Trump Needs to Concede and Put All Resources into the Georgia Senate Races

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
Las Vegas, Nevada
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
Trump can do both

and he should
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.

He won't concede and it won't help if he did, it would make it worse.

The Dems are spending hundreds of millions, it's going to be a Dem WH, Senate and House. There is going to be a rapid selling off to China and increased debt, It's going to be fabulous news for President Xi. He's probably been drunk since Tuesday.

The only question is, how many trillions will Nancy get to send to Cali and NY? That's the only thing being decided at this point. Hey, most Canadians are loving this, they think they are going to get a piece of this pie too.
First off, his ego won't allow it. Second, he doesn't care about the Republican party. Only himself. Third, these two races will be run offs. While I'd love to see Kelly Loeffler get sent packing, given the make up of voting population in GA that will vote in these run offs, they're probably safe in the Republican column. Democrats best chance to pick up seats were in NC (Tillis), ME (Collins), IA (Ernst), and yes believe it or not, SC (Graham). And that didn't materialize.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.

That assumes that Trump gives a shit about anything other than himself.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.
Trump can do both

and he should
Yep. Gore never conceded. Why should Trump? Democrats set the standard in 2000 now want to cry foul. They can suck it.
First off, his ego won't allow it. Second, he doesn't care about the Republican party. Only himself. Third, these two races will be run offs. While I'd love to see Kelly Loeffler get sent packing, given the make up of voting population in GA that will vote in these run offs, they're probably safe in the Republican column. Democrats best chance to pick up seats were in NC (Tillis), ME (Collins), IA (Ernst), and yes believe it or not, SC (Graham). And that didn't materialize.
The election is NOT over no matter what the MSM propaganda machine is spewing.
1. Democrats broke election laws, and there needs to be remedies
2. The valid military and provisional ballots need to be counted
3. The courts will decide who wins, and then the state legislatures need to agree with the courts, or not.
His base will say no because they believe they were cheated and the rest will agree he should admit the reality but he will not...

Trump will fight it out until there is no other Avenue for him and then he will be forced to leave...

Trump should consider starting his own Media Empire and Political Party and run again in 2024 against Harris...
First off, his ego won't allow it. Second, he doesn't care about the Republican party. Only himself. Third, these two races will be run offs. While I'd love to see Kelly Loeffler get sent packing, given the make up of voting population in GA that will vote in these run offs, they're probably safe in the Republican column. Democrats best chance to pick up seats were in NC (Tillis), ME (Collins), IA (Ernst), and yes believe it or not, SC (Graham). And that didn't materialize.
You mean the Republican Party didn't care about him, or standing up to China. Trump conceding doesn't help a f'king thing. Not one difference, in fact, it would just piss off his voters even more.

Paul Ryan, John McCain, Mitt Romney, THESE are the people you think are fighters for your Republic?

You've become like Canada and many other shyteholes they have in Europe, a few lazy rats want to control the message and they don't give a F WHAT they destroy to obtain it.

It's been disgusting to watch the last four years. Will anyone care the next four after, when they say "see you stupid F's we warned you!"

Hey what do I know, I'm some dumb Canadian. I've been warning you guys for 3 years since the elevation of AOC and her team.

Venezuela, here we come!
Trump's recent press conference:

I wonder why we even bothered about voting with all these dishonest asshole Democrats in charge of vote counting in the big city shitholes. Without Trump having an overwhelming majority like we had here in Florida then there was no way he could win. They were always going to come up with enough fraudulent votes in any close race.

They have stolen our country so they can make it a Socialist shithole. Socialist have always used either force or fraud to take over a country. We are going to have to shoot our way out of this.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party

Come on, you know he is not about caring about anything but his own narrow interests.

If he was younger he may do something to start planting seeds for 2024 run, but he is done.
His base will say no because they believe they were cheated and the rest will agree he should admit the reality but he will not...

Trump will fight it out until there is no other Avenue for him and then he will be forced to leave...

Trump should consider starting his own Media Empire and Political Party and run again in 2024 against Harris...
Georgia is doing a recount and they still have Military votes to count.
His base will say no because they believe they were cheated and the rest will agree he should admit the reality but he will not...

Trump will fight it out until there is no other Avenue for him and then he will be forced to leave...

Trump should consider starting his own Media Empire and Political Party and run again in 2024 against Harris...
He should since almost all his tweet are remove for twitter.
If Trump truly cared about the Republican Party he would concede what is a very obvious loss at this point and redirect all efforts into the two Georgia Senate races which will head to run offs. The one saving grace for the Republicans is the appearance of them keeping control of the Senate and thwarting a left wing agenda. If they lose those two seats Schumer gets control. Instead of wasting millions on legal challenges that are ultimately going to fail, Trump should be redirecting that money to those two contests and encouraging his supporters to do the same. I have little faith this will happen, however. The man is too much of a self absorbed narcissist.


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