He poured gas on the flames.
Trump first asked supporters to “do a pledge” during a rally in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday, where he raised his right hand and told the crowd, “Everybody – who likes me in this room? Okay, I’ve never done this before, can I have a pledge – a swearing – raise your right hand.

I do solemnly swear that I, no matter how I feel, no matter what the conditions, if there’s hurricanes or whatever will vote for you on or before the 12th for Donald J. Trump for president. Thank you. Now I know. Don’t forget you all raised your hand. You swore. Bad things happen if you don’t live up to what you just did. Naw, I really appreciate it.”

Trump asked attendees at a rally in North Carolina on Monday to raise their right hands for a similar pledge. He also had plainclothes private intelligence officers on hand to search for protestors, as well as extended barriers to cordon off the media and prevent them from entering the crowd to document protests and scuffles.

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