Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

A decision which the court hailed as the "law of the land". Reagan was prez at the time and should have called them on that.

NO! They ruled the law being challenged was the law of the land. The Judicial Branch of government doesn't write laws. That's the job of the Legislative Branch.

Come on...surely they teach this stuff in Russian propaganda farms.
Ginsburg should be forced to retire right now since Vermouth Ruth is a falling down drunk. Everyone has seen that pic of her collapsing at the obozo inauguration a few years back.

Axios: Trump Predicts He'll Appoint 4 Supreme Court Justices in First Term

oct 15 2017 President Donald Trump predicted he would appoint a total of four Supreme Court justices by the end of his first term, Axios reported Sunday.

Sources who had spoken to the president about the possibility told the online news media company it was "all about the numbers for him."

One source said Trump mentioned he had already replaced the seat left vacant when Antonin Scalia died early last year, nominating Neil Gorsuch to the position. When asked who the second justice he thought would leave, Trump mentioned rumors Justice Anthony Kennedy would retire.

The third justice the president thought would leave was Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, according to the source.

"Ginsburg," Trump reportedly said. "What does she weigh? Sixty pounds?" And the fourth justice Trump predicted would leave the Supreme Court was Justice Sonia Sotomayor.

"Her health," Trump explained. "No good. Diabetes."
There is a very good chance he will nominate 3...
The SC doesn't write laws. If you believe that, you don't know shit.

You mean they didn't tell DumBama that if they considered the healthcare insurance penalties a fine instead of a tax. it was purely constitutional even though they never changed the wording to a tax?
If Trump can get just two in there, i'll be completely satisfied. Control of the Supreme Court is the #1 reason i supported him. The courts are running the show now. I mean, imagine if Clinton had won? She was all set to emulate her hero Merkel in Germany. She was gonna open the border flood gates. She would have stacked the Court with Left/Globalist extremists.

I honestly thank the Lord every day Trump won. He does have many faults, but the alternative would have been so much worse. If he gets just two Justices, it'll make it 6-3 against the Globalists. If he gets three Justices, it'll make it 7-2. And that means Game Over for the Democrats/Globalists for many years to come. So i'll settle for a couple Justices, but Lord i do pray he gets more.

And just think: what if Trump is reelected????? :banana::banana::banana:
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.

The biggest threat to liberty is the Republican and Democrat parties.

Oh, that and complete and utter ignorance from a large section of the voters, but then this is, in part, due to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the system that keeps them in place.
And? Supposedly, they are picking "constitutionalists" who don't decide along party lines (yeah, sure you are McConnell) ... if so, what's the problem? Surely judges aren't influenced by petty politics, right?
And? Supposedly, they are picking "constitutionalists" who don't decide along party lines (yeah, sure you are McConnell) ... if so, what's the problem? Surely judges aren't influenced by petty politics, right?

This is another problem with the way the US system works. It's luck of the draw. Come on, this is 2017 not 1326.

The US has a completely out of date system that doesn't represent the people in any way, and allows the rich to get whatever they want.
And? Supposedly, they are picking "constitutionalists" who don't decide along party lines (yeah, sure you are McConnell) ... if so, what's the problem? Surely judges aren't influenced by petty politics, right?

This is another problem with the way the US system works. It's luck of the draw. Come on, this is 2017 not 1326.

The US has a completely out of date system that doesn't represent the people in any way, and allows the rich to get whatever they want.

This is the way it's always been here. Ever read The Jungle? If anything it was even worse before. The little man today lives like a king in comparison. The little man in the early 20th century got absolutely dicked by the rich, so hard that to read about it makes your eyes bleed. In other words, some things never change.
And? Supposedly, they are picking "constitutionalists" who don't decide along party lines (yeah, sure you are McConnell) ... if so, what's the problem? Surely judges aren't influenced by petty politics, right?

This is another problem with the way the US system works. It's luck of the draw. Come on, this is 2017 not 1326.

The US has a completely out of date system that doesn't represent the people in any way, and allows the rich to get whatever they want.

This is the way it's always been here. Ever read The Jungle? If anything it was even worse before. The little man today lives like a king in comparison. The little man in the early 20th century got absolutely dicked by the rich, so hard that to read about it makes your eyes bleed. In other words, some things never change.

I've not read that, but yes, people have always been taken over by the rich. However what has changed is the people gained more power, only to then give it back to the rich. Go figure.
And? Supposedly, they are picking "constitutionalists" who don't decide along party lines (yeah, sure you are McConnell) ... if so, what's the problem? Surely judges aren't influenced by petty politics, right?

This is another problem with the way the US system works. It's luck of the draw. Come on, this is 2017 not 1326.

The US has a completely out of date system that doesn't represent the people in any way, and allows the rich to get whatever they want.

This is the way it's always been here. Ever read The Jungle? If anything it was even worse before. The little man today lives like a king in comparison. The little man in the early 20th century got absolutely dicked by the rich, so hard that to read about it makes your eyes bleed. In other words, some things never change.

I've not read that, but yes, people have always been taken over by the rich. However what has changed is the people gained more power, only to then give it back to the rich. Go figure.

I would suggest you go read it, but ... honestly it is pretty much the most effective horror/tragedy I've ever read (or seen, for that matter). I was depressed for days just from reading that goddamned book. So yes, informative, but completely unenjoyable. It took me months to read it. By comparison, I read War and Peace in about a week and a half.
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.

The biggest threat to liberty is the Republican and Democrat parties.

Oh, that and complete and utter ignorance from a large section of the voters, but then this is, in part, due to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the system that keeps them in place.

There is no "system." Parties are capable of forming and being part of our election process. In fact, many on the left blame the third party for Hillary's defeat.

However, most voters do not vote third party. That's not a system, that's a choice people make.
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.

The biggest threat to liberty is the Republican and Democrat parties.

Oh, that and complete and utter ignorance from a large section of the voters, but then this is, in part, due to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the system that keeps them in place.

There is no "system." Parties are capable of forming and being part of our election process. In fact, many on the left blame the third party for Hillary's defeat.

However, most voters do not vote third party. That's not a system, that's a choice people make.

You know who was responsible for Hillary's defeat? Hillary Clinton. If she was a good candidate, Johnson and Stein wouldn't have had votes.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it had to be said. I am so sick of Clinton blaming everyone else for her failure. To their credit, few liberals are buying it.

Now if we could only get the Trump supporters to STFU about Clinton (who is totally irrelevant now), then we'd be going places.
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.

The biggest threat to liberty is the Republican and Democrat parties.

Oh, that and complete and utter ignorance from a large section of the voters, but then this is, in part, due to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the system that keeps them in place.

There is no "system." Parties are capable of forming and being part of our election process. In fact, many on the left blame the third party for Hillary's defeat.

However, most voters do not vote third party. That's not a system, that's a choice people make.

You know who was responsible for Hillary's defeat? Hillary Clinton. If she was a good candidate, Johnson and Stein wouldn't have had votes.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it had to be said. I am so sick of Clinton blaming everyone else for her failure. To their credit, few liberals are buying it.

Now if we could only get the Trump supporters to STFU about Clinton (who is totally irrelevant now), then we'd be going places.

Correct, but one of the traits people like about Trump is his aggressiveness to people that attack him first. Hil-liar recently stated that we have a sexual predator in the White House. Trump has every right to point out that the biggest sexual predator to occupy the White House was her husband......who she defended.

If you leave Trump alone, he will leave you alone. If you try to hit Trump, Trump will hit back twice as hard. And I applaud his responses.
This wouldn't even matter if we would follow the constitution and NOT let judges write laws. But we do allow that and that's why supreme court judges run the country.

The two largest threats to our liberty are life-long appointed judges and bureaucrats. That's because neither are held accountable for their actions.

The biggest threat to liberty is the Republican and Democrat parties.

Oh, that and complete and utter ignorance from a large section of the voters, but then this is, in part, due to the Republican and Democratic Parties and the system that keeps them in place.

There is no "system." Parties are capable of forming and being part of our election process. In fact, many on the left blame the third party for Hillary's defeat.

However, most voters do not vote third party. That's not a system, that's a choice people make.

You know who was responsible for Hillary's defeat? Hillary Clinton. If she was a good candidate, Johnson and Stein wouldn't have had votes.

I know I'm preaching to the choir, but it had to be said. I am so sick of Clinton blaming everyone else for her failure. To their credit, few liberals are buying it.

Now if we could only get the Trump supporters to STFU about Clinton (who is totally irrelevant now), then we'd be going places.

Correct, but one of the traits people like about Trump is his aggressiveness to people that attack him first. Hil-liar recently stated that we have a sexual predator in the White House. Trump has every right to point out that the biggest sexual predator to occupy the White House was her husband......who she defended.

If you leave Trump alone, he will leave you alone. If you try to hit Trump, Trump will hit back twice as hard. And I applaud his responses.

It depends on your priorities. Trump frequently distracts from his own agenda whenever he goes on some silly tirade against the NFL or starts feuding with someone on Twitter. If all you care about is sticking it to the liberals, then by all means, "hit back". If you care more about making a real difference, maybe just let the petty stuff slide off and stop derailing the conversation into these ridiculous tangents and childish keyboard commando brawls.

I think it prudent to point out that most people don't follow politics as closely as you or I (not that I'm an expert, but I read or write about this stuff almost every day, which is far more than most people do). When Trump starts talking about how other presidents didn't call or write the families of fallen soldiers, of course the press is going to run with that and distract from all the reasonable things he said. It's called shooting yourself in the foot, and Trump is a master at it. And that's not even mentioning some of his Twitter foolishness. That might be all your casual observer hears about, it having crowded out more serious conversations about taxes or healthcare. These are unforced errors that HURT the president. They are not helping him!
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